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A forum area specifically and only for recording ideas and progress of individual's challenge entries in accordance with the challenge.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thank you to all contributors to the challenge threads, it all makes for interesting reading and has clearly got a few people thinking about creating their own cameos. I am very pleased to report that as of this moment we have received six entries as a result - splendid!


I thought I'd just answer some of the points that have come up and drop in a few thoughts of my own on the competition.


Answers to questions:


  • Entries by groups of individuals are fine - a good idea, we hadn't thought of that.
  • Entries do have to be "working" layouts with movement and a degree of "playability".
  • Entries do not have to be in any particular scale or standard, use whatever you wish to.
  • There is no "requirement" to show or share progress here or elsewhere. (but we'll have to see something sometime in order to judge it)
  • Size is not limited, other than by time and space(!)


The purchasing of Iain's book is a requirement and yes, it is all part of a cunning plan to sell even more books than I might otherwise have done.


It was simply an idea I had which when run past Iain Rice and Paul Karau received a positive reponse. Beyond "selling more books" I have numerous aspirations for the competition and without boring you with all of them they include:


  • Having fun.
  • Getting some layouts built and enjoyed by people who might otherwise not have (Let's call it the "Arendt Effect" in memory of a lovely man).
  • Promoting and sharing the hobby with more people.
  • Getting Iain Rice and his ideas, personality, creativity, humour and humanity a bit more bounced around the hobby.
  • Having fun.

Gong back to the requirement to buy a book to enter the competition, some entrants have emailed evidence, for which thank you very much, but I think I'm happy to on the whole just take it on trust that entrants will have done the "decent thing". The thought of "enforcing" anything pretty much fills me with terror.


All that said, entrants must be prepared for spot checks from Herr Schirtz at any moment in time and any entrants found to be without well dog eared copies of "Creating Cameos" as a result will be subjected to continuous audio loops of MRJ threads, containing endless references to sausages and WH Smith branches - especially Ealing.


Joking apart, both Iain and I are very concerned that participation should be enjoyable and that absolutely nobody should walk away from the challenge feeling in any way that they have "lost". That said, it is a competition and we are aware that does introduce a degree of "tension" but we will be seeking to be as inclusive and recognising of everyone's efforts as possible throughout the whole process.


Happily I am not a judge, but genuinely feel that in Iain Rice, Gordon Gravett and Chris Nevard the contest has three judges who will appreciate the widest range of approaches and ideas. I am certainly looking forward to seeing lots of different ideas as a result of the whole business.


I intend attending the members day at Taunton next week where I will make myself available for plaudits, rotten tomatoes etc


And Arthur, as regards Hitler parodies - yes please!





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  • RMweb Gold
  • Having fun.
  • Getting some layouts built and enjoyed by people who might otherwise not have (Let's call it the "Arendt Effect" in memory of a lovely man).
  • Promoting and sharing the hobby with more people.
  • Getting Iain Rice and his ideas, personality, creativity, humour and humanity a bit more bounced around the hobby.
  • Having fun.

Well said, Simon. Well said indeed, although perhaps some people might struggle with the 'having fun' bits of that list.


By the way, did you notice that you'd mentioned having fun twice? Just thought I'd point it out.


I am still prepared to hire out my copy of the book for a decent fee (but no supermarket own brand sausages, thank you very much), but I'll deny it, if put under the bright light by Herr Schirtz and the Studiolith Squad.


By the way, will there be any prizes for layouts that come with lengthy displays of historical justification, maps, misleading Weekly Operating Notice entries and other such rhubarb?

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  • RMweb Gold

By the way, will there be any prizes for layouts that come with lengthy displays of historical justification, maps, misleading Weekly Operating Notice entries and other such rhubarb?


Rhubarb. Now there's an interesting theme. A siding into a nursery somewhere near Wakefield.....


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  • RMweb Gold

Rhubarb. Now there's an interesting theme. A siding into a nursery somewhere near Wakefield.....


Excellent idea......A junior cameo competition......Start them young...what!

