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Gosh that's excellent work John. It's looking good, your work is very neat. It moves very well and I like your choice of music.


This new system by Protocab could help you with motor performance because they are aiming to give you the ability to fine tune the motor, like DCC. Therefore you could get a lower ratio gearbox and then smooth out the starts and stops using the fine tuning, hopefully anyway, the system hasn't been launched yet.



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John, remember that this is a new system that hasn't even been launched yet. As I understand it this is a remote control system with decoders, they call them LCUs (Locomotive Control Units) and at the moment their main objective is to just get them to drive the motors, but if this system takes off it has great potential I think. Just like with DCC decoders that have functions i.e. the ability to run other things such as lights, couplings etc., these LCUs could have functions added, one of which could be used to work the steering servo on a remote controlled road vehicle. What do you reckon?



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some news from my side



engine built in.






Now I can drive




the car ride too slowly. will search for other motor with gearbox





John, that's beautiful - I use 100 :1 with 1:1 final drive - but of course you can get these motors down to 5:1 so you shouldn't have any problem



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Hi Giles,


Thanks for the link.

The engine with 1:5 gearbox would be a good choice

First try with a machima engine, I have,

directly on the gearbox on rear axle,

I have look what happened.

What is the speed of you car






I whas first looking for the system of Tom Valley,

I thought with this system to start 

but its not legaal in the Netherlands


I will follow the progress of protocab




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have tested the machima engine.  I going to use

12v - 12000 rpm  

3.7v - 3700 rpm

with gearbox 1:38        

3700 rpm : 38 = 97.3 rpm


I think with gearbox he is good.

now make a bracket for the engine.  


also a flywheel I can  use .

the engine has axel on front and back


more later



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi to everyone on ths forum...

Switch02(Rich) has kindly referenced Acc+Ess Protocab as a potential for controlling this marvellous system. Firstly, congratulations on coming up with a very impressive piece of modelling.

As indicated by a number of respondents, the Protocab system has not yet launched and we are now in final testing. Also as  mentioned it is initially planned for railway locomotives. However, we have planned the architecture to provide binary and controlled functions which could well include steering via servo mechanisms. This would be some way off yet, as we want to consolidate our initial products and develop from there. Having said that, we will keep a close eye on developments of the mechanical technology and if we can bring our system to benefit this development, we'd be more than happy to look at it early on.


Best regards

Tony Hagon


Acc+Ess Ltd

Caithness, Scotland


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John, that looks perfect for yard work - very controllable, and you'll be getting very slow speeds for reversing up to things. So a choice of yard work, or life on the open road! I guess that that the 5:1 will give a performance very similar to my lorries when it comes to speed range, by the looks of it.


Again, the workmanship looks superb, and it's now working just like it should - brilliant!



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Returning for an update and that looks very good John.  Not sure I've seen the finished crane/hoist Giles, certainly no operational vid so I'll check back through the posts.


Great work gents.




EDIT Found last posts on hoist on P13 any chance of a vid showing it all working, lifting, moving side to side and how the 2-motors operate with the bolt threads.

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  • 1 month later...

My update of the AA Ford. Car ride nice and painted like an old car .

test drive on a layout of een good vrind.


Giles, thanks for the good information. Without you I wasn't that far,

You have given me good insight to make RC cars



<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/29979404@N08/10644497034/" title="95 by johnlostcreek, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3746/10644497034_305c03a8ab_z.jpg" width="640" height="408" alt="95"></a>




Regards John 

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John, that lorry is absolutely superb! It looks really good in motion - do please post more of it when convenient!


You should be very proud!


All the best,



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Hi Giles,


.Thanks for this nice words.

I have to put lighting., also bolts and nuts in the flatbed. and weathering with rust spores and dust.

When I'm done I will post pictures


I working on a layout for car and train.

Later  I will make a thread over it on this forum.


regards John 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again folks. Well done John, the Ford is looking brilliant. You're doing a grand job there, and a good paint job too. You stated you were hoping for more speed with the 1:5 gearbox. Can you get more speed out of it or is that top speed? I see at about time 0:58 on your video your driver has mastered that old 1930s gearbox admirably and is able to change direction in a millisecond :) I look forward to further posts of your progress.


I went to the Warley Show at the NEC Birmingham last Saturday and walked past what I thought was the usual toy-like Faller system, busy stopping and starting with such G forces the scaled occupants would be dead within minutes. I walked past it again later on and on closer inspection found it was not a toy system at all. This was Faller converted to move like the real thing, this was Faller converted to a model, and guess what John, this is produced in your country.


Take a look:-



The steering is still a bit scary sometimes but that can easily be altered by smoothing out the track and making them slow down for corners. The system I saw had traffic lights and the vehicles had indicators. Notice how well they stop and start. I hope you can see the potential for this system.


This is not Faller's digitasation of their product, this is by a company called VPEB and it is called the Dynamo / MCC Digital system:-




The company are represented in Britain by this company:-




Unfortunately they don't supply O gauge versions but I'm sure MERG would be able to help. Remote control is great for a layout that has just a few vehicles, but for layouts that have a more substantial road system, which even O gauge can have, static vehicles stuck on roads busy not going anywhere is a bit of a spoiler as I know you'll agree. Cars stopped at level crossings not taking the opportunity to go when the gates go up, it would really be better if the cars were not there at all. Even on layouts with a more complicated road system you can still keep some vehicles remote control, but you can't drive all of them. You could have people driving the other vehicles via the Internet (it's being done already), or you can have an automated system. Such a system doesn't have to have them going round and round in circles getting dizzy. It can make their journeys have purpose and some vehicles can be made to fit in with the railway e.g. a taxi drives off from a station after a train has just come in. The possibilities are very exciting I think.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Rich,





I made a new movie on my new layout under construction 

with a background sound of a ford aa,

I put some ligts in the ca but, .they are still too white

want to drive the car yet slightly faster, 

so will install another engine.

more later.




I think it is possible to use the faller system in larger scales.

you will have to build the system in the larger car s

then you can drive with more cars on the track in an easy way

a nice challenge


john LC

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