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Jazz 7mm Workbench


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Thanks again for the kind words-92022 is photographed on the Preston Group's 'Hawksbridge' layout. It (sorry, I can't call something that ugly 'she') often runs on there and certainly draws plenty of attention! It will also pull a good load. One of the chaps at the club has a photo he took of 92022 working a Blackpool excursion, now that's different!


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Hi.  Back on familiar territory with this Gladiator kit.  As usual with these kits, no problems with the build.  I have built a few of these Dukedogs but Tre Pol & Pen is a first across the WB.



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final touches made to the tender. All set to start the loco.  


Very nice to build.






Chassis simple in design and build. I have the centre axe sprung in the usual fashion. 




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all. Back again. I've been pre occupied for the past couple of weeks as we have put the house up for sale, so only been able to continue with

Tre Pol & Pen in drips & dabs. However I've had a good couple of days on the WB and just gotten her finished. Being from the Gladiator stable, she went together very well. One has to be careful as the kit is for variants of the the Dukedog and Tre Pol & Pen has addition etches to use in place of some of the Dukedog etches.


The bogie is sprung on a central pivot post. The leading driver rests on axle stops and is sprung to allow downward movement only. The rear, powered axle is fixed.  The loco is naturally nose heavy but the bogie spring keeps things on an even keel and allows the bogie to float as well.


The move to what will be our 'retirement bungalow" and the final move for us, I will be able to have the layout inside instead of in the garage as it is at present. It will be part of the workshop. (The current WB is in a small bedroom not large enough for a layout.)


Here is Tre Pol & Pen.







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Hi Kev.  Oh, there will will plenty of room for those two beauties. Having said that, we have not found the right one yet. We came close to the perfect bungalow but the third bedroom was no bigger than the present one I'm in. Plus the garden was enormous and I have no time or interest o look after that much garden.

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Hi Miss Prism.  I cannot argue that point one way or the other.  The instructions give a separate sheet listing all the differences in the Tr Pol & Pen. The flares are not mentioned at all. I do have a nice photo of her at Welshpool Junction and shows clearly with the cab flares, it does not give a date but obviously many years ago.  On the other hand I have a very grainy photo of her with straight cab sides. So I guess both may be correct, just depends what year we are talking of?   Regards, Ken 


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Hi Kev.  Oh, there will will plenty of room for those two beauties.


That's good. Do you take a tape measure with you to viewings? :)


Having said that, we have not found the right one yet. We came close to the perfect bungalow but the third bedroom was no bigger than the present one I'm in. Plus the garden was enormous and I have no time or interest o look after that much garden.


Best of luck with the house hunting.

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Hi Martyn.  I have a double garage now,  I will still be looking for a large garage anyway. But really want the layout to be indoors or at least in the loft space that will easily be heated in the winter complete with a Velux window for ventilation.


We are staying in Llandudno within walking distance to the front & shopping.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello again. I've been very quiet lately, just enjoying the sunshine in Florida staying visiting our daughter.  Now back to reality (and the cold of the UK)


Just before we left I was working on the LNWR 4-4-0 Precursor. This is the ex Javelin kit.  The tender was not a straight forward build as it is a bit on the tricky side. Requiring some very careful bending up and overlaying of etches.  The finished tender looks the part though. What is helpful, there are a series of holes on the inner etches to allow facilitate easier soldering of the overlays. The flares were no more an issue than those on GWR tenders. i.e. just a matter of filling the corners with low melt solder and carefully filing to shape after rough shaping with various dentist burrs.


Today I started the chassis. That is going very well so far and should not take too long.







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Hi Ken,


 I'm not sure if this is an ex-Javelin kit though I could be wrong. I say this as I built one (as 'Sirocco') for a customer two years back  ,the kit then was a 'new' in the Dave Andrews range . As a  'heads up' when you get to the body ....watch out for the splashers, they are the correct shape for a  'Precursor'  but are set too far out like a George V i.e.flush with the cabside. On a Precursor they are set further in and to get the correct effect it required some tricky infilling of the footplate to fill the gap. This might have been corrected by now but check :)

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John, This is definitely a Javelin kit. (It has Javelin on the etches.) It's actually a George V kit with all one splasher style. So I will be scratch building the separate splashers.

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Hi. Back on the WB today,  The body is going well.  All etches are a very good fit too. The one piece splashers have now been modified to cover the leading wheels only. This now means I have to fabricate the lower half of the firebox sides. No big deal, just cut them out from scrap brass.


The only fettling on the body, so far, was to trim 1mm from the boiler seam. Very impressed.





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Hi.  A bit more progress today. (I'm installing new bannisters and spindles on the landing and that's not a small job).


Everything is going well, the splashers, firebox and running plate were fairly easy to modify. I used the etches supplied and reshaped and cut them. Then adding a few pieces of etch off cut scrap all turned out well.


I'm now down to cab interior, roof and adding the detailing.  Not much will get done over Easter, I've some serious work to do on demolishing some Easter eggs.



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