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Early Risers.


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Anyway post-sunrise felicitations from the Eastern Capital. Nascent throat infection mitigated by the application of a traditional Japanese folk remedy involving a vat-fermented grain-based beverage. Bright sunny morning, chilly moisture-laden air.

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Evening all,

A bit tired to post much tonight after the decorating, or is it the prospect of more tomorrow?

Never cease to be amazed at the mindless vandalism I see sometimes - I took Archie the Westie for a short walk around our 'old' Clacton graveyard this afternoon and noticed that two of the Angels on top of gravestone statuary had had their wings and arms broken off! Further on a family's memorial bench was upended and quite a few empty beer tins were strewn around. I wonder what sort of alcohol fuelled cretin could do such a thing and be proud of it?

'railsquid', I'm about to do the same but my libation originated in my home country of Scotland!

Hope everyone suffering from ailments soon feels better and Ian(Abel), I should keep a close eye on the dizziness and have it checked as soon as possible!

Kind regards,


G'night Pete!

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Evening All


Firstly, Geoff, the water is off/very slow in the area at the moment - United Utilities are aware and are apparently sending an engineer to check it out.


I have say that I was not all that taken with the idea of going online but I had to fire up the laptop, to check the situation with the water - nothing there, so a 15 minute wait in the call queue for United Utilities to get this water problem reported - I have filled as many jugs as I can find while there is some pressure, in case it goes off completely.  



Edit for Geoff - There's a burst main up the road, and I saw the United Utilities engineer going round to isolate the mains in these roads from the burst pipe - they then are arranging a tanker which will connect to the main at the highest point in the circuit, which should get us temporary service - estimating about two hours when I asked him at seven.


Thanks for the heads up Stewart. We had noticed that the water pressure was low but I had a sinking feeling that it was connected to the builder finishing off my drive, so pleased to know it isn't. Kettle duly filled for the morning. I offered to fill the bath with cold water so my wife could have a bath but she declined the offer. You just can't please some people.

Godnight all.

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Morning  all, 


just quickie post this morning as I've got two container to get on two sites ,and get to airport by 5pm!  



So what ever you're at today, lets hope it goes well, & for those under the "weather"  -speedy recovery!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Been years since I last had to take antibiotics, but boy, I didn't remember they can make you so mellow…  :smoke:


FiL got a very thorough battery of checks run at the hospital last night indeed as he wasn't released before about 10.30. Seems there is no indication of any cardiac problem or any other issue whatsoever, so the discomfort he'd had must have been purely random. That being said, it's certainly no bad thing that he now got a full check-up, as I suppose when it comes to the heart, it's better to be safe than sorry.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Dark and damp here in Leeds...


Her indoors off for her last preschool swim of the term so Christmas must be near.


She drove 25 miles to teach at 3 schools only to be told after arriving that her services were not required.... One of the schools is "outstanding". Say no more.


Have a great Hump day!


Trev, hope the travelling goes well.

For everyone else stay calm, dry,warm and travel safely!



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  • RMweb Gold

Another dreary day here in Surrey.

Trains running normally ie late or cancelled for an 8th consecutive weekday morning this time due to a broken down train at Clapham Junction.


We now have the latest batch of Electrostars on our Thameslink service so a lot fewer seats and now have to stand from Redhill.


A little bit of modelling this morning with a 3D printed HO trailer for Fort Myers getting another coat of silver and one Czech HO open wagon weathered a little more.


No beer today so hopefully an evening working on a layout.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a damp and still dark village.  Got a long day of driving ahead as I'm, off to Beamish to take part in a seminar on the safe operation of Horse Trams which I hope will be productive after certain events I was involved in last year.  Then back for a large family meal with the combined outlaws.  I am under very strict instructions from SWMBO not to be late getting back a we have to pick her parents up.  


Trev,  hope the day and the travels go well.



Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Just about to go back and and catch up on ERs between yesterday morning and now. Decided to have a bit of a lie-in today after waking up at stupid o'clock yesterday. Thwarted however by the demolition of the baptist church opposite. It took just two days for an excavator with a giant bucket full of teeth to reduce the entire church to rubble and at 6.15am, a lorry arrived to remove one of the full "roll-on, roll-off" skips. As if there wasn't enough screeching and groaning as it winched the skip onboard, all the car alarms in the street decided to play a melody as some kind of orchestral support... Access to the site is difficult for anything much bigger than a transit van, so the noise of the lorry's reversing beepers as it made a 78 point turn just added to the misery. Now, I'm usually awake by 6.15am, but if this is going to be a daily occurrence, I can imagine some neighbours falling out with "Anglian Demolition"...

