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  • RMweb Premium

Shirt sleeve order yesterday - rain this am with grey skies and a bit of a breeze. T20 this afternoon may need the umpires coat(!)


bit of gardening then a few boxes of railway parts junk to sort..


Have a good day everyone....

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I am not sure about that DD - the flower could have been better in focus.  I am trying to get used to a relatively new camera at the moment.  My Girlfriend is the better photographer!


This flower is better, but the Bee was on a mission and I was a tad too slow.



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Wow!  That makes the picture all the more impressive.


I now have a 16Mpixel Fujifilm compact which also has 20x optical zoom, and Macro - both of which are extremely useful.


I carried an old Canon T70 about for years - but the trouble with an SLR is that it gets left at home too often because it is so bulky.  Compacts are getting so good these days, and much more convenient - so I tend to have it around more.


I still have the T70 for black and white work, but there's no arguing with the convenience and cheapness of digital photography.

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I love Dartmoor and Castle Drogo is a favourite NT visit too, Robert.


Sweltering at 37 degrees in the shade in Normandie with the thunderstorm of last night not really clearing the air. Oh well, back to the pool ...

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all.  Overcast here back on Fraggle Rock after a horrid humid night - of course the house had been shut up during the heatwave here and everything was red hot.  Our bedroom was in the low 30's all evening as it faces West, we had every window in the house open but there was no air movement at all.  Ugh.  We got down to 27c when the sun went down.  Don is welcome to these temperatures!


We had G scale visitors today too, together with their humans.  Friends from Yorkshire who are annual visitors bearing nicely modified locos, which I appear to have forgotten to photograph.  #sigh# 


Off to shop now, has to be done as we are down to half a hob-nob and a slice of mouldy bread after holidaying.

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  • RMweb Gold

For those who might be interested (and I see he has already had at least two several visitors from these parts) Rob's trek from Split is now appearing here -





Meanwhile Dr Station Cat shows off her fancy hat and robes at Exeter Uni on Graduation (should that also be Upgrading?) day







Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all - normality returns, we've been shopping to Sainsburys (other supernarkets aren't available within the same range). I managed to photograph a few local units, to ease me back into the UK way of things.


Very tired but resisting the urge to sleep, so I can sleep tonight.


Hopefully sort out some US photos soon and start a thread.


We had a train crash in Norwich last night, the 47's on the Yarmouth -> Norwich found a 158 at the stops, 8 injuries but nothing serious fortunately, if I wasn't so tired I'd take a nosey stroll that way.


Enjoy the day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

For those who might be interested (and I see he has already had at least two several visitors from these parts) Rob's trek from Split is now appearing here -





Meanwhile Dr Station Cat shows off her fancy hat and robes at Exeter Uni on Graduation (should that also be Upgrading?) day







many congrats! I was at the very same place on Friday (as PCMD staff), which ceremony were you at?


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Meanwhile Dr Station Cat shows off her fancy hat and robes at Exeter Uni on Graduation (should that also be Upgrading?) day





Congrats to Elinor, doubtless you and Mrs Stationmaster were justifiably proud,





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we are down to half a hob-nob and a slice of mouldy bread after holidaying.


Not sure where you can buy stock replenishments for those items.

Most hob-knobs would be sold in packets but you could always buy fresh bread and wait a week.


You must be proud, Mike.

You must be proud, Station Cat.

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  • RMweb Gold

I managed the simple job without too much effort, though I gave up finding a fully chargd rechargeable drill that could take an 11mm arbor and decided it was easier to run a cable onto the roof. Then I couldn't find the normal chuck for my big drill, just the SDS chuck. When I looked in the correct box it was where it was supposed to be, which probably confused me. If the fan doesn't do what it is supposed to do I'll fit a bigger one into the (now) correctly layed ducting/venting.


PhilH's retirement remarks were similar to those I've been making to Aditi this weekend. She will be 60 in November and could retire on her pension scheme without any actuarial reduction. Until recently she was doing well controlling her diabetes and blood pressure but it wasn't good at her latest checkup. Work is stressful (she is the only survivor of the original Higher Education team at her college), the commuting is also tiring. Her plan was to continue working until Matthew had a job but he isn't in favour of  his Mum being ill to finance his future. She does actually like her job but other people's actions are making her life more difficult not easier. I think she should retire and let them get on with it.



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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Back after a quick catchup, and pleased to see that Phil H is on parade again , I for one have missed you, and wish you well for your retirement. 


