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Dave F's own black and white photos, 1960s completed 30th December

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello Dave,

B1 in the snow...............absolutely brilliant, wish I could make my models look like that!! :clapping: 

I love the Derby shots.....used to stand on Five Arches Bridge just North of the gantry train spotting....what times!

On the few times when there was not an engine in sight, we used to try and count how many condoms we could see in the river Derwent, the "Meadows" next to the bridge was host to not a few fallen ladies. :angel: 



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Some more PW ones this evening.


3 of the photos are of a tamper but I like the human interest in them.  



Harrogate scarifying ballast June 66




Harrogate tamper June 66




Harrogate tamper again June 66




Harrogate tamper leaving June 66











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  • RMweb Gold

I wonder if this http://PaulBartlett.zenfolio.com/brtwinjibcrane/e1da1edfc is that rail laying crane? I can partially make out 480 on the brake van??? Can you read the number on the original?






I've taken a piece of the original scan at full resolution (from the photo in post 28 of the relayer), the number is clearly 480.  Image below.



Crop of Scan-121001-0041

Track relayer 480



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I've taken a piece of the original scan at full resolution (from the photo in post 28 of the relayer), the number is clearly 480.  Image below.



Crop of Scan-121001-0041

Track relayer 480





Thanks, very nice photos, interesting to see the crane in action. Although NER it looks as if they may have been maintained on the WR so the GWR brake van. Or simply the revenue railway got shot of all of the GWR brake vans quite early on, and they tended to be used by the engineers quite generally. In later years, plenty on my website well off of the WR. http://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/gwrbrakevan




Paul Bartlett

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  • RMweb Premium

I just love that tamper; what a wonderful little beast.  Today's monsters look like Star Ships in comparison

Also, are those allotment plots in pic 1 post33? If so, not one bit of damage I see!



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  • RMweb Gold

To my superficial eye, the track-relayer crane thingie looks awfully like the one in the BT Films "Making Tracks" video, which was filmed a few years previously in the heart of GWR territory. If Paul hasn't seen that, he might enjoy the detail of the item in full swing (sorry).

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  • RMweb Gold

I just love that tamper; what a wonderful little beast.  Today's monsters look like Star Ships in comparison

Also, are those allotment plots in pic 1 post33? If so, not one bit of damage I see!




Yes, it is a small trackside allottment, in the photo of Dad's below you can see a pw hut which the allotment was next to.  Presumably it "belonged" to the local pw gang.



Harrogate Class 46 D171 White Rose Harrogate to Kings X April 66 J471




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  • RMweb Gold



Thanks, very nice photos, interesting to see the crane in action. Although NER it looks as if they may have been maintained on the WR so the GWR brake van. Or simply the revenue railway got shot of all of the GWR brake vans quite early on, and they tended to be used by the engineers quite generally. In later years, plenty on my website well off of the WR. http://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/gwrbrakevan




Paul Bartlett



I suspect the Engineers adopted the GWR vans as, like the ex-SECR ones and the purpose-built NER ones, they were spacious. Having doors at only one end, they were also probably more snug inside than those vans with a balcony at each end. I wonder when the last ones went? 1990s?

GWR freight brakevans were banned from normal traffic use c.late 1965/possibly early '66 on safety grounds because they only had a door at one end.  Whethjer they one had actually been involved in an incident I don't know but that was officially the end of them in traffic use but many were in good condition and so found their way into civil engineer's use with all sorts of machines as small mess vans (and possibly for handtools as well?).  Some survived on the WR for use as fitted head but probably not for very long although I can remember Acton Yard using some for that purpose in late 1966.

They were definitely more popular with older hand Goods Guards than the appallingly draughty BR standard vans and some Guards even maintained that they rode better although that might have been illusory.  I collared one of my Guards at Westbury c.1975/76 for using one on the East Depot trip and because it was a frosty morning I didn't really believe his explanation that he had no choice because it was the only van in East Depot yard - it still had an open verandah and that was the first and last time I saw one in its original role after mid 1965.

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Today's are a final view of permanent way work at Harrogate and a few of Dent on the Settle and Carlisle.  I think I took these as Dad was thinking of modelling the station.  They have appeared before in the Dent layout thread



Harrogate Class 08 and tracklayer June 66




Dent up platform building July 66




Dent station building July 66




Dent station building platform side July 66




Edited as my keyboard can't spell.


Edited by DaveF
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A couple more of Dent and then we move to Stafford for this evening's batch.  Again some of you may have seen them before but sometime next week we will move on to negatives I've not scanned before.



Dent July 66




Dent July 66




Stafford Class 08 D3801July 66




Stafford AM4 Class 304 July 66


As you may have realised the negatives I kept tend not to have many big shiny engines on them.  When I go out taking railway photos I try to get a shot of everything that comes along, I wish more people had taken photos of mundane things.   I've also always enjoyed taking "infrastructure" photos, though the cost of film tended to limit these.




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The second Dent shot has some intriguing pointwork in the foreground and is full of useful detail. Lovely stuff.


