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Portwey - WessexTrains OO

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Portwey is a “micro” layout based on  Wessex Trains . Originally it was to be an SLT but in the end decided to go for something with a tad more potential even if it did push credibility a  long way. I had considered doing it in OO-SF and even built a couple of FB points but with the C+L handover and some unused Code 75 took the easy way out. I have altered the points in the hope of making them look a little less Streamline.

Was quite surprised when researching  Wessex’s branchline stations to  find just how basic the facilities provided were, and still are from what I can see. Little more than a shelter, seating, information board and a Help point. Some have a “Ticket Office” usually in the shape of a fibreglass cabin.  The latter is available a an RTP item, the others though......  I’ll probably use either a Bachmann or Hornby shelter as no-one appears to do the aluminium framed type usually seen I doubt I could scratchbuild. Not sure anyone does modern style seating but hopefully someone might point me in the right direction. 

The main stock will be Wessex 150’s/153’s which have appeared on here before.  Quite fancy having a go at a Bristol 143 if I can find a reasonably priced Realtrack one to attack (Actually have one already from a DCKits resin  but it’s a lousy runner) For variety there’ll be a couple of period loco’s plus some engineering stock to shuffle around. Operation will be DCC but sound - cue violins - will have to wait awhile.

With the Platform in place it’s the groundwork next so I’m  painting trunking, sorting out relay boxsand the rest of the expected clutter. Had the help of a couple of professionals for this side but I’ll probably still get it wrong. I’m having fun though :-)









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Looks good so far, and a period not often modelled. Maybe you could have a go at modelling the Wessex Trains pink mk2 coach set and matching class 31 - obviously given the size of the layout it would have to be shortened to about 2 coaches, but it would add some variety to the passenger operations. 

I am following this topic, so keep up the good work.

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  • RMweb Gold

I like the look of this, another minimalist masterpiece by the look of things! Will be good to see more of the Wessex units too.
Hope you don't mind a couple of questions: How big is it? What have you done to the points?  I assume the parallel line is forming one end of a loop and there will be a scenic break covering over the other end.

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Thank you for the comments and the "likes".

Rich, it's a tad under 4' scenic - we've downsized the car... - and there is a fiddleyard with a run-round and a couple of sidings, luxury for me. As for the points I got rid of the odd looking siamese sleeper  and shortened and narrowed the the sleepers next to the tiebar. I'll try for a better pic if needed.

Scenic break. Had an interesting chat with Paul Wade recently as to whether backscenes/scenic breaks were actually needed. I think they probably are if simply to hide possible distractions going on behind. Whether they should be blue, black, sky blue pink or a picture of next doors rockery is another question. In the end it is  a matter, quite rightly, of personal preference but I don't  believe there is a "correct" solution.

Robin, rather sobering to realise the Wessex ceased over a decade ago. As an aside I suppose we should now consider FGW and SWT liveries as historical. A pink 31, very tempting as it would be a challenge.Somewhat easier a black Fragonset 31 would suit the period/location.



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shall we consider this for WrecRail IV?

Should  be done by then if needed :-)


Quick update before the grandchildren break in for another week of mayhem!




This should give an idea of what's been done around the tiebar, with the sleepers shortened and narrowed to match the rest. Still kept the spring though removing that would improve the look even further.

Dummy point motor is Peco, evidently about 25% oversized bit I had them so going to use them. Hopefully when everything in place  and weathered in  they won't look too  bad.

May get a bit more done over the next  day or so but first need to stock up on a decent  12 yr old Malt  ;-)





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Cheers Andy :-)

Just a quick update. Been dithering a bit over the scenic break so have  gone for the "making it bigger is easier than  making it smaller" approach. Not permanently fixed yet as experience has taught me to test  it with every bit of stock that you might use, I'll say no more....!






Had planned a conventional stopblock for the platform road then looking through Martyn Read's excellent site came across this




A good example of the prototype for everything dept.





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  • 2 weeks later...


I assume its nearly finished now!


Ah no. We've been doing our own version of the Waterloo rebuild - sorting out and totally redecorating two spare bedrooms. A fair ways still to go


Did manage to get a rake of 3 MKA's weathered  over the weekend whilst waiting for paint to dry.



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  • 2 weeks later...

With the decorating complete and a few days before prepping Sheepcroft for Shenfield made a little progress.


After dithering over what to put at the scenic break or whether anything at all in the end knocked up something which I hope to the casual observer looks like a structure that went in long after the railway did. It's not perfect but my structure building skills are rather like my patio laying skills, patchy at best. It's something I  should try harder at, wondering if there's a Wild Swan book or the like worth finding.

The pics aren't good as the light was all wrong. The blue bits from my sadly dwindling supply are freezer insulating foam, easy to work with and a deal less messy than polystyrene. Shapes are rough at the moment but hopefully you'll get the idea.












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  • 1 month later...


