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Hi Daniel,


I have done nothing since the last update and I haven't run it either. I've done nothing with the OO layout - other interests, lack of time etc.


I'm thinking of selling Bury, Thorn & Sons. Some of the locomotives and stock may be for sale too but I'll be keeping the majority for when (if) I get round to building the shed layout.


If anyone's interested in buying it, send me a message with a serious offer before I change my mind and cut it down to install it in the shed. If I don't reply immediately it's not that I'm ignoring you. it's that I rarely log in here at the moment and I may have just forgotten to look.

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Bury, Thorn & Sons Ltd deserves a good home & to be worked hard, the purr of a diesel & the chuff of steam.  Thanks for showing it here as it has been one that I have used to inspire my build in my shed.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Some lucky person has purchased a really lovely model.

Any news if it will make it onto the show scene going forward as it's one I would like to see close up.


So what's the new project then?




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Good news that it has been saved for the Nation.


Is it staying in God's Own or is it going to foreign parts?

It's gone to the deep south - uncharted territory. I delivered it today and the experience of taking it down and transporting it was nerve-wracking. It made it with minimal damage but I'm glad I never took up any of the exhibition invites that I recieved! What a faff...

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Can we be made aware of the new owner or do you wish to remain anonymous, it will be a shame if any changes made for its new life are not shown here to further admire.


Please.............. pretty please.



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Indeed :)


Following a renewed threat from Dave that he was going to lop a foot off the end to fit it in the shed, I thought I should probably stop umming and ahhing and make an offer. We negotiated a price for the layout plus a significant proportion of the tanker fleet, as to me one didn't make any sense without the other, and Dave was good enough to deliver it on Sunday.


I don't have any huge plans to be honest- I intend to make the layout more resilient to transportation, which will involve a bit of thought. I've no permanent home for the layout, it will go up in the garage but I'm one of those odd folk that uses it for keeping his car in so it can't be a permanent fixture (being a modern integral garage it's approximately the same size as the average car...), so it'll have the occasional outing to the local 0 gauge mob's meet instead. No immediate plans to exhibit but it's something I've wanted to do so definitely an option in the longer term.


Other than that it's just going to be a case of repairing some of the odd minor bits and pieces of damage as a result of it's journey from the Northlands, add a few extra touches here and there and tidy a few bits up (mostly the backscene to be honest, which has warped slightly in places- not that you can tell from the viewing side).


I'm really pleased with it- it includes so many features that I'd always wanted in a layout, such as inset track, weed grown sidings, deep "ballast", a gated siding, industrial grime and grot... Really glad that some of the stock has stayed with it as well, Dave's custom transfers for the tankers really help set the scene. No locos sadly- in fact I only have a brassworks 04, and that doesn't fit!



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Will indeed keep you posted Mark- no immediate plans as I say, nothing in 2015 most likely but maybe 2016...


An Ixion "Fowler" is a strong contender Martin, I struggled to decide between the 04 & a Fowler when I bought it (the 04 won on being more in keeping with other club member's layout, the mostly commonly exhibited is a diesel depot) and made the wrong choice!


Unfortunately I can't stretch to a Manning Wardle at the moment.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The new owners of Bury, Thorn and Sons are pleased to announce that they have replaced their poorly suited motive power with a more suitable design for the operations required.


Yes, somewhat predictably, it's an Ixion Fowler. I want to be able to get something running that will sit well on BT&S, and something that will be reliable too- with my budget effectively it was a choice between a Hudswell or a Fowler, not wanting to risk an "ebay special" kitbuild. Having spent ten minutes looking at both in the Antic's warehouse shop and considering, the Fowler won.




The BT&S tanker fleet also got to stretch their legs on the Golden Valley MRC test track a few weeks back, probably the longest run they've had!





Edited by brianthesnail96
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Hi Matt not Brian.


Please keep us posted on your progress, it will be interesting to see what modifications you make so the layout is more transport friendly.


All the best with your new purchase.



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Matt you going to keep the same glorious name for the layout and will you continue posting in this original topic.

I don't want to lose track of your layout..




PS: I still sneak back for a peek to gather some ideas of how, where, what; as I'm doing just now.  :yahoo:

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Couldn't change the name if I wanted to (which I don't), it's writ large on the wriggly tin "factory" building that hides the fiddle yard, and on half the wagons too :P

Fear not, I'll carry on posting in this thread- as I said before, there's nowt drastic planned- mostly a few minor repairs and arranging some form of box for additional protection when in transit, and some more substantial legs. This, along with a bit of wiring work (adding connections between boards mostly, and a movable "groundframe" to control the points from either the front or back depending on mood, location etc, is planned for over winter. 


Have been a bit distracted for the last few weeks, preparing for & taking part in a 2000 mile classic car run in a friend's car, and now trying to sort one of my own for the NEC classic car show next month. BT&S will see more attention over winter, it's in a warm house (in fact the main board is on the dining room table, I'm lucky enough to live with a very tolerant young lady...) not a cold garage ;)


I need to build a few more wagons too, which I enjoy- and learn to paint them, and make them dirty!

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Had a day off work today with nothing planned, so decided to break out the paints and have a play with the Dapol open wagon that started my 7mm meanderings. For a first attempt at weathering in any scale I'm quite pleased- admittedly the wagon isn't particularly suited to BT&S, but it might get the occasional outing, and anyway it's unsuitability is why it was targeted for practice! It's not quite finished- I need to sort those couple hooks for starters, and I want to try using more powders too.


I pinched the other half's decent camera to get some better pics, the Fowler got in on the act too. I eventually want to repaint it, but that will require considerably more bravery than slapping some acrylic on a under utilised wagon... I think I might have to sent it off for a sound chip first though.









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  • 1 month later...

Dave wrote an article on BT&S (including some of his excellent pictures) for Railway Modeller, featured in the December edition out now (along with a couple of other layouts of interest, including the fantastic "Tucking Mill").


I have a stash of wagon kits to keep me amused over the festive period, and a bit of a plan regarding bracing the backscene and making the layout more transport proof, hopefully at some point early in the new year we'll get it together and running again :)

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