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Status Replies posted by trisonic

  1. In France, criminals were once put to death with the gelatine.

  2. Just seen Captain kernow on channel 5!

  3. Who is the mysterious Man from Purbeck?

  4. Who is the mysterious Man from Purbeck?

  5. A male supermarket worker accidentally bumped into me in the store earlier, he apologised and now I'm his mate. How gratifying to be able to make friends so quickly and easily.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to RMwebbers in the States. Have a great holiday.

  7. like a rubber ball I'll keep bouncing back to here

  8. HELP!!!! Morris dancers!!!

  9. would anyone be willing to make me a 3-way left hand curved code 100 point?

  10. Please do not put the the F1 Grands Prix result in this section. There is a specific thread on F1.

  11. Please do not put the the F1 Grands Prix result in this section. There is a specific thread on F1.

  12. At last have got the layout up and running and the new boards are wired up,now i can run loco's round to the new bigger fiddle yard and it all works!

  13. I'm beginning to regret the focus on sausages, if it gets in the way of securing orders for the new Kemble book, which is raising money for a worthy charity - http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/91415-new-book-on-kemble-line

  14. I'm beginning to regret the focus on sausages, if it gets in the way of securing orders for the new Kemble book, which is raising money for a worthy charity - http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/91415-new-book-on-kemble-line

  15. I'm beginning to regret the focus on sausages, if it gets in the way of securing orders for the new Kemble book, which is raising money for a worthy charity - http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/91415-new-book-on-kemble-line

  16. People out of time: I remember being driven in London in the mid-fifties by my parents and seeing a man with very long hair dressed as per what we would term as a hippy in 1968. Anyone else remember seeing such people?

  17. People out of time: I remember being driven in London in the mid-fifties by my parents and seeing a man with very long hair dressed as per what we would term as a hippy in 1968. Anyone else remember seeing such people?

  18. the bloke who nicked my ipod actually got a 4 week suspended sentence TO BE ADDED to the existing 8 week one he was already serving for the commiting the same crime on someone else, absolute joke!!

  19. New prosthetic boot is finished, now learning to walk proper again

  20. Sorry for the downtime this evening; the internet was full.

  21. Been for me morning walk with the hot sun searing down on my neck. Walkers are out in tee shirts and there is a perfect rainbow over the wind farm out to sea. Are we really moving the clocks to wintertime tonight? Unbelievable

  22. What a great new Take That song!

  23. Yay, we're back!

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