Since my last post a couple of months ago life seems to have had more than it’s usual share of commitments; various. Did get the odd hour or so here and there to get bits sorted but more recently  managed a few unorganised and, more importantly, “unsupervised” days.

So this is where I’ve got to. Still quite a bit to do but progress has been good.

Apologies for the photo’s, had to use the phone.










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Have managed to get a bit done on the platform. Realised the lamps were probably the wrong colour for the period so repainted those, they're shorted Bachmann ones and seem to be made  with a coated wire post and base and lamp from some material that isn't obviously normal plastic, however they look the part. Modern stations seem liberally plastered with an assortment of signs and  notices. Used various sources including https://ukrailwaypics.smugmug.com/SwinginHotSpots-1 to try and get things accurate. There's a couple of figures roughly planted. They're early Bachmann ones which I suspect were made by Preiser as they're notably better than the current offerings. Have noted Prieser do "proper" OO figures so will get some for a passenger or two. With those and a couple of, again early, trackworkers for the yard that'll do me. I have a bit of a thing about "overpopulated" layouts but that's just me.


Pics from phone in hardly the best light but hope it'll be enough.










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A couple more pics


The white post is my attempt at a Help Point, a feature on most smaller stations  though my experience is that it's not often modelled.

The wheelie bins replicate part of my local stations litter arrangements with a couple padlocked to the railings. The real locations appear to have large swing bins so in time I may try replicating one.

The shelter now has a bench inside but needs a bit of weathering as the roof's far too clean.






The seats are bodged about PECO ones in an attempt to get something near the real style. Bachmann do something that looks similar but think I 'd like to see them for real before shelling out.

The white van is an Oxford Transit Mk3 which is right for the period. If I'm blunt I'm not very impressed. The casting is rather clunky andIMHO not as good as their Mk1 version but for the moment it'll have to do. Need to sort out some yard junk now.


If you're wondering where the trains are I do most of my scenic work without it working on the possibly misguided principle that if a layout looks OK without any stock on it then it should be OK with it on.





Edited by lapford34102
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As someone has asked the help point is "bodged" up from assorted bits of different plastic. I've plenty of pics, mostly culled online but no dimensions as I haven't plucked up the courage to go to my local station with a tape measure. I've one decent shot of my own from Narborough but as it's taken on a crowded platform a bit reluctant to put it up here.
The post is scale 3x3 square section as the posts look pretty substantial with a bit of plasticard for the "flag". As for the help point itself I think I've made it somewhat undersized but it's made from some scrap plastic tube capped off and sanded to a shallow dome. Using photos simply dabbed some appropriately coloured blobs on it with a fine brush. If you stand back and squint it's passable.......
There does seem to be a few varieties around with some having what looks like a train describer screen. Perhaps someone who gets close to one regularly can put me out of my misery :-)



Apologies for pics but my cheap smartphone camera doesn't like close ups.

Got a spare hour or two today so completed my backscene edging. The bit at the stopblocks end started as a transport bit but in end decided to turn a this into a backscene section which I might use for real. It's at the stage now where if it had to go out in the near future it could though the fiddle yard needs some work. Have now finished a repainted  Vitrains 37 into EWS colours  to haul a few wagons around with the OBA in one pic is a relatively recent effort.





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Thank you Ian. That layout you mentioned rings a faint bell, will have a search later


just needs the all important backscene.....

You mean like this, a section of an old Gaugemaster "village" one temporarily popped into place and hastily photographed




Problem I think will be finding something appropriate. I'm aware of the Gaugemaster and ID offerings but not convinced there's anything there. Think I need something urban rather than sylvan fields or misty mountains... :-)




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  • 1 month later...

Dave, as you've been kind enough to enquire.......

Fiddle yard,  built + tested. Requires  a couple of extra brackets as being constructed in my usual fashion out of bits of old MFI bookcase and scrap could use some help in places.


Need to get some trestles built so I can return my borrowed ones but that can wait till Feb as Drewry Lane has a show then end of Jan and that'll  need a bit of fettling before it goes out - important show.

Been faffing around with some stock. Been using Martyn Read's useful site as a  guide - https://ukrailwaypics.smugmug.com/ -as it has some good photos to work from.

A couple of Cambrian ZCA's; Seahorse and Sea Urchin





A couple of Bacchy OBA's





That gives me a large handful of wagons to play with, more than enough really.

And to shove them around Vitrains 37, picked up ages ago in a Toy Shop sale for £39.99 ! Was 3TG  but now in EWS colours again taken from Martyn's site




So far so  good. All stock has been chipped and tested, no sound yet but if anyone's offering... :-).  Still need to sort a backscene or perhaps something more radical along the back as it jars with me a bit now but in practical terms it's good to go. To date 4 shows booked so been worth the effort.





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Reminds me somewhat of the excellent Oldham King Street in "0" gauge that was doing the circuit a while back.


Scenics look well and pastel shades - just needs the all important backscene........



Oldham King Street is still on the circuit. A couple of members of Stockport & District Railway Modellers help operate it.



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