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Radical Changes at MREmag


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In the Friday, 30th edition of MREmag, there's an "open letter" by Simon Kohler ( http://www.mremag.com/index.php/news/1227-lettertomremagreaders ), detailing the new directions MREmag is to take with effect from the beginning of October (ie, from tomorrow).


The major changes will be:

  • Frequency of the "traditional" or "classic" mag will initially reduce to  twice a week (Tues/Fri) and then from December to Friday only.
  • Phil Parker will be giving up his editorial role at MREmag at the end of December.
  • There will be a new mag MREMagazine, a subscription free bi-monthly new eMagazine.


The letter is well worth reading if you have any interest in this useful forum and gives a bit more detail of the background to the changes.




edit: ****** typos....

Edited by Hroth
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Phil Parker deserves praise for the way he has led MREmag since Pat Hammond's retirement from the chair. It was a big commitment which was carried out with great regularity; even if he was away everything was cued up for the publishing times (a bit like his blog, the only bloke I know in the hobby who publishes something every day).


Fundamentally it's a struggle for such work to be much more than a labour of love, mainly due to the difficulty of convincing the advertisers needed to support running costs of the measurable benefits of online advertising; they're often very conservative.


I wish the new team well, I'm sure they'll soon find out how much work is involved!

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Phil Parker deserves praise for the way he has led MREmag since Pat Hammond's retirement from the chair. It was a big commitment which was carried out with great regularity; even if he was away everything was cued up for the publishing times (a bit like his blog, the only bloke I know in the hobby who publishes something every day).


Fundamentally it's a struggle for such work to be much more than a labour of love, mainly due to the difficulty of convincing the advertisers needed to support running costs of the measurable benefits of online advertising; they're often very conservative.


I wish the new team well, I'm sure they'll soon find out how much work is involved!

Phil has done a grand job keeping things going, but In my opinion it has never been the same since Pat retired. I used to have it as my home page so it was the first thing I read each morning, but not any more.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello everyone


Although I check the 'new content' list at least twice a day, this thread somehow evaded me until today!


I have read and contributed to MREmag almost from its very start and hope that the planned changes will enable some form of continuation of what I - and many others - see as a valid, relevant, informative and highly enjoyable 'magazine'. It is 'dear to the heart' of many. Someone wrote to me yesterday and said: "I feel like I have just lost a very good friend."


I'm sure the Board of MREmag would be interested to hear from Paftrain (#3) as to why he has 'switched off'. Personally, I feel that Phil has done a grand job without ever missing a single publication date (to the best of my knowledge). He has been a delight to work with since day one of his tenure. He is 'holding the fort' until the end of the year and my thanks go out to him for that. I fully understand his reasons for moving on (next year).


If Paftrain doesn't want to speak publicly, then he can feel free to PM his comments to me and I will pass them forward. Indeed, I will offer to do the same for anyone else - as long as they are reasonably brief, polite and constructive; that includes anything you feel is 'wrong'.


Some friends and I will be doing all we can to provide the Board with ideas for a secure future. All is not lost -  the ride is just a bit turbulent and foggy at the moment!



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Hello everyone


Although I check the 'new content' list at least twice a day, this thread somehow evaded me until today!


I have read and contributed to MREmag almost from its very start and hope that the planned changes will enable some form of continuation of what I - and many others - see as a valid, relevant, informative and highly enjoyable 'magazine'. It is 'dear to the heart' of many. Someone wrote to me yesterday and said: "I feel like I have just lost a very good friend."


I'm sure the Board of MREmag would be interested to hear from Paftrain (#3) as to why he has 'switched off'. Personally, I feel that Phil has done a grand job without ever missing a single publication date (to the best of my knowledge). He has been a delight to work with since day one of his tenure. He is 'holding the fort' until the end of the year and my thanks go out to him for that. I fully understand his reasons for moving on (next year).


If Paftrain doesn't want to speak publicly, then he can feel free to PM his comments to me and I will pass them forward. Indeed, I will offer to do the same for anyone else - as long as they are reasonably brief, polite and constructive; that includes anything you feel is 'wrong'.


Some friends and I will be doing all we can to provide the Board with ideas for a secure future. All is not lost -  the ride is just a bit turbulent and foggy at the moment!



Hi Brian,

I don't mind going public with my thoughts!

I feel that it has lost the 'magic' it used to contain, it has got boring with too long individual posts. Our hobby has got more interesting over the years, but mremag doesn't seemed to have kept up. I participate in some of your polls, but I now tend to 'speed read' the rest of the content, very often switching off after only a couple of minutes.