In other news, my grumpiness of late is partly due to the realisation that "self-employment" in my chosen field and "rural North Norfolk" are not easy bedfellows. When this house is sold, I face the prospect of returning to work and, again, opportunities in rural North Norfolk are not exactly plentiful. A career fruit-picking does not appeal. I may need to re-invent myself...

Finally, I've decided not to be anywhere near RMWeb around midday today. Picking up on something Barry said about Hornby threads, I fully expect RMWeb to implode with grief, accusations, denial and death threats when Margate tells us what they have in store... when I do return to RMWeb and view "New Content" it will be with a stiff drink in hand.

Have a great Wednesday.



Might be worth contacting your local authority if they are turning up at that time. Normally work isn't allowed to commence till 08.00 although there are some differences in these restrictions between local authorities.

We get complaints even when we start at the allowed 08.00 and we do make the stipulation that no deliveries are to take place before then. Although it's not always easy to stop a driver arriving early but they soon get the message if they are turned away from site.

We have a site next door to his and we made it very clear about this before they commenced and so far they have been very good on the few occasions we have been there at 08.00. I don't have any issue with them working outside normal hours as long as there is no noise.

Edited by roundhouse
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From memory Dorset rejoices in Puddletown, Piddlehinton (complete with Dorset Piddle Brewery)and of course Shitterton.


I think they were all Piddles in Dorset at one time (You know what I mean) but some opted to swap the i for a u.


If the weather yesterday morning lifted the spirits, this morning's was enough to dampen the soul. It was an effort to haul myself out of bed and pull on waterproofs with the wind and rain rattling the windows. However, these things need to be done and, once you're out there, it doesn't seem to bad. At least it wasn't cold, temperature into double figures already. 


After the beautiful start, it rained all day yesterday and the forecasters tell us we have another 48 hours of it before a brief remission at the weekend. Ah well, I'll just have to get on with a bit of modelling!


May the sun shine on you wherever you are.

Edited by Killybegs
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, heavy rain and wind during the night, all quiet now though its still dark outside.


Breakfast  and the paper  beckons then who knows, no need to go anywhere today, a relaxing day is on the cards.



Enjoy your day

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Mornin' all,


I know how Michael Fish felt now, when he didn't expect a hurricane but one turned up anyway. A tad breezy in the Moorlands this morning with squally showers following on from the overnight deluge. Looking for positives and struggling....the temperatures are way too warm but at least the reservoir is brim full. During the Summer when levels were low all was serene and calm but this morning the wind was whipping the surface into waves...this, combined with the churning water holding a lot of sediment carried off the moors by the raging streams, made even a usually peaceful body of water look dark and menacing....the heavy, low cloud and sheets of rain just adding to it. Fighting against the wind on the long climb back to civilisation, noting frothing torrents of water that are usually calm streams racing down the hillsides to add to the levels below, one can only assume that the overflow from the reservoir....the River Churnet, will be somewhat swollen too. 


Feathered friends fed


Enjoy whatever you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold


Finally, I've decided not to be anywhere near RMWeb around midday today. Picking up on something Barry said about Hornby threads, I fully expect RMWeb to implode with grief, accusations, denial and death threats when Margate tells us what they have in store... when I do return to RMWeb and view "New Content" it will be with a stiff drink in hand.

Have a great Wednesday.

I have a sneaking suspicion that there will be some hunched over their keyboards and gazing like goldfish at the RMWeb Hornby thread on their monitors with something stiff in their hand, but it won't be a drink!

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....if the red box brigade are going to conform to the rumours that I've heard re adding to their 'Railroad' range instead of developing more hi-spec models....then they can **** their announcements where the sun ***** shine.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.  So what did we all think of "the Missing" then?  I thought James Nesbitt was brilliant, but say no more in case you still have to catch up and see the end. Brilliant stuff.




Very good - but got a bit confusing at times during the weeks. Did you notice this after the closing credits ? "The Missing - returns"

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  • RMweb Gold

....if the red box brigade are going to conform to the rumours that I've heard re adding to their 'Railroad' range instead of developing more hi-spec models....then they can poke their announcements where the sun doesn't shine.




Bit OTT Dave - they are a business and they do what they think is right to keep themselves in the game, it's not always to our liking but then neither is life. Let's keep this sort of chat out of ER too please.

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