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Little Loco Company - Ruston 48DS

The Nth Degree

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I've been monitoring this thread for some while and don't recall seeing anything on applying the transfers.


I just got mine done and it was a nightmare, mostly due to my errors.  I thought I'd provide some comments that might prevent others from making the same mistakes I did:


I had to redo the cabside transfers.  I used the new sheet and everything went on OK but when I returned a couple of hours later the numbers had curled and there was a very noticeable film.  I put this down to me making two errors:


1)  Putting the totem and number transfer on in one piece.  It is tempting because you get everything spaced correctly.  My advice is to cut the individual transfers off and trim the edges to reduce carrier film.

2)  Because the model was finished I was loathe to apply gloss varnish as I normally do.  I suspect that the transfers had trouble adhering to the satin surface.


The OLE flashes are fine but I did use the original transfer sheet valence notices due to me not knowing my front from my rear.


I think I am successful the second time round.  I cleaned up the mess left from the old transfers - by rubbing the cabsides down with car paint restorer.  This gives a nice shine as well.


I used the original transfer sheet and despite the nasty pink film, the transfers themselves are really very good.  These come off the paper backing without any carrier film and stick down very well.  Everything is separate so great care is needed to position everything correctly.  I still made a number of positional mistakes so thank goodness for spares.  Even now, things aren't perfect.


My 2 cents.  What are others experiences?



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Ah thanks Paul.  Must order some figures from ModelU.  Any other recommendations?



84B Oxley, on 02 May 2017 - 20:45, said:



Try Cice arts they are superb, and the cheapest b far...

Just type in figure painting 7mm and you should find them...


This is what you want...


I'm sure you'll like what you see...

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They do drivers and crew figures, afaik they may not have them on the webpage right now...


If you mail or call them I'm sure they'll find you some...

I've just got mine for my CL15 and 08... Expecting to get some more for my forthcoming Peak.

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They do drivers and crew figures, afaik they may not have them on the webpage right now...

If you mail or call them I'm sure they'll find you some...

I've just got mine for my CL15 and 08... Expecting to get some more for my forthcoming Peak.

If they aren't on the website, I can't see them, could you post a pic of the ones you bought please?

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The standard of painting on that website is fantastic but the site itself doesn't give much detail.  From the filenames I'm assuming that she paints supplied figures as individual commisions but it is far from clear.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's been an age since I last updated this thread – it's been incredibly busy, and still is. A quick summary of what's been happening.


Class 15
A retailer has commissioned a Special Edition (to be announced shortly) of 3 liveries of the Liverpool Street Pilot. These are fully decorated models, with all transfers, shed plates and buffer tread plates pre-applied. The liveries are all green, small yellow panel and full yellow end with black buffer beams. Prices to be announced by the retailer, but I'll update here when they are announced.


I realise I am way behind on getting replacement transfers out, but this week looks a little easier, so hang tight a few more days – apologies.


For any serious collectors out there a very special Class 15 model is being auctioned on ebay at the moment. The very first model to roll off the production line decorated in D8233 colours. This was given to the Class 15 Preservation Society by LLC for them to auction off to raise funds. This is certificate No.1 and includes a note on the back from me. Not only do you get a unique model bound to appreciate in value over time, but you also help out the Society raise much-needed funds. Here is the auction lot, bid well: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/222575792485


Ruston 48DS

Last Friday I visited the factory and brought home some parts. Very crisp moulding and I'm very excited about seeing them all joined together. The factory underwent a merger of two of its groups and a relocation for part of it, plus a major investment in capital machinery (£1 million!!!) – partly due to LLC! The resultant delay means we are about two months behind schedule for the Rustons, but this will eventually mean much faster and efficient turnaround of following models. I'm disappointed by the delay, but on the other hand I'm delighted that they are making this massive investment in the project. Samples are due at the end of this month and finished models are expected in time for Guildex on 2nd September.


Type 2

This is going to be an amazing model. It's not only going to look like the prototype but it will have an almost exact replica of the driveline too. This has never been done before and I'm very excited. We're just now adapting it to enable it to navigate a 1 meter radius curve. We've got the sample speakers and motor in to test recently. Anyone who is a member of LLCs Facebook group will have seen them, but when I have the opportunity I'll post them up here too. This is booked into the factory for the end of September. Release date is possibly before the end of the year, but I'm not guaranteeing that.


Class 50 crowdfunded

Also progressing well. This will use the same speakers but a bigger motor. This is booked into the factory for January latest and will be ready for the summer. For this and the Type 2 we are working on a revolutionary implementation of DCC and PluX22 with Paul Chetter.


Some loose plans for next year include our first steam loco models, a couple more diesels and spanning over into 2019, a DMU in 2, 4 and 8 car units.


Thanks very much for your support.


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  • RMweb Premium

The misquoted words of Mandy Rice Davies come to mind . . . . . . . . . . . .


 . . and I agree with what you say !



I bet Mandy Rice Davies never drove a 48DS. There's no driver's seat to sit wrong way round on!



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  • RMweb Premium

I had forgotten about the chair - but when I went to find a picture, it was Christine Keeler in the famous photo taken in 1963 . . . . . . . 


Sorry to Steve for going off topic - but it does get The Little Loco Co back to the top of the page again !