Perhaps RMWEB has evolved better with a more varied content by comparison.



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 One obvious problem is it is constantly playing catch up. News on here and elsewhere on the internet is virtually instantaneous . A three day format just about managed to keep up with what is going on , now going to two days and then soon to one issue per week is lets face it is a death knell . Many people simply aren't interested in news upto a week old.


They cite advertising is needed for funding, as one of the reasons for cutting the days down. Sadly announcing what they are doing will surely will

have a reverse effect . How many companies will invest in the the magazine now or in the future.


The format is stale, just readers (some very long winded ) letters and a couple of small articles per issue and a video once a week . Far to many polls doesn't help either, useful at once a year for hoped for models for makers and buyers.


Once it becomes once a week, what can they actually hope to fit into one issue , which is new enough to make people remember to even look at the page ? 


I wish it well and hopefully a major change will rescue it.

Edited by micklner
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I have to agree with the posts above.  I used to read MREMag every day, but now I rarely visit.  When the readers letters were published daily by Pat Hammond, there was almost a 'flow' with a letter the following day either expressing a different point of view or providing further information.  When the publishing frequency was cut to three times a week, my interest reduced - it was no longer a daily read.  I found RMWeb and this site tends to be my sole source of information nowadays.  I liked MREMag because the letters were well written due to Pat's editing, whereas some of the posts on this site are much less clear and discussions can be more heated, but discussions are also much more instantaneous.  I can ask a question on this site and find that someone has answered within five minutes.  That was never possible with the MREMag format, but when it was a daily publication that didn't matter too much.  However, if MREmag becomes a weekly publication, then I can only see it as the demise of the site.  It's a bit like Brian's comment on the MREMag site about the rationalisation of the railways during the Beeching Era.  Cutting back the publication frequency will, in all honesty, probably result in even fewer readers.

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I still tend to regularly visit MREmag but have been finding the letters increasingly oblique, often long winded and usually disparaging about the blue BR period. With the letters often being dominated by the same half dozen or so names, some with multiple letters published on one day/list, I now gloss very rapidly over them. In fact I check the names first and don't even bother to read the content of some characters missives.



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  • RMweb Gold

I agree with the comments above, Brian. I too used to visit MREMag daily - often before anywhere else. It just seems to have lost that draw - the same few people writing letters, the delays in hearing about things all contributed to me visiting the site less and less. 


Phil's done a great job in keeping things together, but the format really needs a full-time editor. If thats not an option, the format needs to change somehow to keep things fresh.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello everyone


They say perception is reality, but I have just carried out a very brief survey of the content of last week (the last week of three issues and prior to 'change discussion').


48 = The number of published letters (Have your Say)

21 = The number posted by individual names appearing once only

8 = Four people sent two postings each

6 = Two people sent three postings each

5= One person sent five.


Additional to that, I sent eight postings:

5 = Personally, all answering raised questions.

2 = On behalf of The Poll Team

1 = Personally, submitting a photo of the USA Class



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Trying to be as sympathetic as possible, I think the idea of reduced frequency and an online bi-monthly mag is deader than a dead thing. I gave up on all dead tree publications over ten years ago, in favour of the live word; where everyone is a journalist, and the information flow is very rapid indeed and draws from unmoderated sources resuilting in much superior coverage. Moving in the opposite direction is 'pissing against Niagara' in my opinion (you get cold and wet, and no-one can hear what you are trying to say).


Pat and Phil, and those associated with the MREmag site's activity such as Brian are much to be congratulated for what was achieved, but if it isn't sustainable at the three times a week frequency best to pack up immediately and go gracefully.

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  • RMweb Premium

I hope it can continue on as a blog, maybe with some form of contribution. I've always enjoyed it. I would reintroduce the 200 word limit though. People have to realise that you have to get point over quickly. I'd be surprised if people make it to the end of some of the very long posts, including one today!

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I disagree with there being only one way for 'publications' to go. I believe it's a matter of taking advantage of all media sources - be that the printed or the electronic word (and of course the various styles/formats). Both have their place and particular advantages and can reach various/different markets. Currently electronic sources are continuing to establish themselves so it is only natural that alternatives will need to make some room for it, but it doesn't mean everything else is dead.


The same goes for the number of 'publications' per week, blog or forum approach, on-line or PDF download access, instant update/comment or editor screened content, and so on. I wish MREmag well with it's future. And look forward to (another?) free 'e'zine.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like it's a very significant problem with the database. Won't be a quick fix I'm afraid.

