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  • RMweb Premium

Evening, another quick look in.


I missed wishing Mr & Mrs DonW a happy anniversary, big meal out tonight?  We always enjoy our anniversary, we like to make a big effort for it.


Baz, yeah not quite the same place, to be fair it's 14 years since I was in that part of Leeds!  We used to use the traffic lights at the Woodpecker for, er, ad-hoc drag racing.  In my youth, you understand....ahem. One of my best mates lived in Crossgates back then, we used to go through the A /M 64 to another pals.  Quickly. 

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  • RMweb Premium

*&^%$£*(%  or words to that effect.


The washer had conked out, brushes suspected - correctly - looked at one of those You-Tube videos showing you how to change them, which would have been OK if this particular version of a Bosch washer had been made with the slightest thought of maintenance.  The back doesn't come off 'like what they show you', you have to tip the whole *&^%$ thing on it's side to get to the motor, which you can't get out as the back that is spot welded on gets in the way of a socket and ratchet, so on and so forth.  Two hours to do a job that should take twenty minutes.  /rant.


Mind you, it has worked faultlessly for 11 years or so, and there was only about 4mm left on the brushes - which are about 40mm long when new!

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  • RMweb Premium

I missed DonW's anniversary as well, congratulations and hope its a good'n. Neil, my washing machine is about 3 times the age of yours, I've only had one small problem when it managed to eat a sock. I had emptied the machine to find I had an odd number of socks, I looked everywhere but at first I could not find it, only on the second examination of the machine that I found the chewed up remains between the drum and the rubber door seal.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just thought I'd pop in since I have finally finished my offer for a property in the village, and ready to take it to the estate agents tomorrow.

I'm staying positive, but not expecting to get the property because there is SO much interest in it. In any case I have put together my bid carefully. I have done all I can - the rest is down to the vendors...

...let's just hope they see that my bid is not just about the money but also the positive community impact. Will let you all know how it goes, whether for better or worse.


I'm exhausted, so pardon my brevity! Hope everyone is doing well, and congratulations on the anniversary Don!

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Evening all,

Deeply embarrassed to have missed wishing you well on your anniversary Don - hope you and better half had a great evening and that you enjoy many more ahead!

John Killybegs), I watched a replay of the Coast programme on the North West of Ireland, Galway to Árainn Mhór. To my disgust, despite the beautiful scenery and interesting stories, they failed to visit Killybegs - the whole reason why I tuned in! Still, it is undoubtedly a wonderful part of the world!

Thanks for the update 'Railsquid', my wife Joanna and I are now graced with three great-grandchildren, the youngest now approaching five months and developing quite a character! I still remember the joy of fatherhood however, and now delight in the company of three children and their partners and six grandchildren as well as the above mentioned. I hope you are as lucky! Do you have any family or close friends nearby to help with the inevitable dramas that such a responsibility throws up? You'll no doubt get plenty of advice on here!!

Just noticed that it is now morning so time to finish my nightcap - tonight it is a newly opened 'Balvenie' 12 year old, a Christmas gift from the chairman of my old company, and most welcome!

Climb 'the hump' carefully folks,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete (oops, sorry, G'morning!). G'morning Laurence!

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That might depend on the religious proclivities of your locale.


Grey Tokyo morning, sky was dropping some pre-snow sleetyflakes earlier but seems to have eased off. I will go out later and brandish my new snow shovel as a warning to the heavens.

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4am. Can't sleep. May make tea and toast, but that's breakfast and then the day starts...


Off shopping early. Maybe then some kip!


GBL due today, C-Class, looking forward to it.


I hate insomnia!

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Morning all,  


My heads all at "sixes & sevens" just had quite a disturbing phone call from GF,  she's just had the results of some medical tests back which don't on the face of it bode well,  it does mean she's got to curtail her California trip & head back north at the week end. Trouble my mind is going to "worst case scenario"  ......and it doesn't help that I'm not a very good word-smith so cant put all my thoughts into words. Quite frankly  I'm scared!


Sorry to dump this on you guys first thing in the morning, 


Lets just get over the hump eh?



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Very sorry to hear that Trev and I hope that you soon get some better news. I think that it's natural to think of the worst but it doesn't always happen and she needs you to stay positive and not to show your fears. However I know that is easier said than done. We'll all be thinking of you both.


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Morning All,


First of all, belated congratulations to DonW. 


Trev, sorry to hear your news.  I understand your concern, and the thinking about the worst case scenario - I am usually the same, being a worrier by nature.  All I can say is, try not to let it get you down too much, and wait and see what the future brings.  You can't change it by worrying about it (Easier said than done, I know).  Once the uncertainty is out of the way then you can both work out how best to deal with the situation.


Don't think I am being dismissive - you are both in my thoughts.


Concerning maintenance of equipment, specifically Neil's washer - I am sure that products are designed to be deliberately difficult to maintain and repair.  This makes them uneconomical to repair, and as such the consumer dumps the broken article, goes out, and buys another.  It is win-win for the companies, but of course not sustainable long term.  I often mention an example when we discuss these sort of issues at work.  I have done various repairs on equipment for friends.  On one particular week, I was asked to repair a DVD player which was a month out of guarantee, and a 50 year old valve radio.  Guess which one was irreparable went in the bin?


Weather wise, it is another cold and frosty morning.  The temperature is down to about -2°C.


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Premium

A bit of snow has landed in our part of Leeds...

Her indoors is checking for school closures on n the Leeds council's website.