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  • RMweb Gold

Does the layout need to be UK centric?

No doubt a significant proportion, mine included, will be somewhat eccentric.......

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  • RMweb Gold

So far I've got :


  1. The Cornish Harbour layout, as already linked to in my signature
  2. The Return of the PSMT...
  3. A garden ride-on layout, inspired by (amongst others of similar ilk) this : http://www.nwmes.org.uk/

So far....



Had a further thought....


       4. A layout at an exhibition (sort of bigger version of this : http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/37212-stubby47s-2011-challenge-entry/?p=417035 )

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  • RMweb Gold

Fun, this is supposed to be fun??

I'd just like to point out I own some very old railway books (by my standard) including earlier volumes by Mr Rice and none of them are dog eared despite regular use. I haven't quite resorted to book supports and white gloves ;)


A horrible suspicion that an idea is forming is gently knocking . .


But fun? As a friend observed about another acquaintance,


"a man who takes his happiness seriously"



Not even delicately mouse eared either . . .

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  • RMweb Gold

Simon, just repeating the question in case you've missed it...


Stubby, I am coming down to Taunton on Sunday and will be able to offer you counselling(!) Speaking for myself just the thought of trying more than one would blow my fuses, I doubt we'll have a rule to ban multiple entries but wouldn't you be better concentrating on one?


I quite liked the Himalayan Nose Trumpet Monorail you had at Taunton the other year, honing that into a cameo keep you out of mischief for years I should think!!


See you Sunday



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Simon, hopefully you'll be bringing some of the books too...


With a finish date of 2019, I'd hope to get at least 2, if not 3, cameos done by then - they're only little layouts after all.

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  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Gold

Just to let folk know that all entries have been received and "logged", we have not as a matter of course acknowledged all of the entries, so don't worry if you haven't heard anything yet.


Iain and I sat down and reviewed entries so far on Sunday, and we have a great variety of ideas and approaches, which is very pleasing, many of them unfolding on this thread.


Iain is concocting a letter with which we will be contacting and acknowledging all entrants shortly, I will let you know when we are doing this on this thread so that everyone can be sure they are "included".


He also has some further thoughts and even guidance(!) having seen the entries so far and we will be publishing these here and on Western thunder, and even on my website...


Simon Castens

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It was simply an idea I had which when run past Iain Rice and Paul Karau received a positive reponse. Beyond "selling more books" I have numerous aspirations for the competition and without boring you with all of them they include:


  • Having fun.
  • Getting some layouts built and enjoyed by people who might otherwise not have (Let's call it the "Arendt Effect" in memory of a lovely man).
  • Promoting and sharing the hobby with more people.
  • Getting Iain Rice and his ideas, personality, creativity, humour and humanity a bit more bounced around the hobby.
  • Having fun.

So people who don't have fun are disqualified?  Sounds like an outstanding rule!  :good:

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  • 1 month later...

Just to let folk know that all entries have been received and "logged", we have not as a matter of course acknowledged all of the entries, so don't worry if you haven't heard anything yet.


Iain and I sat down and reviewed entries so far on Sunday, and we have a great variety of ideas and approaches, which is very pleasing, many of them unfolding on this thread.


Iain is concocting a letter with which we will be contacting and acknowledging all entrants shortly, I will let you know when we are doing this on this thread so that everyone can be sure they are "included".


He also has some further thoughts and even guidance(!) having seen the entries so far and we will be publishing these here and on Western thunder, and even on my website...


Simon Castens

This was posted on 21 June.  Its all gone very quite......

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  • RMweb Gold

This was posted on 21 June.  Its all gone very quite......


The "further thoughts and guidance" are in the latest MRJ (256) which I flagged up on the "what is a cameo" thread on 20th July.


We will be contacting everyone, at the moment we are still seeing a few new entries together with the odd withdrawal. Rest assured it's going ahead, there are lots of great ideas coming through.


I have been a bit distracted by Larkrail, hols and also getting the new Wild Swan book "The Wantage Tramway" out, I pick up stocks tomorrow.





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