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Rannoch Moor


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I shall soon be experimenting with static grass as I have now obtained a fly swatter from B&Q and a tea strainer provided by my mum. Hopefully this will allow me to create the effects I want on the layout.



The fly swatter and metal tea strainer work surprisingly well, just take great care not to touch the metal part and be sure to discharge it after use as it develops quite a charge (it's quite amazing how fast you move if you forget !!)




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Hi everyone,


Thanks for all your comments, very much appreciated.


Nothing like a bit of a deadline to get on with some modelling and as a result my station building for Rannoch has taken a massive step forward. Eventually it will have some lighting added but that will be part of the wider layout plan so not essential for now. Anyway thought I would show you some of the details that have been added to the interior and exterior to more or less finish off the building.


I had mentioned my insanity at making some chairs for the tea room and the first picture shows you all the parts for 7 chairs each made from 10 little sections of plastic strip I have made 8 but I built a test model first to ensure they came out ok which you can see next. I added various details to the tea room such as the till, a mirror, chalk menu boards, clock, tables & chairs and the cake counter. The tea room is closed so no cakes today!


Last year at Perth I met a nice chap called Tom who e-mailed some photos of the station which have helped me with some of the external details such as down pipes, benches, the post box etc and I have added what I can so far. The benches are made from plastic strip, the post box is langley and the scales I have had for around 20 years and whilst not the same as those at Rannoch will never find a better use. I have added door handles to finish off the very fine etchings Pete Harvey did for me - I based them on the black victorian style ones as I had an old one in the flat and made by rounding the ends of a section of plastic rod before slicing it off and glueing in place.


The down pipes have had brackets fixed to the wall and the pipes are bent from brass rod - I have not fitted the actual wraps to secure the pipes to these but might at some point if I get chance using thin wire. They are glued in place and aligned with the roof gutters so I can still get the roof off to fit lighting later on. I have added the brick paving along the sides and ballast at the ends and finally glazed the end wind panels. The final photos show the building in position on the layout.


Things I still need to add are a bright red round bin when I find or make something to match the real one, station poster boards, timetables, platform numbers for the end wall. I can also see from photos there are 2 other boxes on the wall on the rear side from my viewing angle but can't find a clear shot of these - this will be something I will need to go and see eventually to be able to add them on. There are also several purple window boxes and I have a plan to make these as well but need to get the right strip sections first before I can add these on.


Hope you like how it is all looking.


If your going to Glasgow at the end of the month you can come and see the building at Model Rail Scotland and you will find me with the rest of the DEMU team on the roadshow stand or operating Mikes, New Garnoch layout (I will probably be building cottages for Rannoch). It will be nice to put names to faces and meet those of you in person who can make it so please come and say hello if you get the chance.


Look forward to seeing you then,














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  • RMweb Gold

Mark, hi


Top work! That station building (and all the trimmings) looks fantastic in the last two shots - it really captures the atmosphere of the prototype.


Am a bit miffed about the cakeshop though :( Could just imagine a cup of BR tea, an iced doughnut and waiting on the platform to see a large logo 37 snake through :D


Best, Pete

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Hi Mark,


Do you do tea cakes too? I feel like I could just walk in there and sit down, while waiting for a 37 to come through. Superb.


It's great to see the details being added, they're really bringing it to life.


Looking forward to seeing you and the station building at MRS.




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Thanks, Pete / Pete and Dave,


I'm sorry there are no cakes at present - I've probably eaten them all, well I do have a sweet tooth! But there will be a good choice of cakes and I'm certain tea cakes will be on the menu too once they have re-stocked!


See you at Glasgow Dave,



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  • 2 weeks later...



Hi Mark


Forgot to mention last night that after chatting to you yesterday I went over to see the station building. Well, what can I say? Superb. Stunning. Even better in real life than it looks in the pics and that's saying something.


The only thing I would suggest if it were mine (and it's too good to be mine) would be to put various shades of grey weathering powder on the roof and then wipe it all (well, most of it anyway) off again with a large dry weathering brush. Not sure if you had actually finished it, so apologies if you hadn't as I know you worked hard to finish it in time! I just thought the roof looked a bit clean. It's the same process I use for my bogies (can't believe I just wrote that :D ). Otherwise though, wow.