Not good news.  MREmag was the first thing I looked at this morning.


Hope its just connected with trashed indices rather than a loss of content. 


You did back up all your hard work before hitting the upload key?

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I agree with the comments that have been stated to date. I had been in touch with Phil over the content of the MRE in the last couple of months and the decline in the quality of the posts. There had been no modeling input for some while and it felt that the RTR brigade had taken over, a lot of those were collectors.


I was unimpressed with Brian's constant polls, what was the worth of them, just look at the results of the last of them.


I for one do not look at the MRE now as I have no interest to the drivel being served up. I hope Phil Parker moves onto better things.

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I agree with the comments that have been stated to date. I had been in touch with Phil over the content of the MRE in the last couple of months and the decline in the quality of the posts. There had been no modeling input for some while and it felt that the RTR brigade had taken over, a lot of those were collectors.


I was unimpressed with Brian's constant polls, what was the worth of them, just look at the results of the last of them.


I for one do not look at the MRE now as I have no interest to the drivel being served up. I hope Phil Parker moves onto better things.


Ironically, there were a couple of modelling items in today's issue, but you'll not miss them. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to serve up something to suit you personally.


Phil Parker is moving on to others things - and he's making sure some of them don't involve model railways.

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Phil Parker is moving on to others things - and he's making sure some of them don't involve model railways.


Entirely unsurprising if people see fit to post comments such as those you quoted. It's only a small proportion of the modelling population but...

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  • RMweb Premium

I hope I am not in the minority when I say that Phil and Brian's efforts on MREmag like Andy's here are to be applauded. All of them and others who are in the background do a wonderful job allowing railway modellers to swap information.


I am unhappy with the way MREmag appears to be changing but then I was not sure about RMweb moving into the BRM stable but that seems to have worked to the advantage of most of us. So THANK YOU Phil for your hard work and good luck in the future.

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From MREmag's Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/ModelRailwayExpress/posts/1044784938972581



On behalf of the DRM ePublishing Board


As many of you are aware the MREMag site crashed on Monday and despite the ongoing best efforts of our technical director the problem has proved unable to be fixed. On analysis our expert discovered that there is a major error in the program used to host MREMag and although the problem has not been created by MRE we have been advised that fixing the problem would incur a nonspecific fee for the situation to be rectified.
Our future plans had taken into account the creation of a new website and the fact that we are now having a problem with the existing site has forced us to bring forward our plans and introduce the new site as quickly as possible. This may take a few weeks, possibly four or five but we believe that to bring forward the launch of the new site, which will contain a moderated forum in place of ‘Having Your Say’ is the most effective solution to the current situation.
With this in mind do please keep sending in your contributions and. and if they are still relevant by the time the new site goes live they will be posted.
Sometimes situations can force changes to plans sooner than expected and the problem we are experiencing with the current site is just one of those occasions. We do apologise to all those who enjoy a cup of tea while reading ‘Having Your Say’ but we are convinced that our decision is the most practical.
Please keep checking back to the website though as we will also be monitoring incoming emails and will continue to provide updates on progress. We will also provide a link to the new eMagazine from there in November.
Once again, our apologies for the untimely changes and please bear with us. We really are doing our best to get something in place.
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  • RMweb Gold

At this point, I'd like to echo a lot of the sentiments already expressed - and take the chance to thank Phil and everyone else involved - for keeping the MREmag site going - and for everything that's been involved (and will be involved) in doing so.


It's inevitable that a few people might not appreciate all of the stuff - some might even be less than gracious about all of this stuff - their loss - I don't see any reason why it should be anyone else's lookout.


As for long term plans, I wish you well - all of you - Phil - and everyone else who has been involved with this project or will be involved in future. I don't think this is the place to go into any detail - but there won't be any sour comments from this direction.


Nobody will have wanted the current IT problems, but I agree that the forced break is as good a point as any to work on changes for the future - a future that's likely to look rather different (certainly in the long run).



Anyway, I'm not sure there's much more I can usefully add to this discussion right now - so I won't interfere.



All the best,



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  • RMweb Premium

Phil Parker has written about MRE on his Blog here   http://philsworkbench.blogspot.co.uk/2016/10/farewell-mremag.html


A small extract below - funny how this also applies to RMweb . . . . . .




I've met, sometimes only by e-mail, some wonderful people. And a few aresholes, but I forget about them.




Not much I can add to Huw's comments above - having been a reader for many years, I'll miss MRE . . . . . . . . . .





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