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Ruston 48DS

Last Friday I visited the factory and brought home some parts. Very crisp moulding and I'm very excited about seeing them all joined together. The factory underwent a merger of two of its groups and a relocation for part of it, plus a major investment in capital machinery (£1 million!!!) – partly due to LLC! The resultant delay means we are about two months behind schedule for the Rustons, but this will eventually mean much faster and efficient turnaround of following models. I'm disappointed by the delay, but on the other hand I'm delighted that they are making this massive investment in the project. Samples are due at the end of this month and finished models are expected in time for Guildex on 2nd September.



Thanks very much for your support.


Any chance you can post some pics of the bits? I'm one of those hovering over the 'Add to cart' button and some physical presence just might cause depression of the key!

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A small picture update, as promised.


The mouldings from the first tool set. These are the small parts. The larger parts of the cabs and bonnet plus the die-cast chassis will follow shortly. Also, the very fine, accurate scale roof profile.




The machined parts (wheels, axles, etc) are produced in Somerset. These are all solid steel wheels, which will be blackened in production. They are insulated from the axle with acetal bushes.



Moving away from the Ruston, we will be using some very special speakers in our larger models (Type 2 upwards). These are without doubt the finest speakers used in any model, or available from aftermarket suppliers. At 50mm square and capable of hi-fi quality sound, these are used in professional audio line arrays, so are more than adequate for models.



This is our test enclosure with a secret design of internal baffling that we are testing on Thursday. These units may in future be available as standalone parts for aftermarket fitting in your models. The frequency response is unmatched by any speaker system currently available.


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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been an age since I last updated this thread – it's been incredibly busy, and still is. A quick summary of what's been happening.


Class 15

A retailer has commissioned a Special Edition (to be announced shortly) of 3 liveries of the Liverpool Street Pilot. These are fully decorated models, with all transfers, shed plates and buffer tread plates pre-applied. The liveries are all green, small yellow panel and full yellow end with black buffer beams. Prices to be announced by the retailer, but I'll update here when they are announced.


I realise I am way behind on getting replacement transfers out, but this week looks a little easier, so hang tight a few more days – apologies.


For any serious collectors out there a very special Class 15 model is being auctioned on ebay at the moment. The very first model to roll off the production line decorated in D8233 colours. This was given to the Class 15 Preservation Society by LLC for them to auction off to raise funds. This is certificate No.1 and includes a note on the back from me. Not only do you get a unique model bound to appreciate in value over time, but you also help out the Society raise much-needed funds. Here is the auction lot, bid well: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/222575792485


Ruston 48DS

Last Friday I visited the factory and brought home some parts. Very crisp moulding and I'm very excited about seeing them all joined together. The factory underwent a merger of two of its groups and a relocation for part of it, plus a major investment in capital machinery (£1 million!!!) – partly due to LLC! The resultant delay means we are about two months behind schedule for the Rustons, but this will eventually mean much faster and efficient turnaround of following models. I'm disappointed by the delay, but on the other hand I'm delighted that they are making this massive investment in the project. Samples are due at the end of this month and finished models are expected in time for Guildex on 2nd September.


Type 2

This is going to be an amazing model. It's not only going to look like the prototype but it will have an almost exact replica of the driveline too. This has never been done before and I'm very excited. We're just now adapting it to enable it to navigate a 1 meter radius curve. We've got the sample speakers and motor in to test recently. Anyone who is a member of LLCs Facebook group will have seen them, but when I have the opportunity I'll post them up here too. This is booked into the factory for the end of September. Release date is possibly before the end of the year, but I'm not guaranteeing that.


Class 50 crowdfunded

Also progressing well. This will use the same speakers but a bigger motor. This is booked into the factory for January latest and will be ready for the summer. For this and the Type 2 we are working on a revolutionary implementation of DCC and PluX22 with Paul Chetter.


Some loose plans for next year include our first steam loco models, a couple more diesels and spanning over into 2019, a DMU in 2, 4 and 8 car units.


Thanks very much for your support.



will the type 2 have a hydraulic driveline/ transmission?

When will all be revealed for this loco or have I missed a clue somewhere



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  • 5 weeks later...

It's been a busy few weeks, and having a holiday in between hasn't helped with logistics.


The first working sample is now on its way to be programmed for sound and lighting functions, with the remainder due soon for life-cycle, electrical continuity, accuracy, colour, haulage & traction, and a host of other tests before release – which I'm hoping will be in limited quantities at Guildex on the 2nd September.


The factory upgrade during the project has certainly not helped sticking to schedules, but this does bode well for future models, and being almost literally down the road certainly helps nipping in to approve (or reject) new samples as they appear.


I've managed to assemble a few parts that I have at home into something so you now it's all still in progress, but I not fixed the small parts to it as I've not had much time since returning from holiday – that washing pile is not getting any smaller!







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I should mention before it's picked up that the Ruston badge on the radiator cowling was moulded into the tooling for reasons known only to the factory... This has now been corrected so the open cab variant will have a printed Ruston logo and the later closed cab will have a painted etched badge. The same goes for the cabside emblems – open cabs have a printed crest, while the closed cab has a printed etched badge.


All etched badges are of nickel-silver and the very fine radiator grill is etched stainless steel painted in the body colour.

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  • RMweb Premium

It looks very good - just ordered mine as seeing is believing. I sold my TT gauge train collection to finance this! A set of Ruston crests as transfers would be ever so helpful in various sizes as no-one seems to make these...


I'm sure we'll see a profusion of ever-smaller Gauge 0 microlayouts with a 48DS!



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