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Aston On Clun. A forgotten Great Western outpost.


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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, MrWolf said:



All I need is a lawn!


Ouch!!! Just clicked on that link, quite forgetting our outdoor caramel cat, Bella, was asleep on my lap and the wonderful clattering soundtrack frightened her off, so I'm now sporting bleeding legs from her claws as she sprang off!


No biggie, as cats are brilliant and she's lying on the gravel having a wash.


Great clip btw.

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  • RMweb Gold
21 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:





Bless ewe !!

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32 minutes ago, NHY 581 said:



Bless ewe !!


Just remember to keep it watered. That's all I ask.


Oh and no nibbling until at least two weeks after it's been laid - that's the turf not .....well you get the drift.

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21 hours ago, MrWolf said:

Meanwhile, perhaps you can debate why steam powered lawnmowers never really caught on? 😜


Probably because of the shortage of steam powered lawns.


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  • RMweb Gold
10 minutes ago, Captain Kernow said:

But you just did by clicking 'Agree!'


Must have been an error, and I obviously intended to click another icon… ;)


(A lesser known variation on the “Did I say that out loud?” ploy.)

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9 hours ago, Regularity said:

(A lesser known variation on the “Did I say that out loud?” ploy.)


That happens a lot round here. Somebody says what she's thinking and claims to have "no filter". It certainly saves a lot of second guessing.

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Not much to report so far, we got up ridiculously late and went out walking about 2pm, but I've been putting together a few bits I had been meaning to do, that will progress other things.


The petrol pumps needed a basic island making. For this I used a bit of textured sheet from the same Peco roofing pack I've raided before. 

The engineering brick edging is rows of headers sliced from a scrap of Wills'brick sheet. It's the right thickness and comparatively soft. A dozen light passes with a Stanley knife parted it. Bending it in a 6mm radius was another matter and I snapped a few. A cigarette lighter was too fierce, the memsahib's hairdryer wasn't hot enough and I've never had any real luck with the boiling water method. Perseverance, a lot of solvent and elastic bands.




The other things was a roadside double sided sign on a heavy base. I used what I think is a wall reinforcement plate from a Wills' detail sprue and a piece of wire bent into an inverted coat hanger shape to give the printed signs something to stick to.




I had a bit of bother blackening the edges, as my markers either bled into the edges or barely touched them.




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  • RMweb Gold
16 hours ago, MrWolf said:

That happens a lot round here. Somebody says what she's thinking and claims to have "no filter". It certainly saves a lot of second guessing.

Similar to people who claim not to be phobic/“-ist”, on the basis that they are offensive to everyone with targeting any specific characteristic (protected under law or not). In reality, they are just offensive, not offensive without prejudice.


Still, at least you know where you stand.

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2 hours ago, Regularity said:

Similar to people who claim not to be phobic/“-ist”, on the basis that they are offensive to everyone with targeting any specific characteristic (protected under law or not). In reality, they are just offensive, not offensive without prejudice.


Still, at least you know where you stand.


I believe that is what is called straight talking. Or calling a spade a spade. However I think that nowadays that might be classed as being offensive to spades as their are different types of spades.


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3 hours ago, Regularity said:

Similar to people who claim not to be phobic/“-ist”, on the basis that they are offensive to everyone with targeting any specific characteristic (protected under law or not). In reality, they are just offensive, not offensive without prejudice.


Still, at least you know where you stand.




Not at all


Her occasional bouts of uncontrolled verbalisation stem from having suffered psychotic depression as a result of extreme trauma in childhood and a type of ADHD which has continued into adulthood. 


The latter is something that I have always suffered from, which has led me to excel at certain things and definitely kept me alive on several occasions.


I don't have a public sector white collar job, so don't fear being denounced as much as some do.


Ists / ism / phobic are crude bludgeons used by political extremists to silence dissent and debate. Generally at the point where said extremists run out of rational arguments or can't think of another reducto ad absurdum quickly enough. It's also used as a weapon for people to get their own way or dodge responsibility for their immoral or criminal actions.

It's used by those who wish to force their world view on everyone else. If you want to destroy a people, genocide is not the answer, history has proved that. Far better to erase their group identity, history, culture, beliefs, traditions and moral values. Erase their voices.


If I or Miss (Soon to be Doctor) Riding Hood dislike a person, it's not because they can be put in a neat minority pigeonhole, it's because they're being an A*****le.


Treating anyone as a special case rather than absolute equals as I believe you should, only builds division. You only have to look at the great social experiment in the former Yugoslavia and the carnage that followed to see that for yourself.

Still, divide and conquer is what has kept down those who live on our little damp rock since the end of WW1.




Edited by MrWolf
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2 minutes ago, MrWolf said:




Not at all


Her occasional bouts of uncontrolled verbalisation stem from having suffered psychotic depression as a result of extreme trauma in childhood and a type of ADHD which has continued into adulthood. 


