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Status Replies posted by trisonic

  1. The best thing I purchased in the last ten years is my electronic Panasonic Pencil Sharpener...

  2. Are you a drinker of lattays or lartays?

  3. Are you a drinker of lattays or lartays?

  4. 31 hours on a plane! I'd rather take the boat.

  5. was discussing the difficulties encountered with a tent on a recent campng holiday with a friend when a complete stranger offers to sell me a tablet that will solve all my problems....

  6. How much to hire a limo for the lads prom.Daylight robbery.

  7. How much to hire a limo for the lads prom.Daylight robbery.

  8. Going for a walk - I think I'll be hard boiled when I return.

  9. Come on George Osborne. Don't let your Northern Powerhouse become the Northern Powercut.

  10. Real life is not a Hollywood cowboy film.

  11. Ban on all outside fires in the province of BC just been issued.

  12. Come on George Osborne. Don't let your Northern Powerhouse become the Northern Powercut.

  13. Come on George Osborne. Don't let your Northern Powerhouse become the Northern Powercut.

  14. Come on George Osborne. Don't let your Northern Powerhouse become the Northern Powercut.

  15. Happy Canada Day!

  16. London is only 1 degree cooler than New Jersey! Is this a record?

  17. is not looking forward to this week's heatwave, and is now looking for an excuse not to be in the non-airconditioned office :-(

  18. Cologne passenger trains and some electric coal railways from Germany - from last summer - of interest ?

  19. Getting up at 04:55 just to photograph a train seems reasonable to me, well on second thoughts maybe a bit mad, on third thoughts definitely mad.

  20. Nice one! Just hanging around at Cardiff Central waiting for a train and Tangmere comes through light engine! Steam, smoke, smell, general looks of delight everywhere.

  21. Getting to about 5 months and I cant find my order email from Ultrascale, hope I did actually do it.

  22. Bye Sepp - close the door on your way out

  23. Evidence shows it only takes 21 minutes to create a door-handle.

  24. Of all the strange things to injure oneself on - a recoiling tape measure just sliced my finger rather harshly!

  25. non-destructive earthquake in Kent! All over the news, must be serious! Some people were woken up in the night! News anchor has just said 'from all the people we've spoken to it sounds scary'.....seriously? Lets ask the people of Nepal for help!

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