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Everything posted by TomJ

  1. After a rubbish shift at work just sitting watching the trains slowly trudge round my half complete layout is the perfect therapy

  2. Irrespective of what they actually look like can someone post that they are horrific, inaccurate and poorly detailed. Oh and that my class 24 to 25/1 conversion (thanks Etched Pixels) is clearly better! That's what I need to hear, I need a good reason NOT to buy this model (although I'm sure my lad can managed without new shoes this year!). Perhaps I'll start omn hacking a perfectly good 27 into a rubbish looking 33 to encourage a proper rtr one to come out...
  3. Any photos for those at the other end of the country?? I will have to look at your show bookings before we plan our Devon/Cornwall holiday next year. SWMBO will never know...
  4. I had heard that the need to balance out the loads created unusual problems. So if a farmer took two cows to market but only sold one they had to find something to counter the weight of the remaining cow!! No idea if it's true but I like the idea of spare 'balancing' cows being kept at stations just in case!!
  5. There was definitely slurry loaded at Par in the early 90s - couple of photos in JV books
  6. Lesson learnt the hard way today: five minutes cleaning improved performance far more than an hour of reprogramming decoders.

  7. Lesson learnt the hard way today: five minutes cleaning improved performance far more than an hour of reprogramming decoders.

  8. Not even close in quality (or completeness!!) so some on here but this is mine - South Tawton. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/76816-south-tawton-north-devon-80s-in-n-gauge/page-3 Inspired by the Barnstaple line in the 80s, based on -but not an exact copy of - Crediton and the junction for the Meldon and Barnstaple lines. Mostly all BR Blue but there is an Executive livery 125 and a rake of NSE Mk2 on the summer specials! Most pictures are of construction and there are very few with anything clearly blue in it but here's a couple!
  9. Well I'm also very new to DCC. I went for the NCE Powercab for my n gauge layout with peco point motors. I have used the DCC concepts accessory decoder and set up Macros from the Powercab for route choices. Basically a set of macros for exiting the various fiddle yard routes and a set for the visible side (basically set up for which ever route a train might take - like you I have a simple junction with only 8 points). So just two buttons really - one to set the fiddle yard and one for the route through the scenic section - all controlled from the handset. I find it very easy to control although not as sophisticated as some
  10. Huge thanks to Digitrains. Amazing customer service

  11. Huge thanks to Digitrains. Amazing customer service

  12. Anyone else ever feel like giving up and chucking it all in the bin?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Platform 6

      Platform 6

      .. it's almost as bad as getting your inspiration back and realising you've chucked it all in the bin and the binmen have been :-)

    3. class"66"


      No the feeling!! best leaving it for while...

    4. AndrewC


      Tom, its a hobby. If things aren't going right, step away and do something else for a bit. come back when your mojo recharges.

  13. Anyone else ever feel like giving up and chucking it all in the bin?

  14. Does anyone else get too scared to test their layout after wiring??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Judge Dread
    3. BlackRat


      No....as there's no danger of anything moving.

    4. class"66"


      Ive alway got c02 extinguisher at hand..

  15. Does anyone else get too scared to test their layout after wiring??

  16. After my holiday I have fallen in love with the Swiss railways!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      I pity your wallet, if you should decide to pay tribute to your new love in modelling...

    3. Horsetan


      ...particularly Swiss meter-gauge modelling. Can't help you there as I've long sold most of the good stuff!

    4. New Haven Neil

      New Haven Neil

      Got that t shirt - loved the RhB!

  17. My executive 125 buffet arrived from a well known Merseyside store. I don't know much about coaches but livery and roof wise it's a perfect match for the other mk3 coaches. It really looks the part and at least my passengers have somewhere to buy a 2mm/ft curled sandwich! As an aside I'm currently running a 6 coach rake (awaiting a possible guards coach!?!) but actually on a compressed model 6 coaches looks about right - impressively long but not filling every loop unrealistically.
  18. I have enjoyed looking at this as I am thinking of something similar in N - but steam era. I think a BLT or tank engine and two suburban coaches should fit easily. Can I ask which point motors you are using and how are you fiting them? Wondering about motors and the 'floor' of the box. I have also gone down the DCC route in N and am very impressed with my Powercab. Took longer to unpack than to set up! With regards to decoders I have mostly used Digitrax ZN125in. My 08 is away with Digitrains for fitting - they have recommended a CTe DCX75 Hope this helps
  19. Forget the finescale. I'm having much more fun with Percy and his mail bag drop

    1. TheCuckoo


      Excellent. If we can't have fun we might as well give up now.

    2. BlackRat


      A lesson for us all......?

  20. Forget the finescale. I'm having much more fun with Percy and his mail bag drop

  21. Brio is rather good for working out the operating potential of small layouts

    1. MarkC


      As long as you have Small Controllers to justify it... :D

    2. DanielB
    3. steve22


      Brio was a huge hit when our kids were young. We still have it for when any young ones call now. And yes, us older ones can still make use of it!

  22. Brio is rather good for working out the operating potential of small layouts

  23. I think that Tiger looks G-r-r-r-eat!! I find china clay spillages cover a multitude of sins! I think one might well be heading east across the Tamar to North Devon!
  24. Good to see you back on here. Was worried that Beeching might have visited Kyle. The fascia looks very smart and really adds to the presentation
  25. Why are short circuits so b@&?!y hard to locate

    1. fursty


      Agreed, would be much easier if they were tall. Good luck.

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