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Everything posted by Lochnagar

  1. Brushing acrylic doesn't work well as it doesn't level out it's too thick. Spraying is much better and it's thinned with railmatch acrylic thinners for spray use. The bonus is touch dry in a minute or two, remaskable within an hour or so, and hardly any smell. Give it a go it's the way forward, no messing about cleaning up the airbrush and assoc equipment, just use water! No difference in price, just the amount of time/hassle/pollution it saves is a no brainer for me.
  2. Thanks, Yes both the 08 and 70 are total strip and resprays. Transfers are from Precision decals, and DBS paint is railmatch acrylic. Colas paint is acrylic I had mixed up specially as I don't use enamel anymore for health reasons.
  3. Meadow Lane will be appearing at the SVMRC show at Loughborough university on the 6th and 7th of September. Along with my trade stand where they'll be some items up for grabs Hope to see some of you there, set to be a good show.
  4. A quick photo update from the Nottingham show, long overdue. The Colas 70 and DBS 08 went down well with lots of comments. The lettering on the 70 has since been redone using Johnsons Klear as the carrier film started to show through. . can't have that! I stumbled across the 56 photo on Flickr, very nice so though i'd share it too. Anyway, hope you like.
  5. Pretty much, the 70 is one of the most difficult things out there to repaint. Easily takes twice as long as anything else to do, mostly in prep work. Colas livery doesn't help matters either!
  6. Have a look in the latest Rail Express to see my 70805, or 70801 on the Colas 70 thread on here. But heres a pic of some others I did for Colas. . 70802/3 and 4. Safe to say I don't plan on doing anymore for a good long while as they're a real pig to respray and prep!
  7. Yep, layout will be at Nottingham show. . along with some new locos and stock. The plan is to run the two different periods due to an influx of new 'toys' in both eras. Although I haven't decided weather to have one era per day or swap over midday on both days so folks get to see both if they want to. Anyway we shall see. . Looking forward to giving the Colas 70 it's first outing
  8. The one I've tested so far seemed to be quite happy after an evenings running at the club, assuming it's insulating oil.
  9. Very nice Brian. Safe to say I've ordered a triple grey one for starters! They'll benefit massively from Shawplan bodyside grilles as the factory ones are recessed. Unless Heljan are going to tweak it of course (understand this is a pre-production model).
  10. Probably, can't find any software to make one without resorting to hand drawn which is a bit rubbish. I have a mac and it's proving difficult to do properly!
  11. Oh right that's cool, hope they've gone down well! The original plan was to make 10, but time didn't allow. Guessing they'll end up on display in offices though. If I get a quiet period in the next few months I might make a couple for sale. But to be honest painting these 5 and all the associated work is more than enough! You never know some nice Colas person might let you have one lol
  12. I'll pop over and see what you've been up to then! Going to Stafford on the saturday. Next year I'll be there with Meadow Lane which will be good, it's a great show I always enjoy it.
  13. Just going back to the Colas 70s for a mo. . thought I'd share this quick shot with you before they're collected today. Still got my model to do though, 70805. Funny how your own stuff always gets shoved to the back of the queue! I've corrected the position of the lettering on these models, painted the lower triangular cowls black, and done a better job of the new air intake boxes.
  14. Hopefully next week when I've got some play time!
  15. Hi Andi, No I made it up from plasticard and etched mesh. Not 100% correct but it looks alright. I imagine Brian might make one though. Thanks for the comment! I think so too! Alex
  16. Funnily enough the two windows that came out intact were the last two removed, after I'd had the replacements commissioned by Brian. So I was really rough with them and gave them a good careless shove through with the idea of breaking them. they just popped out!
  17. Yes it should, not noticed that! Would appear these have been painted after the information I had. The branding position has altered very slightly to the left too by one letter, presumably to remove the distortion from the letter G over the main panel gaps. The H being better suited to the irregular surface.
  18. Yes that'd be good, I'll add those later as and when! Surprised 803/5 have appeared first, but hey ho. The extra air/cooling intake will no doubt appear from Shawplan in due course, as it's an essential for repaints unless you scratch build a pair. Also, for those looking to repaint a 70 . . theres a very high chance the windscreen will shatter or crack on removal. Out of 5 models I stripped down, only two screens came out intact no matter what I did, glue remover and much faffing about etc. So I gave Brian @ Shawplan a spare cab and he's now made some lazerglaze windscreens for those of us who encounter this problem. They fit spot on and look better than the originals. Simply push fit from the outside, no glue required.
  19. Slightly off topic, but. . thought some of you might like to see this
  20. Thanks. Yes still working on trackplan, will be up by xmas as will pics, it's due another running session as theres a few new locos to play with. I have a fair bit of BR blue stock, but the majority allowed onto Meadow Lane will be of the run down BR 'banger blue' variety as was commonplace in the early '90s.
  21. Indeed it will, no worries. As long as you look after my new baby lol! I'm amazed how popular it's been, particularly at Warley.
  22. Just a quick update in the form of a DB Schenker class 08 which I thought some would like to see. Obviously not for the main period of the layout but nonetheless it'll be more than useful when we run Meadow Lane in it's more modern guise. I was going to take some pics of it running on the layout but it's too cold for the garage today! Anyway, hope you like
  23. Very nice indeed, but that etched grille is terrible. The moulded plastic one is far superior. if it's not corrected before release, Shawplan is going to make a fortune!!
  24. 504 is the minimum production quantity of any Bachmann loco. So they won't be around long I'm guessing. Still not received mine, can't get in touch with the shop either after many calls. At the risk of being a moaning so and so, I'm not impressed with LT museum shop at all, this whole order has been a pain in the rear end for me unfortunately! Have to keep trying in the hope someone picks up the phone.
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