Trev, hope everything turns out OK.

Have a good Wednesday.



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Morning all. Chilly and a light drizzle this morning and no issues on the trains according to Southern


Belated congratulations Don.


Trev. Not the news you need when so far away but try to stay positive for both of you.


Jam, hope it works out for you.


Hump day today and for those of you with inclement weather, stay safe and warm if you can

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Trev, I fully understand... I couldn't easily get such a thing off my mind if I were in your place. Thinking of you and your better half.


Grey and around freezing here this a.m. Must try containing the cold I seem to have caught from SWMBO.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Drizzle here. I know this as I ventured out to see if the car required de-iceing. It doesn't.

Other exciting tasks today include putting out recycling and waiting for a couple of packages from Amazon.

Trev, I know that news about tests isn't nice but it does mean whatever treatment is needed can start, and sooner is often better. Aditi's cousin lives in Saudi but went back to India for a holiday with family. Although healthy her routine visit to the doctor indicated a problem developing. She is now in the UK awaiting surgery tomorrow.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning. A damp dismal day.

Problems at Guildord today affecting trains radiating out of there. Reading Gatwick services affected.

Waiting for our train this morning. Doors stopped right next to me. A couple on board wanting to get off do so move as much out the way as the crowds around me but the FGW driver getting off decides to deliberately push people with his mass. Next time I may respond but he was a lot bigger then me. An email will be going off to FGW this morning about his behaviour.


Email sent

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, commiserations Trev on your news and I hope everything works out. A bit damp and overcast this morning in Estuary land this morning but the forecast says its going to be mostly dry so I might risk a walk into town this morning.

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Sorry to hear your news Trev, there are a great many people rooting for you and GF here on ER's


Jock, with the 'main' telly being down (I was fixing lamp irons on the prairie instead), I missed Coast but I'm pretty sure I saw it first time around. I'm afraid they didn't consult me re the itinerary but you did get to see a good stretch of our coast.


We had a bucket full of rain over night which fell as snow on the hills but it has dried up now so no messy dogs to sort out when we got back from our walk.


We still don't know if son, DiL and GC 5 are coming this weekend as their replacement passports haven't arrived yet. 


Make the most of the day

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Morning all, an unexpected day out of the office yesterday and a lot of catching up to do:


First, congratulations to the Railsquids, and to DonW

Next, good luck to Jam

Then, thoughts are with you Trev, as others have said, you can be supportive and a good listener. Hope all turns out well


It certainly puts all my own woes into perspective... I mentioned on Monday that I had been having blurred vision in my left eye - the lower half - which came on during the course of Thursday. I had an optician's appointment yesterday any way - but the upshot was the optician sending me to the nearest Eye A&E - which helpfully was Queen Mary's in Sidcup.


Turns out the blurred vision is caused by a swollen optic nerve - but the reason for this is unknown. They think it will get better of its own accord and my optimistic side thinks it can see an improvement. But I  still need further tests to see if they can find the reason for this so that they can try to prevent recurrence. There were half muttered suggestions of infections and bleeds on the brain but no real conclusions.


So now I await a letter telling me of an appointment with a specialist in due course.


Rail travel on Monday was not helped by my train from LBG being cancelled. Fortunately I knew in time so was able to catch the tube to Southwark and get on a train at Waterloo East - rammed of course. It's a long time since I have been on a train that went straight through LBG. Today's journey was routine - no seat and a delay at Lewisham but bearable.


My Dad did usually get home from his commute before I went to bed. But he used to catch a very early train up to town, so he was often gone before or as I was getting up. I tend to try to do the same sort of thing though my commute is shorter than the old man's was.

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Good morning all, 

Many congratulations  RSQ- that's great news! :yes: Better start looking for his first train set! (if you haven't already done so)


I have already secured a child-friendly "Plarail" toy train (actually a Tokyo tram) to start him off :)

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Thanks for all the nice thoughts for Squid Jnr. Hard to believe it's been less than 36 hours since he popped into the world.


Right now he's on a drip of some sort as a "precaution" because the wise people with the white coats have discovered some apparently slightly non-normal values in whatever it is they measure. Which sounds worrying, but with the progress of the years I find myself worrying a lot less than I used to, moreover I held him in my arms for an hour and he looks absolutely fine and my gut feeling says he's completely OK (like I said, it's a precaution).


My thoughts go out to Trev, and congratulations/commiserations to anyone I've missed (been quite busy recently and not much time even to skim all the posts here).

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Morning all,  


My heads all at "sixes & sevens" just had quite a disturbing phone call from GF,  she's just had the results of some medical tests back which don't on the face of it bode well,  it does mean she's got to curtail her California trip & head back north at the week end. Trouble my mind is going to "worst case scenario"  ......and it doesn't help that I'm not a very good word-smith so cant put all my thoughts into words. Quite frankly  I'm scared!


Sorry to dump this on you guys first thing in the morning, 


Lets just get over the hump eh?




You will find plenty of support here, Trev, so no need to apologise for sharing your worries at any time of day. It must be difficult for you not being physically on hand to support your lady but she will know you are thinking of her. Could you send her some flowers?  Ian always laughs at my readiness to buy flowers for people for just about any occasion, good news or not!


Sometimes test results can be inconclusive and have to be repeated. Whatever the two of you have to face, just reassuring her that you are there for her - at the end of a 'phone - will be helpful, whatever happens. Perhaps, eventually, your company would grant you some kind of compassionate leave in order for you to be together.


Sending best wishes to you both.

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