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7mm MOK Merchant Navy build

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Total sense of humour failure.


On fixing the Expansion links and reversing cranks all is now running smoothly. I went to the remaining frets to find the speedo bracket and noticed that still attached to the etches are a full set of etchings for a slide bar bracket. This started me thinking, so just for the hell of it I have made one up and guess what - yes its 2mm shorter than the ones I have fitted - hence the issue I have had.


Now the 'notifications' at the beginning of the instructions list etch numbers that have been modified and I carefully marked all the unwanted ones on the etches before I started. I now note that although not listed by etch numbers there is a note regarding the 'motion bracket' but the instructions for assembly do not list 'motion bracket' only a 'slide bar bracket'. Now I realise that this is probably my own fault but having sent various emails to MOK and spent 10 minutes on the phone, when he basically said it was my problem, was this not pointed out to me.


I have now, of course, made alterations to the fitting of the cylinders etc to ensure smooth running - changes that will not be easy to return to their original state.


Why the .... am I continuing with this load or garbage?    I suppose its because it cost a lot of money!


Hi Doolish,


I think you are being a wee bit unfair to the manufacturer here, you admit to making and error and then blame the kit? We all have to take responsibility for our mistakes and shortfalls.


However don't give up as you are getting near completion, your next build will benefit from the experience you have gained.



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Slide Bar Bracket - have enough etched parts to make four! Made up two of them but having a problem with inconsistancy of etched bends as some seem have the etch on the inside (normal) but some only work with the etch to the outside. Now I am aware that my kit is an early one and maybe these issues have been sorted in the later kits, but it does mean you have to take twice as long to built each assembly as I am trying the parts out without the bend and then taking it apart to do the bends.


Time for a drink


Lets see four slide bar brackets, the loco only needs two.


Sorry no pictures of progress as it has been minimal. In fact its almost on the way to the bin!


Having huge issues with the alignment of the cylinders to slide bar as they seem to be about 2mm out of true. Have spoken to MOK who say there is no issue and as there are some 350 of these kits sold it must be me! Have thought up a solution but it is fairly drastic and non returnable, so taking time to ascertain if there is another way. Would be realy interested to hear from anyone who has built this kit.


So the slide bars are out of position by 2mm, lets just carry on with out looking at the other two slide bars (that could have been the other way).


Total sense of humour failure.


On fixing the Expansion links and reversing cranks all is now running smoothly. I went to the remaining frets to find the speedo bracket and noticed that still attached to the etches are a full set of etchings for a slide bar bracket. This started me thinking, so just for the hell of it I have made one up and guess what - yes its 2mm shorter than the ones I have fitted - hence the issue I have had.


Now the 'notifications' at the beginning of the instructions list etch numbers that have been modified and I carefully marked all the unwanted ones on the etches before I started. I now note that although not listed by etch numbers there is a note regarding the 'motion bracket' but the instructions for assembly do not list 'motion bracket' only a 'slide bar bracket'. Now I realise that this is probably my own fault but having sent various emails to MOK and spent 10 minutes on the phone, when he basically said it was my problem, was this not pointed out to me.


I have now, of course, made alterations to the fitting of the cylinders etc to ensure smooth running - changes that will not be easy to return to their original state.


Why the .... am I continuing with this load or garbage?    I suppose its because it cost a lot of money!


You knew that you had them, as you mentioned them about a month back.


So as Ian mentioned you could be being a bit unfair to the kit manufacturer.


Keep on with the build as it will look very nice when built.



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With much gritting of teath I have made up the two 'new' brackets. Then came the task of unsoldering the slide bars and suspension links from the old brackets and fit them to the new brackets.


All done now and after making up some packing to raise the cylinders to their original postion, it works perfectly!


Well that was a waste of two or three days but hey it works :)




The expansion links have also been fitted and will solder the reversing crank when its all running smoothly.


Yes I was probably being unreasonable but I did acknowledge it was my error - what really annoyed me was that Dave at MOK did not raise it and I wasted a long time working out how to get round the problem - all of which could have been saved if a 'known issue' had been pointed out to me. Its all behind me now and hopefuilly it can all be completed without further problems.

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Caught a second wind!


Have added all the sundry fittings to the rear of the tender - looks good.




Was going to fit buffers but have five of them and in view of previous comments perhaps I should think before fitting :scratchhead:

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.....what really annoyed me was that Dave at MOK did not raise it ....