Looking forward to seeing Rannoch Moor develop and hopefully see it "in the flesh" one day. Will let you know next time we're coming up to Edinburgh to stay. I'll bring my tripod (well, my mum's anyway) and camera too if you like.


Cheers for now,








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Hi Dave,


Thanks for your kind comments, glad you liked it - It would have been good to have it on the stand as the lighting was better and you could have seen the interior better as well. Thanks for the tips on weathering the roof, I was very impressed by Gary's station on Glenuig with the lichen and things added which is something I planned to do once all the vegatation goes in at the back as I want to weather the whole layout once its all done to create a nice subtle texture across the scene but the powder idea is something I hadn't though about but will be ideal especially for the soots stains around the chimneys.


Just let me know when you are about up here and hopefully I'll be about so you can come and take some decent photos of the layout and have a play as well. Got a digitrains 37 chip on Sunday and fitted to a DRS 37 - still to tweak the running of it as different to the ESU ones but has some really nice engine noises and other functions as well.




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Hi Dave,


Thanks for your kind comments, glad you liked it - It would have been good to have it on the stand as the lighting was better and you could have seen the interior better as well. Thanks for the tips on weathering the roof, I was very impressed by Gary's station on Glenuig with the lichen and things added which is something I planned to do once all the vegatation goes in at the back as I want to weather the whole layout once its all done to create a nice subtle texture across the scene but the powder idea is something I hadn't though about but will be ideal especially for the soots stains around the chimneys.


Just let me know when you are about up here and hopefully I'll be about so you can come and take some decent photos of the layout and have a play as well. Got a digitrains 37 chip on Sunday and fitted to a DRS 37 - still to tweak the running of it as different to the ESU ones but has some really nice engine noises and other functions as well.





Hi Mark,


It was frustrating to only be able to look at it from behind the glass and see one side only of course too, especially as I knew you had done so much work on the interior. Another time though, hey?


One of the best things about using weathering powder for the roof is that if you make a mess of it or don't think it looks quite right, you can just wet it, wipe it all off and start again. I use it to get a similar effect on my coach roofs. I use various shades of grey right from light grey to almost black and you could use black of course for the soot stains around the chimneys as you say.




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Hi everyone,


I thought it was about time you get to see and hear some updates from Rannoch so this is a link to my first ever upload to Youtube which shows DRS 37 229 Jonty Jarvis which is all the hard work of Andi Walshaw (Cairns road works). This machine was chosen as Digitrains only had 21 pin decoders left and was fitted during Model Rail in Glasgow at the weekend. There has already been a lot of discussion about the Zimo decoders but having gained some knowledge from a fellow DEMU member who is quite an expert at DCC the quality of them is very good. Whilst not as plug in and play compared the Howes ESU decoders, I will add some at a later date to compare. The Digitrains sounds themselves are very good overall with some nice changes in engine noise especially and the brakes coming on when stopping as well as some of the other sounds on the function buttons. As you all know I have quite a few 37's for Rannoch and this adds further variety and is good value. All I have done so far is alter a few CV's to be able to create a more realistic start up on my layout. Let me know what you think so far and I will over the next few weeks try and get a few more videos done!


Many thanks,


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Hi Everyone,


I am trying to spend more time modelling than sat on here at the computer in an attempt to get some serious progress made with the layout. I have focussed my time on ballasting with the viaduct trackwork and North end of the station seeing some good progress over the last few nights. I have also done some painting on the viaduct deck and will hopefully have this nearer completion over he next week or so. The wife has got herself an Iphone and there is a clever photo app where you can just add colour to part of the photo so here is a view of the station just for fun!


Hope you like it. I will add some of the progress work later this week.





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Hi everyone,


I have managed to complete the platform painting, not a fun task due to having to bend over and paint a straightish edge by hand. The effect seems to be worth the effort though and was the only way I could recreate the prototype. The concrete edge slabs are painted with railmatch acrylic concrete with the next line in of raised tiles finished in brake dust which gives a nice yellowy look. The brick paving is done using revell matt 37 and WCRC maroon again by railmatch to try and create the purple red hues to the bricks. I found I had a bag of 2mm granite chips which has been ideal for the rest of the platform tops. I spread a thin layer of PVA and pressed and spread the granite chips before fixing in solid with the normal PVA, water soap mix.


