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sir douglas

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Everything posted by sir douglas

  1. i made mine from that magazine same issue, but i changed the doors on the side of the bonnet as the article says that the one small door made the engine in accessible
  2. ill be in abergynolywn in the last week of august, greetings in advance to anyone there as well

  3. that clue would sound a bit like Oakenshaw (Wakefield) but if it were the other way round. open for 20 years and closed for 142. Regards, Sam.
  4. yes a very good film, tom. i watched it only last month Regards, Sam.
  5. Just been up to trhe Heath Common vintage vehicle rally, and here is my flickr album for today. https://www.flickr.com/photos/59562189@N03/sets/72157645249074727 And here are 3 of those photos for you. Regards, Sam.
  6. agreed, that gloomy backscene just sets the atmosphere perfectly.
  7. there are 2 articles on the electrification of the Morecambe & Heysham line in "The Engineer" 12th July 1908, page 10* http://www.gracesguide.co.uk/images/b/ba/Er19080612a.pdf 19th July 1908, page 8* http://www.gracesguide.co.uk/images/b/b2/Er19080619a.pdf * = the page number of the PDF file are different to the actual magazine page number, as the issues were split up into weekly files.
  8. I remember this in Railway magazine, which i can only remember vaguely. its been going on over a year, theres a lot of legal and police issues involved, and the owner of the loco isnt allowed to move it because of rent problems with the land that it was on, half of it was illegally scrapped. Regards, Sam.
  9. Such an amazing story, thank you for sharing it Jamie. my dad has a 3 rail OO A4 hiding somewhere (I'm guessing somewhere like the loft at my grandparents/his parents) from his childhood. He hid it from the dangerous hands of children like me, i have never seen it yet, but as I'm now an adult, i suppose it could emerge one day, I'll never know until i see it. Regards, Sam.
  10. Motown record's, 1980 20th anniversary album
  11. can i get compensation for the hours i wasted this morning going to goosehill to see UOSA just to get diesels instead

  12. just been laughing so hard i couldnt breathe for a moment, when i realised something, when i write "Regards, Sam" at the end of every post, what if i accidentally typed a T instead of a G, and posted it without noticing my typo. Re*ards, Sam.
  13. ive not seen cramps that long before. Regards, Sam.
  14. you could hang over the layout from a rope like on those spy films regards, Sam.
  15. thinking about a shunter using Deltic parts

  16. Nice work, ive used it, it is much easier to use than i thought it would be, but you have a maximum amount of time available to use it, unless you buy a licence, i have 4hrs left but havent used it for a while. regards, Sam.
  17. taken june 2011 taken about a year ago (EDIT: there not mine, i just took photos of them)
  18. Although i havent been down there for a few years, i used to love going down into the cutting of the midland mainline at Kirkthorpe (just south of Goosehill Jnc), and sit in the only remaining gang hut for miles, and watch a kingfisher going about his business on the flooded track bed. The temperature in the cutting never seemed to change no matter how hot the day actually was, so when you have spent a few hours down there and you dont know what its like out there, you get hit by the heat when you come from out of the trees (it happened to me once). here are photos by me, and Bing maps aerial view screenshots regards, Sam
  19. mmm. asll the wires are in the right place but locos are moving when they shouldnt

  20. just caught up with the thread, In regards to Jamie's post in January (post 35), I remember coming across this a few years ago online, the Kirkgate parcels: http://www.lmsca.org.uk/stock/br-ccts.php how long has that carraige been there at the west end of Huddersfield: (top right of this pic) http://www.webbaviation.co.uk/gallery/v/Yorkshire/huddersfield/aa04631b.jpg.html
  21. great thread guys, theres a right kink in the track on the viaduct
  22. do you go to any exhibitions, looking at the variety, at shows could help you with what region and/or era you like the most, and the you can google search a combination of key words. you could also try your local railway modelling society.
  23. the founder of Peckett & sons, was born in Wakefield!! http://www.gracesguide.co.uk/Thomas_Peckett

  24. just written up a very long list of things to do on my layout

  25. just seen the same class 73 and 37 on an NR train 3 times today

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