The latter is something that I have always suffered from, which has led me to excel at certain things and definitely kept me alive on several occasions.


I don't have a public sector white collar job, so don't fear being denounced as much as some do.


It's / ism / phobic are crude bludgeons used by political extremists to silence dissent and debate. Generally at the point where said extremists run out of rational arguments or can't think of another reducto ad absurdum quickly enough. It's also used as a weapon for people to get their own way or dodge responsibility for their immoral or criminal actions.

It's used by those who wish to force their world view on everyone else. If you want to destroy a people, genocide is not the answer, history has proved that. Far better to erase their group identity, history, culture, beliefs, traditions and moral values. Erase their voices.


If I or Miss (Soon to be Doctor) Riding Hood dislike a person, it's not because they can be put in a neat minority pigeonhole, it's because they're being an A*****le.


Treating anyone as a special case rather than absolute equals as I believe you should, only builds division. You only have to look at the great social experiment in the former Yugoslavia and the carnage that followed to see that for yourself.

Still, divide and conquer is what has kept down those who live on our little damp rock since the end of WW1.





Is that a rant or just a verbalisation of deep seated frustration at not being able to express oneself in this increasingly fractured a divisional times?

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  • RMweb Gold

I just think that at one extreme, there is the entire population of human beings, and at the other, a population of individual human beings, and that life is easier if we treat each other with the appropriate amount of respect, which increases the less we know someone else: if you don’t know someone well enough to know where their boundaries lie, then be more respectful. Conversely, the better you know someone, the more you are (usually) able to joke about things, as we tend to on here despite many of us never having met, as we all start with an interest in the hobby.

I dislike the current concept of being offended on some other group’s perceived behalf: that’s arrogant and patronising, but I am aware that certain words and phrases are just generally offensive, and steer clear of using them.

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  • RMweb Gold
13 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:


I believe that is what is called straight talking. Or calling a spade a spade. However I think that nowadays that might be classed as being offensive to spades as their are different types of spades.


I once pointed out to a colleague who used the phrase, “not one to call a spade an agricultural shovelling instrument” that a spade and a shovel are actually slightly different things, with a different shape and purpose. I won’t repeat his comment, as the censor will delete it all.

As for “straight talking”, there is clear, honest and respectful communication, and then there is rudeness pretending to be that. Being rude is being rude. I don’t have a problem with that, as long as people are honest enough with themselves to admit it and not portray it as a virtue.

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  • RMweb Gold
16 minutes ago, MrWolf said:

Still, divide and conquer is what has kept down those who live on our little damp rock since the end of WW1.

I think it started long before then, probably almost since people first arrived here.

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24 minutes ago, Regularity said:

I just think that at one extreme, there is the entire population of human beings, and at the other, a population of individual human beings, and that life is easier if we treat each other with the appropriate amount of respect, which increases the less we know someone else: if you don’t know someone well enough to know where their boundaries lie, then be more respectful. Conversely, the better you know someone, the more you are (usually) able to joke about things, as we tend to on here despite many of us never having met, as we all start with an interest in the hobby.

I dislike the current concept of being offended on some other group’s perceived behalf: that’s arrogant and patronising, but I am aware that certain words and phrases are just generally offensive, and steer clear of using them.


Absolutely. Children know all of the nasty insults and know that they are by about the age of nine. 

A sense of right and wrong is instilled in the vast majority of us, we certainly don't need to be told how to think.

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10 minutes ago, Graham T said:

A gentleman is never unintentionally rude.


Risqué perhaps, when the moment calls for it, but never downright rude. 


Miss R is generally the image of genteel politeness, in fact she's often been mocked for it, but every so often, usually when running out of patience....

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42 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:


Is that a rant or just a verbalisation of deep seated frustration at not being able to express oneself in this increasingly fractured a divisional times?


Just the expression of rather hard-bitten experience.

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  • RMweb Gold

I find all this talk of spades and shovels to be deeply offensive to entrenching tools and trowels... 😉


More seriously, I find "treat others as you wish to be treated yourself" works in most situations, at least on first contact. 


15 minutes ago, Regularity said:

I dislike the current concept of being offended on some other group’s perceived behalf: that’s arrogant and patronising, but I am aware that certain words and phrases are just generally offensive, and steer clear of using them.

Particularly as the ones taking offence, frequently don't actually ask the perceived victims if they are actually offended by the thing in question, and instead make assumptions based on their own prejudice, privilege and worldview - the patronising assumption can often be more offensive to the victim than the original slight... 


As @MrWolf says, treat everyone equally - or at least, only discriminate on attributes that people can control themselves (like their attitude and behaviour) rather than ones that are part of their being.

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32 minutes ago, Regularity said:

I think it started long before then, probably almost since people first arrived here.


Undoubtedly, but it has accelerated wildly in the last hundred years.

I have read numerous times that the firearms act was a knee-jerk reaction to the Russian Revolution and given plausibility by the German Burgerbraukeller Putsch of 1923.

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