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Revolution to produce PFA/KFA container flat in N

Revolution Ben

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  • RMweb Gold

Can someone tell me the length of the Revolution Trains Tiphook PFA/KFA container flats please? I want to know how many I will need to fit the storage sidings on Neely.



Excluding couplers about 145mm. Couplers will add a bit of length.


Cheers, Mike

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  • RMweb Gold

Can someone tell me the length of the Revolution Trains Tiphook PFA/KFA container flats please? I want to know how many I will need to fit the storage sidings on Neely.



Hello Terry,


This isn't quite the final CAD (still some work to do on the container mountings and in a couple of other areas) but the length won't change.  From bufferhead to bufferhead it's just under 144mm as seen here:




Of course, you'll need to allow a little extra for coupler spacing, and until we have moulded samples to test we won't really be able to give an accurate measure.




Ben A.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all,


In answer to a question on another thread about KFA liveries:


With wagons it can be tricky to be definitive with dates.  Most of what follows is purely based on observations or photographic evidence.  There are plenty of gaps in my knowledge of these wagons.


Certainly when some GPS bogied ones arrived they had blue bogies.  By 1989 some had yellow bogies and Tiphook placards.  I can't say for certain that none were delivered from Rautaruukki with yellow bogies.  We know from information provided above that the GPS bogies were not allowed on the continent; maybe they were painted yellow to stand out and avoid being marshalled into a train in error?


By 2000 I am not sure whether the GPS bogied versions were in use or in store.   This photo shows one at Toton in 2002: https://flic.kr/p/gBuNRz


Around that time some were refurbished, painted black, renumbered in the Network Rail NLU series and brought back into service.


Some examples of the VNH-1 bogied versions were certainly still carrying blue bogies until recently.  This picture from 2007 shows, where the muck has been rubbed away, that the underlying colour of the bogie is blue: https://flic.kr/p/r4ZUXc.  This appears to show a similar appearance in 2009:   20090126 TIPH 93446 Swindon 010






Ben A.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Hello all,


EarlyBird Deadline Extended




We have decided to extend our EarlyBird deadlines for the N Gauge KFA wagons, Class 320 and 321 units and OO TEA tankers by an additional month, to midnight on July 31st 2016.


The deadline was originally set at midnight tonight, but issues with the website dating system (it thought the deadline was last night!) have led to our being inundated with customers who've been unable to order at the lower price.


The problem has been rectified we believe, but to avoid any possibility of unfairness we have decided to extend the deadline.


We also need a little more time to be able to correctly process orders from outside the EU, which require a non-VAT option, and the additional time will allow us to fix this.


We are also evaluating the impact of the UK's vote to leave the EU on the sterling:dollar exchange rate.


We pay the majority of our bills in dollars and although (due to very cautious price modelling at the outset) we are able to absorb some fluctuations in the exchange rate if sterling falls further we will have to consider increasing our prices for non-Earlybird orders of the KFA, 320/321 and 4mm TEA.


We would like to emphasise that any price increase will not affect orders already placed for KFAs , 320/321s or the 4mm TEAs.


The extension to the earlybird deadline will give us a bit of breathing room to see how sterling performs.


We would like to thank all our customers for their understanding and patience!




Ben A.

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  • RMweb Gold



glad to hear you have extended e dad line as I have the page up on screen at home but with train delays and other things going on before going away I have just run out of time so the extra month is great news.



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  • 4 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Hello all,


Rapido have sent us a short video and some images of the KFA tooling being worked on. We had hoped to have mouldings to show our supporters next weekend at Warley, but it now looks as though they will miss the show and arrive in December.


This is a shame, of course, but we would rather they take a little time to get things right than rush them for self-imposed deadlines.


In this image the distinctive frame of the wagon can clearly be seen:




Here a sprue of the smaller parts is being spark-eroded I believe:




This is the full video on our You Tube page:




Ben A.

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  • RMweb Gold

Livery will depend on when you are modelling - probably the PFA coded version.  Links to photos on first page of this thread.


The VNH1 bogied flat certainly ran up the WHL, don't know whether any of the GPS bogied flats ever got up there.


Cheers, Mike

Edited by red death
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  • RMweb Gold

Can anyone ID these wagons? (posted by Irishswisswenie on the Cornwall forum)






They look similar but not quite identical. Are they a slightly older type?

Hi Tim,


The two with the yellow/white containers on (nearer the camera in the first shot) are PFAs but from a different build; they have the dead straight deck side.


The two with the red/white diagonal split containers on (nearer in the second photo) are both KFAs - certainly one has the GPS bogies and the other VNH-1 bogies; both options we are offering.


But there is a chance they are Standard Wagon built, rather than Rautaruukki. Without seeing the deck, the buffers or the number, it is very difficult to tell since the angled arches above the bogies are the same on both types. However, it would be unusual for a Finnish one to combine a body-mounted handbrakewheel with GPS bogies, so I think the nearest one is almost certainly from the other builder. But they are very similar.




Ben A.

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Can anyone ID these wagons? (posted by Irishswisswenie on the Cornwall forum)






They look similar but not quite identical. Are they a slightly older type?

If you look at the second picture, you'll notice the two different types of bogie- the nearer wagon has the Gloucester bogies, the other has the cast-framed ones. The wagon with the cast-framed type belongs to Greater Manchester Council, as do the containers; that with the 'Gloucester' bogies is one of the Tiphook fleet.

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  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Gold

Hello all,


Rapido have sent us some images of the first moulded samples of the upcoming PFA/KFA container flat. This shot shows the decks, with the various framing member details and rebate for the kinematic close coupling mechanism visible.




More information and images are on the news section of our website.


On New Years Eve we will also be publishing our Revolution Round up of the year. Bucking the trend somewhat, for us 2016 has been a year to remember and relish!




Ben A.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Hi all,


Rapido have now received assembled samples of these wagons for inspection and testing. The models will then be sent on to us for the same process.




Some of the mouldings need to be a tightened up a little but the levels of accuracy and detail are what we are coming to expect from Rapido.


For more information see the latest news section of website or follow this link:




Once we have confirmed performance of these models is acceptable then we will move to livery samples and production.




Ben A.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hallo Ben, Mike,


Just bought some containers for the KFAs I already have on order. Question regarding the their (ie the container's) dimensions: will they fit the ATM KQA pocket wagons I have?



es grüßt


Good question. They should, since the containers should be exactly the same length as the 40' standard height C-Rail containers that I used when designing the original master.


If they don't let me know!




Ben A.

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  • RMweb Gold

Have you stopped taking orders for the KFAa now?  Can't see a "buy" button on the page..


No, we have only just got the first samples (last night - thanks Jason and all at Rapido!), though we are hoping it will be a quick production once approved.


The wagons will be on sale for a few more months - just click on the Shop link on our website or go direct to the product page here: http://www.revolutiontrains.com/product/kfa-container-flat-wagon/


Cheers, Mike

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all,


As Mike said above, we received the first samples from Rapido in the week. They look as good as they did in the photographs we were sent from Canada.




For more information and a short video, see the news item on our website here:




We still need to finalise the livery diagrams, though these wagons are all either blue or black, with blue, black or yellow bogies. Markings are relatively basic - just TOPS panels, warning marks in white and some have Tiphook or Freightliner branding.


The order book will be staying open a few more weeks until we are ready to authorise them for production, and the factory has the capacity to start.




Ben A.

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