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  2. I’ve seen the pillow that will smother me when my missus has enough of me raving about 40106. 😀 In all seriousness I know what you mean.
  3. Personally speaking, I couldn't give a toss about the duplication. I've got both an Accurascale 66 and a Cavalex 56, they're both fine models from two manufacturers I think very highly of, so I'm delighted to see both making an extensive range of a class I find particularly appealing from which to choose. I've got two on order from Cavalex, I'm no less excited about them after seeing this announcement than I was before, and I'll shortly be placing an order for another from Accurascale now too. Whilst I absolutely understand the frustration that duplication brings to people, particularly those who are 'patiently' waiting for other classes to get their turn, the flip side to that coin is the choice it also gives people who are interested in that particular class of loco. For some of us who don't have the time/skill/bravery to model variations or repaint or renumber locos, (or just don't want to), this can also be good news. It doesn't seem like too long ago some of us were waiting over a decade for a certain other manufacturer to release a loco they had established in their catalogue in a livery we actually wanted, never mind the potential to buy the same livery with different running numbers if so desired.
  4. Neil, I don't remember him mentioning the RFA. Others from his BR Bristol/Brighton/Saltley days might know more...
  5. The BSO, FK and BFK are all up there too now. I couldn't really work out how to price the BFK and BSO individually so I have just heaped them all together! https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/british-rail-mk2a-coach-tso
  6. Looks like it was a fun visit....cracking loco roster from both modelers
  7. I’m really getting into this e-commerce. Our Sodastream (maker of gassy water) lost a washer, resulting in most of the carbon dioxide going everywhere except into the bottle of water - what little did make it in rapidly exited, taking much water with it. I thought there had to be spare parts available in North America - the washer has to be specific inside and outside diameters - but the only supplier that turned up in an online search was in China. However, for an outlay of $2.35 (Canadian even, and postage included), two weeks from placing the order with the seller in Guangzhou, we now have a working Sodastream again, plus four spare washers. (And it did come from Guangzhou, not a warehouse in North America.)
  8. Numan's lighting man is a friend of mine, David Howard. Andi
  9. Ah, but imagine how much exercise all these newly conscripted National Service youngsters will get... nothing gets rid of teenage obesity like the pressures of having to furiously wind an externally mounted dynamo handle, to recharge your IFV, all whilst under Russisn sniper fire ;)
  10. A bit late to the Black 5 party. The photo of 44762 in SR Malachite was interesting, one of the three ‘Green 5s’ the BR painted for a livery trial in January 1948. It should have green wheels though. I chickened out of doing my own in that livery and chose its final style instead. I’m afraid it’s a 7mm scale one built from a Javelin kit. It’s not quite finished yet as it needs a little more weathering. Here’s a scratch built one in 4mm P4 gauge, built by Stuart Holt for his Scottish layout. Finally here’s one that Tony built in 7mm - not a bad job. Ian R
  11. I am not saying there is anything wrong with having multiple projects. Just that the single minded drive to complete a specific one may not quite be there. I have several on the go myself. There are two EM layouts started, I am building 2mm locos to help a friend out, there is my long term joint project "Narrow Road" with Ken Hill (EM with 5 stations) my involvement with Retford, Buckingham of course, plus my dabbling in 7mm, with one layout started and at least two in my head. Plus I build a few things as commission jobs for others including a decent sized OO Gauge layout project with a continuous run and two terminus stations. Leaving aside the projects that are really those of other people, I am active in building my Manchester EM "Grimesthorpe" layout, plus a 7mm L & Y 0-6-2T for the proposed 7mm layout, to be based loosely on the Isle of Axholme Railway. So seeing my own projects through to completion is not my strong point either. The things that do get finished are the commission jobs.
  12. Managed to get the Zemo, speaker and stay alive in the Q6. No hacking at the tender either! 😎 Unfortunately had a bit of a mare and broke one of the loco-tender connection cables right out of the socket. Managed to solder it back to the pin but it was a bit of a bodge so we'll see how it goes. 20240607_231128.mp4
  13. Just for fun .. Shaun The Sheep ... In Space!!! https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001gn3s/shaun-the-sheep-farmageddon
  14. And very good it is too, you couldn't really ask for more from a volunteer led organisation. I would post a clicky link but that would deny @ELTEL the opportunity to promote the Stafford Show. (Stafford Railway Circle Annual Model Railway Exhibition 28/29 September 2024 Saturday 28 September 2024 and Sunday 29 September 2024 Saturday: 10.00 – 17.00 Sunday: 10.00 – 16.30 Admission Prices: Adult: £17, accompanied children under 16 free. At Stafford County Showground in Bingley Hall. The County Showground is situated 3 miles to the east of the town on the A518 in the direction of Uttoxeter. This year the show will build on the success of the 2023 show and the almost 60 years experience of running this show. The Stafford Model railway Exhibition is now the largest independent exhibition in the country. The good news is we will continue to use the main Bingley Hall at the Stafford County showground which provides more space and much better facilities. Sat Nav postcode: ST18 0BD).
  15. That is quite atrocious. A propos Johnson, he followed the Referendum. Farage created the conditions and the vehicle for the Blonde One.
  16. I have D6704 green full yellow ends split headcode for sale in the "For sale" forum on RMWeb, DCC sound fitted, £280 including postage to UK addresses.
  17. My wife took early retirement at end of March, the difference in the way she is in herself is amazing. But even on her last day she was still pounding the keyboard at 6pm. Dinners on the plate got her out of her little office!
  18. But not as much as with Jack Clusky*..... * The bloke wot rit the 1812 ovrchure** ** Its an old joke about a Radio Merseyside quiz show....
  19. Too right. Any lip out of you and it will be 18 🤪🤪🤪
  20. Today
  21. D345 what a cool picture I looked several times! I am going to assume its on a preserved line/situation as BR drivers would still be wearing blues or old steam uniform or deep green jackets with a fawnish overall jacket no hi viz for them! Still a very cool photo.
  22. The final post covering @Phil Mason's rolling stock visitors to HPJ today. A coming together of two Lincoln Locos / Oak Tree Engineering nearly - rtr Class 08's. My faded blue 08685 on the left with Phil's 08846 on the right. These represent 10% of the total "cottage industry" production run! 37099 in the background. A closer view of Phil's 08. And finishing off with a general view of the shed and yard area, and a last look at Phil's 37 and 76. It was great fun having something different on the layout and nice to be able to showcase the layout for the first time to Phil, rather than just photos. Hope this trio of posts have been of interest, Cheers D.
  23. Precision of the finest quality, Sirrah, I salute.you. Whilst it was a genuine typo (cos I know about ordnance and things that go bang) I have seen ordinance used when ordnance would have been correct - usually in a newspaper that should know better…. Anyway, whether you turned up 5 minutes late for your shift at the ordnance factory or 5 minutes late at the ordinance factory, the NKVD would still shoot you for “sabotaging the war effort”….
  24. Couple of interesting jobs next week, only in for 2 days Sunday is peak forest to bescot with the rail milling machine transit move Monday is a bit different, Doncaster to oxley with an 805 but I’m going via the ECML to Peterborough then back across to Leicester via melton Mowbray which I’ve got a route conductor for then it’s Leicester to Stafford and back to oxley! Then that’s me done for the week unless I do a couple of rest days
  25. In my junk emails obviously! BTW - accurascale announced 66769 on 04/08/2023, guess what day I ordered it?
  26. How about the one I got a few hours ago saying I'll get my loco in the next 12 months then 😅
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