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Everything posted by lmsforever

  1. Brilliant layout you are are an excellent modeler and obviously know your chosen area very well,the attention to detail ,quality details and the rolling stock is great,keep up the good work.
  2. Layout looking good coaches excellent,hope the house comes good house buying is a very stressful business.
  3. Great layout you sould realy try and find low calorie pasties ,pleased to see ametion of John Greenwood he used to live in my part of the world his layouts always were superb with great detail.Packing up after a show I think is the worst part of the event you always seem to find something is not were it should be.Keep up the good work and enjoy your pasties..
  4. Bird and Brat gone down hill a bit I used to deliver fish there went through many landlords not in a good position in Oxford. Chris
  5. Glad all is going well,will Rannoch be at Glasgow next year as I am saving my pennies for a ticket on Mr Bransons train set his fares even advance are getting expensiveIs Linlithgow a nice part of the world? Chris..
  6. Watching a programe starring Rory Bremner tonight he was sat with a chap called Paddy supposed to be in the north,but passing in the background ,a Southern emu typical tv.
  7. Dont worry the BBC is crap over hear in UK lots of repeats
  8. Now the consultants have slapped a massive bill onto the cost,but the council have said that they will reduce this by fining them ,probably getting Perry Mason on the job or Fred Carno!
  9. T. Thanks I obvoiusly misheard him. T. Thanks I obvoiusly misheard him.
  10. Did I hear right when the chap said about another busway between Manchester and Leeds ,surely the rail links are good andthere is the motorway ,another of these things is a no no.
  11. What a fantastic layout the buildings are brilliant and the atmosphere of the layout oozes from every picture.Who cares what track code is used it looks very well detailed,the important thing is does the layout look realistic and this one does so carry on as you are.What material did you use for the buildings they are weathered so well ,the ground cover is so realistic what materials have you used to recreate the areas around the tracks.
  12. Hi Mark. You have captured Rannoch so well like your deisels,the viaduct looks brilliant.I have just bought a dvd filmed on the line and when it reaches Rannoch it is just looking at your model well done ,hope your house move goesw well. Regards Chris.
  13. Thanks chaps a lot clearer now,but seems to be a long way to go before it goes national,one last thought what will happen to the West Highand lines?
  14. Can someone explain the benifits of ERTMS as the trials being carried out on the Cambrian Coast line seem to be very protracted and riddled with problems, I seem to remember that a high speed line in Holland had and still has many problems with this system.NR seem to be backtcking now and requiping the East Suffolk line with coulor light signals instead of ERTMS and that cab signaling on the WCML became a no no due to insermountable problems.So what is happenning with this system thank you in advance.
  15. This awful so called transport solution is being perptrated in Luton on a road that is supposed to be a fast inter town link but is usualy clogged with stationary traffic,the building of it must be causing even further problemsTthe buses will be decanted onto a busy roundabout and then have to fight their way into town on further clogged roads.Most people I would thnk want to get on and off on the old twin towns road not on a back route behind the football stadium.The object in Cambridge must be the most expensive version of wooden toy tracks for Thomas ever built in Britain ,sixty miles an hour on it ,no thank you the jarring from the concrete panels will be awful .modern buses seem to rattle creak and be most uncomfortble vehicles ever designed .The buses will be in the repair shed very quickly.
  16. You could ride your bike on it Bernard ,if there no locals on the route how did it ever get started ?
  17. Maybe the people in Cambridge will have the chance tomorrow to get rid of the idiot councillors who commissioned this waste of money ,our councillors are spending money like its going out of fashion but at least we havent got a busway only bus lanes used a couple of times per hour.
  18. The layout is really progressing Ilke those bridges lucky you having all that space,one thing what breed is your gaurd dog?
  19. Love the layout what kit is the bus made from? Love the layout what kit is the bus made from?
  20. Very nice buildings like the finish very realistic what did you use for the construction,,, Regards Chris
  21. From what I have found out this will not happen if anything we will have less services but doubtless someone will say that it wont happen.
  22. We have a consutation event in May so will be interesting to see what is proposed for us exactly bet they will need bouncers on the door!
  23. We are not all landed gentry in Bucks most of us are ordinary folks trying to get by on low incomes ,check your facts before uttering them! By the way we have more than adequate links by rail already.
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