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Everything posted by lmsforever

  1. I will keep on with my point of view on this project(we still live in a democracy) and yes like a broken record hard luck if you don't like my point of view .If the Chiltern was quadrupled we would still have our current station stops and a decent service also have a good look at the booklets etc produced by HS2 the footprint is wide and the noise levels high close to with levels of noise very high a good distance from the line.I wonder how many of you have been to a roadshow?
  2. Yes I do use the local transport infrastructure ,my point is why if we are going to sacrifice so much for this line cant we have a parkway station somewhere in Bucks?They put them on the TGV lines out of Paris but we don't put up barricades and burn lorries etc ,instead we go through the rule of law which is our right.I still have to be convinced as to the actual viability of the project ,I went to the local roadshow and collected the excellent booklets etc so have a full appreciation of what,s being proposed . In the August Modern Railways there is an article stating a Pendolino is faster than HS2 to Edinborough so why build a new line.Virgin are working towards 135mph on parts of the WCML so this will provide services that actualy call at existing stations and provide connections.Chris Gibb of Virgin has already stated that there is capacity on the WCML (check MR)so why waste our precious money on HS2 .
  3. We would not object to four tracking of the Chiltern route as we can actualy use the services and maybe stringing the wires up as well will bring real benefits to the area and take a lot of cars off surrounding roads.Whats the point of a rail service that only a few well off people can use when there are perfectly good services at reasonable prices available now that are crying out for more trains and upgraded stations .I suggest that some of the pro people on this site come and have a look at what this line will destroy with no benefit to the communities it will pass through.
  4. They will fight on ,the feeling against HS2 is very strong along the route its far to costly for the returns.
  5. The road surface looks good ,but if it was in horse and cart days there would be a mud surface with ruts no cobbles and the occasional pile of horses do do!
  6. Boris Island is an acceptable alternative to grabbing land from around Heathrow ,but if they build it I bet the air lobby will start quoting amazing figures for growth so as to double its size immediately its built.When the M40 was being planned a lobby group kept promoting the rail route as an alternative citing container trains ,more passenger and increased services to all points north,but the DFT swept their comments aside and ploughed on with motorway (which I do use to go north as it is quicker) sadly roads win all the time.Recently the noise level studies have been questioned and it seems as though a wider area will be affected by the trains so this another nail in its coffin.Whats wrong with losing a couple of trains per hour to provide a station in the Chilterns ,they are planning an amazing number per hour which will only a few will have more than a couple of hundred passengers on board.A service pattern of half a dozen each way per hour is more than satisfactory considering that businesses are discouraging unnecsary expenditure by execs.The DFT is clutching at straws in the execution of the project and is putting out some very dubious statements on the viability of this proposed line ,lets hope sense will prevail .
  7. Should have read (language) old age is getting to me.
  8. Just acquired a GW short starter signal arm for nothing ,and I don't even model GW its sitting in my shed not sure what to do with it,
  9. All this talk of food is making me hungry ,had a KFC dinnertime on spur of the moment ,wish it was a steak!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. If you ha vent enough room for the Midland lines how about building them in "N" gauge in the spare bedroom ?
  11. Totaly agree about lack of railway knowledge amongst the staff of HS2,I went to a local road show and they didnt have a clue about the actual running of the line nor could they answer my queries as to why they didnt follow the A40.It was all men in suits and slick pr try to bind us with figures and science.
  12. Five thumbs printing,cylinders of gas ,you never know there might be silly nerds staying in the caravans!
  13. Dont forget the wooden landings that people put around their statics ,the cylinerds for gas should be red as they are all year round ones,are you going to put a small club house up as well?
  14. The crossing at Thatcham is a busy one I often used to get caught there on a daily basis when I worked ,I did not mind as I was interested in what was on the railway.The looks on other peoples faces were a picture they obviously felt affronted because of being held up by a train! Luckily in our local area we only have one crossing and that seems to be respected and its on a single line and is well sighted.
  15. Found a pub near were I live that stocks Doombar so if I drink it regularily will be an honoury SWAG ?
  16. Always liked the Doors good band ,also your doors look good.
  17. I seem to remember the camp site on Guernsey had everything prepared when we arrived bell tents and straw filled mattresses ,we cooked over a camp fire remember this was the fifties and comforts were not recognised in the boy scouts then.Enjoyed traveling around on the small buses on the island ,most days we did our own thing providing we could convince Skip that it was related to scouting! Coming back I was amazed at the veg being loaded on the ship for England and crates of tomatoes as we didnt see quantaties like that at home,the ship was not very nice I seem to remember smelly and dirty and horrible food.
  18. Boris island would be great but as already said a certain ship could cause a small problem,evidently certain items are degrading and could be near to exploding,removal would be the only way an airport could happen.
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