I have also been working on some of the scenic details with the little track used by engineers added, I used a model landrover to create the grooves whilst the ballast was still wet and then added some scenic water by Javis to create the puddled areas. The long grass in the middle is cut from the gaugemaster sheets which are stuck down with PVA first before adding the ballast around.


Next up is more work on the viaduct - this only requires around 300 bits cutting and sticking to it and then painting - I should just go for the plastic covers and scaffold look for one span to save a lot of work!


Some pics of the progress, let me know what you think or questions/comments always welcome.









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Hi Mark


Great work all round - I always enjoy catching up with your latest news and photos, especially as you explain how you did everything, which is a great help.


I was just wondering what you used for the wire in your fences - I've got my fence posts in place, but have struggled to find the right thing to thread through

- see my exploits at http://www.rmweb.co....post__p__341781





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Nice Mark, very nice.


Are you looking to model a particular season? I'm thinking grass colours really. They look very spring-like so far. One of my longer term plans is to use static grass. It gives so much more texture and a 3D effect compared with flock powders, however good they are. The static grasses from Green Scene look particularly good from what I've seen. Some of the others I've seen are far too bright and garish.




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Hi everyone,


Thanks for all the comments, very much appreciated. I will take some more photos this week and add when I get the chance.


Mike - I have seen that photo during my trawls of the net for building this layout - there is also a landrover that has been used as well - it certainly would be interesting but beyond me to build. I have an EWS landrover but not a road/rail one! The nearest thing you will see to an engineers train will be the Bachmann MPV which is on order for when it comes out.


Phil - The fence posts and wire are in a pack from 10 commandments. The posts are whitemetal and the wire is very fine nylon - You can probably get this from a fabric shop as it is sometimes used in Jewellery making - fishing wire if you can get some really fine should be about right. The finer the better really as it will just glint in the light more like the real thing.


Dave - I am planning to use Static Grass - I picked up a fly swatter in B&Q when I was last in Barrow for £4 and my mum provided a tea strainer she had lying about - not made it yet but I have seen a few online videos and details to make one and the results look very good. I didn't have enough time at Glasgow to look out for some grass fibres but I hope to get onto this soon. I have quite a few scenic products to try out that I have never used before on this layout. My plan is to go for that typical Scottish Summer look - the vegetation will have had plenty of rain so the greens will be bright but on parts surrounding the layout the grass and weeds will be quite long with the tall yellow seed grasses sticking out above the greener base. I can also add a lot of summer flowers in amongst the weeds. I just hope I can create the vision I have for it!


Peter/Alex - The water effects are still to be played about with - the photos were taken when wet and it reduces quite a lot as it dries but I have added a couple of layers in places and also washed in some watery brown paints as well on a couple as it looked to clean. I intend to add some water down the valley part under the viaduct to try and create the marshy moor around Rannoch.


Kev, many thanks for your comments and it will be ready for next year if you do want it. Hope Ally Pally goes well for you!


I found this useful link which shows some viaduct detail. I have been working on the decking of the viaduct on the model and currently working on the stone pillars at track level. I will update on this soon,




The bit I'm not looking forward to is painting it all but have made a start on patch painting some of it. Should have gone with the full scaffold and plastic sheeted look! May be next time,




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  • RMweb Gold

Mark - Looks good.


The time and effort spent on those platforms have paid off - I really like they layering effect of the different materials as you work back from the platform edge.


I agree also that the static grass is the way to go these days.


I used Chris Nevard's tip of mixing 3 different shades together before you apply it, which gives good colour balance.


Always happy to see more shots of the layout - its really coming together now.



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Hi Pete,


Many thanks - seeing your grass on your layout was a big factor for me as it looks very effective and has a lot of the shades in it I plan to use. I was going to add a mixing pot on top of the tea strainer when I get round to it. Just need to find the right grass fibres to use!



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