Possibly because:


1) Dave doesn't know how your mind works; or

2) He has guessed your character, and doesn't want to rub you up the wrong way.


Maybe it's more that you are easily irritated so that you can have a go at someone. I'm sure we've all come across a good few people who can blow hot and cold almost in the same breath.


The photos you've been showing us demonstrate that you're more than competent and not really doing anything wrong as far as the overall build is concerned. So what's not to like?

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Tender Body now finish :)


Made up some vacum pipes and clips from split pins as not in kit. Fixed front steps and handrails. I am aware there are some additional controls on the front of the tender and trying to find a decent pictuire of the 5k gal.







This is like building a different kit - everything has gone together as it should and a nice end result. Will now focus on the chassis and its rather complex brake gear,

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We put the three vacuum tanks on the back of our tender, today. In real life they're surprisingly bulky and heavy. Needed some strong guys (that ruled me out) and a fork-lift truck with a crane jib attachment. Still to be piped up and the cover fitted but it's beginning to look like your model!.


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On the issue of tenders could someone inteligent ie Dave clarify for me the issue of sandboxes. From the drawings and photo's that I can lay my hands on it would seem that the 5000 gal tender did not have sandboxes where as almost all the others did. Is this correct?


Not a lot happening at the moment as I am making a present for my Grandson - only two so an O gauge loco is not really on.

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Dave I think you may have it in using the phrase 'modified'.


Certainly my original West Country has them and the drawing below shows MN 5100 gal version but gives no reference to time although it does refer to 'high sided'.





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Happy to be proven wrong, but I wouldn't have thought any tenders had sanding gear, full stop.


The sander pipes need to be as close to the driving wheels as possible...




Hello JB, all,


it was used on tenders to assist in braking, the same as on some brake vans. But if the wheels picked up (stopped revolving) all it did was grind flats on the wheels.



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Brakes now finished and dare I say it that is the tender finished as far as building is concerned (Brake handle not straight!)


Back to the loco now - brakes to do and then that is finished. As I want to get chassis running I will probably paint it before reassembling it all again



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I'm happy to be proven wrong, but I don't think any tenders attached to the modified locos had sand boxes.


Oooops! Just proven myself wrong. According to A. J. Fry - Bulleid Power, The Merchant Navy Class, tender sand boxes were fitted to all MN tenders. When the locos were modified, the tender boxes became redundant and the delivery pipes were removed. However, the boxes were not removed till 1962. So it depends on your time frame whether the tender boxes should be in situ or not.

Sorry about the bum info previously.


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Thanks Dave.


Looks as though I will have to find some then.


I am having a similar problem with the name plates. From what I can gather 'spam cans' had red name plates but when rebuild they were black until about 1962 when they seem to have gone back to red. From photos I can't see any particular logic unless someone knows different.


As mine locos are circa 1956/60 looks as though they will be black.

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Slow progress - painting! No not models - walls : :(


Anyway rear of tender finished and brake straightened so that is ready for primer once I have attached pickups to the wheels. Fitted buffer stocks for which I have five but only three buffer heads!




Chassis is now also completed having attached all the brake gear. Have epoxied the insides of the brake strectchers and the shoes so hope this will help with the normmal Bulleid pacific shorts.


Was going to use phosphor bronze pickups on the chasasis as well but now think it may be a problem so will use slaters - holes already there.


Motion rods now also all complete and awaiting a painted chassis to complete.




Getting there :)


Dave - by any chance will you be at Toddington on Friday? If not is P&O visable from the car park or is it hidden away?

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Hi Doolish.

Sorry, I won't be there on Friday - going to the Dorset Steam Fair at Blandford. However, P&O is currently parked outside the rear of the shed and is generally visible from the viewing area - unless they park a diesel in front!


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Hi Doolish.

Sorry, I won't be there on Friday - going to the Dorset Steam Fair at Blandford. However, P&O is currently parked outside the rear of the shed and is generally visible from the viewing area - unless they park a diesel in front!


Thanks - we will probably pass each other going in different directions - have fun

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Dismantling everything ready for paint. Am doing two locos at the same time my Finney A4 and the MN.


What has just struck me is the difference in approach of both kit makers. The following shows the front bogie with the A4 on the left.




Which is better? Finney approach is only detail what can be seen and MOK seems to go down the engineering route.

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Some people like to have absolutely everything in a kit.


You can please some people some of the time, but not all people all of the time.


I don't have an opinion either way - each has its merits - just thought it was interesting to show the two very different approaches to the same issue.

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