And a visit from Downendian, who is most welcome to our modest gathering. 


Congrats on the graduation, Station Cat...


Also great to get a couple of contributions from Debs, and a virtual cuddle on its way from me.


What have I been up to - oh yes, work yesterday, and a lie in until seven this morning, followed by a trip to the local Car Boot (no bargains, somebody offered me an N gauge oval with one siding, all set in a glass topped coffee table with the controller and points switch set into the side - very clever and neatly done, but at £200 with one loco and two carriages, it was a bit OTT for me) then back via the tip to dispose of the carpet shampoo machine which has breathed its last - it appears one of the seals between the tank and the body had gone, and water was soaking into the housing where one of the motors and the PCB are located, and the parts there are corroded past saving.  A bit of light relief after that, had to rub down the back porch wall and repaint it, as the old paint was very flakey - luckily the dog didn't find the wet paint so that's one job I won't need to tackle.  Oh I do love Sundays - day of rest???? more like day of labours.....DIYday.  It's left me feeling decidedly cream crackered.


Weather's on the turn here, and temperature is more like normal. 


Regards to All


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She will be 60 in November and could retire on her pension scheme without any actuarial reduction. Until recently she was doing well controlling her diabetes and blood pressure but it wasn't good at her latest checkup. Work is stressful (she is the only survivor of the original Higher Education team at her college),



I've had high blood pressure for the last ten ten years and been taking the tablets.


I retired last November - seen the doctor twice since then as part of regular reviews. It seems the lack of stress has resulted in a marked drop in my BP!

Tell your good lady to s0d it, take the money and run- thoroughly recommended!





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  • RMweb Gold

many congrats! I was at the very same place on Friday (as PCMD staff), which ceremony were you at?


We were there for the third sitting on Thursday Neils  (it also being the good Doctor's third appearance at such a ceremony thus making her BAMAPhD Exeter).


Incidentally I've only been on medication for high blood pressure since I retired - but don't tell Aditi.

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  • RMweb Gold


I think she should retire and let them get on with it.



Actuaries are all too aware that not all of us reach retirement age, and many of us do not live to enjoy a long and healthy retirement. Getting out when the sums make some sort of sense, in the knowledge that you may have a good time for a while, is a lot better than soldiering on with the risk of missing out completely on the good years. Obviously people who enjoy a stress-free working environment and love what they do may be an exception - but those people are probably fewer in number in 2013 than in many previous decades. I'd say Aditi should go the moment she is 60.

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  • RMweb Premium



Congrats to Elinor, doubtless you and Mrs Stationmaster were justifiably proud,






I'll just add a "me, too" - you definitely have every reason for being proud. Who knows, maybe I'll go for a PhD myself in a few years...

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 Work is stressful (she is the only survivor of the original Higher Education team at her college), the commuting is also tiring. Her plan was to continue working until Matthew had a job but he isn't in favour of  his Mum being ill to finance his future. She does actually like her job but other people's actions are making her life more difficult not easier. I think she should retire and let them get on with it.


As I have said before, this is unfortunately seems to be symptomatic of  the modern working life.  Mainly due to the obsession with bean counting - accountants seem to rule the workplace now.


My job is a good one, and although the politics get on my nerves sometimes - I am lucky enough to work for one of the better companies.


Interestingly enough, I went to visit my Godparents while I was in the UK.  My Godmother used to be a lecturer at the Local College - which I actually applied to, and was accepted for a job at when I left my University lecturing job many moons ago.  The college is (unbelievably) down to only one full-time employed lecturer these days.  All the others are on part-time temporary contracts.  Thank goodness I didn't take that job!


I love Dartmoor and Castle Drogo is a favourite NT visit too, Robert.


Sweltering at 37 degrees in the shade in Normandie with the thunderstorm of last night not really clearing the air. Oh well, back to the pool ...


Castle Drogo is well worth a visit at the moment - if you have been before, that is.  They are currently starting on a multi-million pound restoration which is going to take five years to complete.  There is practically no furniture in the place (which is a disappointment for those who haven't visited before) but you get to see rooms that previously weren't open to the public.


The place has been leaking since it was built and for the first time since it was completed in the 30s it will be leak free.  Asphalt was used in construction of the roof, and the properties of what was, at the time, a new material weren't understood.  This lead to cracking, and water ingress.


The volunteers really are excellent - and very well keyed up on the restoration project.

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