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sir douglas

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Everything posted by sir douglas

  1. just bopping around to some soul & motown

    1. Mallard60022


      Careful now, watch that hip......

    2. sir douglas

      sir douglas

      hey, im only 19

    3. Mallard60022


      OK; watch that mosh pit

  2. could this be one the longest running threads, its now been going for 3 years, or are there any older on-going threads?, or should this be a topic for its own thread?
  3. ive seen somewhere recently (maybe on RMweb) someone has modelled the Bilton sidings, just done a site search and found it, modelled by Jessy1692. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/gallery/album/1506-on-the-go-at-the-mo/ the Statfold Barn railway is mixed gauge http://www.statfoldbarnrailway.co.uk/ and some other views of the mixed gauge http://www.flickr.com/photos/magpie967/3415908998/?rb=1 http://railwayherald.com/imagingcentre/view/253085/TW
  4. that old film on youtube of the leek & manifiold is called "A quiant little railway" there was also many engine manufacturers that had mixed gauge tracks in their works because they made engines for many different gauges, there still is some surviving mixed gauge track, at the site of the John Fowler works in Leeds http://www.leedsengine.info/leeds/photo.asp?phby=www.leedsengine.info&photo=/leeds/images/John Fowler/Works Site/jf works site (4).jpg&loco=Jf Works Site (4) you can see the rails in the concrete, there would have been a rail on the left in the doorway to make up the 3 different gauges shown here
  5. i live just round the corner from calder vale and I haven't seen any locos in the yard for a few years now, but they are still there according to the internet, ill have a nip round later to have a look
  6. such a bright sunny day. i think ill stay at the work bench a while longer :-)

  7. that just reminded me, there was a talk about these on BBC radio leeds last autumn, they had a guest in who was trying to catalogue all of these ghost signs all over west yorkshire
  8. theres a good argument goig on in the P2 facebook page

    1. Nelson Jackson
    2. MarkC


      ooh, P2s, Leaders, Bulleid pacifics... some discussion going on!

  9. just got templot, feeling way out of my depth with a screenfull of unknown buttons

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      Trebor, I'm on AutoCAD 2005.

    3. Killybegs


      That's up to date, I use Autocad Lite 2001!

    4. Trebor


      some of it might be useful, most of it probably not....

  10. got some plans of the FR englands in a magazine, i can now make drawings for a 0-6-0 mod

  11. pontefract show today!

  12. anyone with a greyhound be vigilant for alabania rot

  13. that looks like a massive portable engine in that shed
  14. mmm, constant buffer lock related derailling, need to make wider buffer blocks

  15. theres som estrange people out there. for some reason theres a screw missing from the hinge on the shed doo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kev_Lewis


      Time to increase security me thinks.

    3. petethemole


      Burr or grind the screw heads so they won't unscrew.

    4. skipepsi


      use dome headed coach bolts no chance of the vermin breaking in then

  16. thank you sir hadyn for that info, i have now "liked" the welland valley traction club on facebook, i asked them through a message if they have any photos, which they dont, but very kindly offered to take a photo for me. this news of the restoration of No 8 has made me very happy. while i was talking to them i have asked them about their plans for it after it is finished, i have suggested that they could loan it the Southwold railway which is currently being brought back, i bet that they would easily let it stay because of the shortage of available 3ft gauge locos. i have only just asked them so will come back when i have a reply.
  17. sir douglas


    some manufacturers use tiny springs. just did a quick google and this is just what im on about this http://www.ebay.co.uk/bhp/brush-springs hope that helps
  18. it is such a shame there is so little british 3 ft gauge preservation (excluding IOM) bt there are plans to bring back a bit of the southwold, and there was once nearly as many 3ft gauge industrial railways as there was 2ft
  19. According to this website the surving member of the kettering manning wardles was once plinthed in Corby but is now under restoration by the Market Harborough traction engine club http://geoffspages.co.uk/raildiary/corbysteam.htm does anybody know of its current condition?
  20. just been watching and listening to the constant sparks coming from the frosty ovehead wires on a passing east coast electric set

    1. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      Trolley buses gave off the same effect but not travelling as fast!

  21. there was also an 0-8-0 by Hawthorn Leslie called "Hecate" for Colonel Stephens http://www.colonelstephenssociety.co.uk/Modelling%20Les.html
  22. it seams that lots of people like to model goathland but none of them include the crushing plant for whinstone ridge quarry that was next to the water tower

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