A few of Dad's to show the layout at Dent.  It's typical Midland Railway.



Dent LMS 8f 48641 with snowplough up goods May 66 J523




Dent Class 45 D34 up goods July 66 J538




Dent Class 47 D1855 down freight April 68 J1267




Dent Class 45 D12 down Waverley St Pancras to Edinburgh June 68 J1319




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  • RMweb Gold

Having got back home after an enjoyable day out at the Newcastle Model Railway Exhibition at Gateshead Stadium I can now post today's photos.  I'm not quite sure how I managed to end up buying three n gauge Swiss locos.


Tonight we visit Stafford, Devon and then start a short break for the next few days in Blackpool looking at a few trams - which are honorary railways as they run on rails!



Stafford AM4 Class 304 July 66




Stafford Class 86 E3146 July 66




Heddon Mill July 66




Blackpool Sept 66





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Tonight we are in Blackpool to look at a tram and then visit the miniature railway in Blackpool Pleasure Beach.


I'm sure many of you will have visited Blackpool and perhaps even stayed there. Some years ago I nearly ended up working in Fleetwood which might have been interesting.



Blackpool Sept 66




Blackpool Pleasure Beach RailwaySept 66




Blackpool Pleasure Beach Railway Sept 66




Blackpool Pleasure Beach Railway Sept 66






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We'll spend one more day looking at a few trams in Blackpool - and a monorail.  Tomorrow we'll go somewhere else to look at "real" trains.



Blackpool Pleasure Beach Monorail Sept 66




Blackpool Sept 66

English Electric balloon tram of 1935 No 263



Blackpool Sept 66

Coronation tram No 320 built 1952/3, renumbered in the 641-64 series later on.  Built by Charles Roberts at Horbury Wakefield.  Fitted with VAMBAC control gear which was never reliable, some were rebuilt with conventional controllers in the 1960s




Blackpool Sept 66

English Electric balloon tram of 1935 No 262




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This evening we head back home, stopping at Barton and Broughton on the way after seeing one last tram.



Blackpool Sept 66

Brush Railcoach single deck tram No 284 built in 1937. Later renumbered in the series 621-638.




Barton and Broughton 9F 92164 down freight Sept 66




Barton and Broughton Class 47 D1868 up freightliner Sept 66




Barton and Broughton up freightliner Sept 66



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Leaving Barton and Broughton we head to Newton Kyme to see the line after closure - I'm assuming you all know where Newton Kyme is - before arriving at York to see the first of a series of photos of a "special".



Barton and Broughton Class 105 up pass Sept 66




Newton Kyme tracklifting Sept 66




Newton Kyme tracklifting Sept 66




York 4472 Flying Scotsman up special 22nd Oct 66

The train is "The Elizabethan", a special, Kings Cross to Newcastle and return.  A3 4472 Flying Scotsman Kings Cross to York and return, Merchant Navy 35026 Lamport and Holt Line York to Newcastle and return.

I must have spent the whole day at York as I have photos of it both northbound and southbound.

According to the Six Bells Junction website it was organised by the Altrinchamian  Railway Excursion Society.




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I'm assuming you all know where Newton Kyme is


Of course I know where Newton Kyme is :yes: - I lived in Clifford for a few years. And I spent an evening at the lineside at Barton in the summer of 1963. So thank you for bringing back memories. 

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  • RMweb Premium

This evening we head back home, stopping at Barton and Broughton on the way after seeing one last tram.


attachicon.gifScan-121002-0038 Blackpool Sept 66.jpg

Blackpool Sept 66

Brush Railcoach single deck tram No 284 built in 1937. Later renumbered in the series 621-638.



attachicon.gifScan-121002-0040 Barton and Broughton 9F 92164 down freight Sept 66.jpg

Barton and Broughton 9F 92164 down freight Sept 66



attachicon.gifScan-121002-0041 Barton and Broughton Class 47 D1868 up freightliner Sept 66.jpg

Barton and Broughton Class 47 D1868 up freightliner Sept 66



attachicon.gifScan-121002-0042 Barton and Broughton up freightliner Sept 66.jpg

Barton and Broughton up freightliner Sept 66



Hi David


A real freightliner. The containers are mounted on expanding spigots not ISO locks and they are 27 foot containers. The wagons were designed for two 30 foot containers in preparation for the changes to road traffic act which would allow artiulated trailers to be 30 foot long. Before the changes came into being the containers had to be 27 foot as this was the limit on the road trailer size.

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  • RMweb Gold

Here are today's, somewhat earlier than usual as I will be busy later (visitors for a meal).


Some more at York and then an image at Skipton.



York Class 5 down light engine 22nd October 1966




York 4472 Flying Scotsman 22nd Oct 66

Light engine off the down Elizabethan railtour




York 4472 Flying Scotsman 22nd Oct 66

Light engine ready to work the return up working of the Elizabethan railtour.




Skipton  Class 4? 2-6-0 pw train Jan 67

Taken on a miserable wet day.




Edited by DaveF
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