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  • RMweb Premium

Pancakes made with a choice of toppings but lemon and sugar won the day.  Not surprising, really.


Hope you enjoyed yours - if you had them, that is. :mosking:

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As wiser folk than me have pointed out, it is Shrove Tuesday; actually it was something of a revelation that it was Tuesday

So, I'll see all your squeezed lemons and your Tate&Lyle syrup and raise you a Covonia topping.


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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.   The day has gone well.  Beth was out helping at the food bank this morning so the ironing got done in fine style with a John Fogerty CD playing loud as I had the house to myself.  I then got parts of the layout up to the church.  We've had a good session putting it up this evening but there have not been any pancakes.   It has been decreed that we will have them on Thursday after Weight Watchers.



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Morning... grey, damp, chill, threat of snow in an "OMG it might actually settle! In Tokyo!" kind of way. I learnt yesterday evening that there had been another biggish earthquake yesterday in the same area as the one which caused the tsunami alert, albeit closer to land, which brings no tsunami risk but much more shaking, "5+" on the Japanese scale of 1-7, which is enough to cause real damage (not that any was reported) and is quite alarming to experience (it's about the same intensity felt in Tokyo after the big 3.11 quake). Also a series of aftershocks in the same area, which seem to have tailed off (it's always alarming to see quakes listed for that area as it's the same region as the main 3.11 quake's epicentre).


No pancakes, I had no idea of the Shroviness of Tuesday until you lot started on about it.


Here's hoping the latest updates to my desktop computer's operating system (Linux) have resolved the annoying tendency to "crash" that yesterday's updates seem to have introduced...

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Evening all,

We had a great afternoon with great grandson Freddie, starting with a superb lunch at 'Parker's' garden centre in Frinton on Sea. Got a lovely present for a friend who turns eighty on Sunday. We then retuned to collect nursie daughter and Archie the Westie, and set off for a bracing walk in really bright if chilly conditions!

This evening I watched a fascinating programme on archaeological sites called 'Digging for Britain, North, series 3 2014' which was hosted by the very attractive Professor Alice Roberts! It was on BBC4 and will be available on iPlayer for the next twenty-nine days. Anyone remotely interested in history or archaeology will find it very interesting. For me, there was special interest in the dig on the 'Ness of Brodgar' in Orkney, where they have discovered a very important site. I was lucky enough to visit that area in the seventies with the Scottish RSPB to see the Great Skua (Boxty) but then it seemed just an ordinary promontory from memory! These moments keep underlining just how lucky I have been in my life!!

I have to confess that I used to be known as the family's No1 t*sser! Luckily this year my training has paid off in that they all wanted to attempt their own in their own kitchens - meant I only made a couple each! You probably guess mine had the addition of that wonderful spirit that Ian (OD) mentioned - Calvados. Some going down well now as nightcap, who needs pain-killers!

Take it steady negotiating the hump tomorrow,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night night owls!

PS hope those in the US are weathering the storms!

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  • RMweb Premium

Just got home from a "half night shift". Body clock is slightly confused after a "mostly full night" last night and six hours of the day job as well, but a nightcap will sort that out!

Not working until 12 noon, so plenty of sleep (for me) coming up and certainly no ER. Even the rest of the family is having a well deserved lie-in after working hard over the last few days.


Off to peruse other bits of the web before retiring.

Goodnight/good morning as required!




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Morning all….


Jeez, you lot are late birds.  I may to to think about a new name for this group…:-)


Golfing awaits this morning.  Away to Harleyford, so will shortly do battle with the traffic to Marlow.  This will be a real trip down memory lane as that is where my office was until I retired seven years ago.  A staggering thought for me as I clearly recall counting down the days on ER's all that time ago.


Have a good day whatever awaits.


Still no sign of Trev?

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Slight frost and 2oC but should be another fine, dry and sunny day.

No pancakes here last night which nearly made me go on strike until I was gently reminded that I still had a generous portion of Gemma's Key Lime Pie to finish off. So that was all right.   :yes: Pancakes have been promised for later! :yes:  :imsohappy:

Another parcel waiting day - decoders hopefully. I've got to wait in because last time Hattons sent me a decoder it came in box big enough for 2 locos!

Have a good one


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Morning all. 1 degree here but no frost, it just feels a lot colder. Again, no reported problems with the trains but I'm even more sceptical than I used to be.


Have a good day today and stay safe whatever you're doing

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Morning All,


It is another somewhat grey morning here, and the heating is not working in the office.


I am pleased to say that Carnival has now come to an end for another year.  I have nothing fundamentally against Carnival, but it does get a little annoying when shops and businesses are closed for two days.  As Dominik said, I am sure there will be some people with monster Hangovers this morning!


The bridge over the Rhein is still closed, and although the traffic problems have moderated slightly from last week, there is still a certain degree of chaos.  Unfortunately, the train drivers are now threatening another strike.  How the situation pans out will remain to be seen.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Chilly here, slight frost on car windscreens.

Today's exciting things to look forward to include binbag depositing and a trip to the opticians for the retinal scan. One is not allowed to drive afterwards so I get some exercise walking there and back, pity Robbie can't come too!


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, off to be trained today on the tricky bits of life.... Should have been up earlier but I will catch up if the traffic is sparse. I am thankful that I don't have to be up by 5.45 anymore that was a tiring part of my life, bed around midnight and about 5 hours sleep if I could sleep straight away. Onwards and upwards over the hump.

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Morning all,

Frosty outside, but sunny. Heavy rain predicted for much of the rest of the week. 


Been reading with some interest the plans to put the first colonists on Mars, in particular that the final selection will be made by a public vote. The world is getting more surreal by the day.

One of the British volunteers for this one-way trip is a "self confessed adrenalin junky."


Launch plus 1 minute: Wooohhooooooo!

Launch plus 20 minutes: Oooooh, floatyyyyy! Time for a selfie!

Launch plus 3 hours: Still floaty...

Launch plus 6 hours: Still floaty. Internet signal quite weak for some reason...

Launch plus 10 hours: Eaten all the in-flight peanuts....Netflix service unavailable? WTF!


Life on Mars:

Day 1. Sat in capsule, may pop out later to look for signs of life.

Day 2. Sat in capsule, may pop out later to look for signs of water.

Day 3. Sat in capsule, may pop out later to look for signs of oxygen.

Day 4, Discovered a red button next to a sign saying "Do not press if really, really bored."

Day 5.....

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All this talk of pancakes. We might have had them last night if I didn't have an appointment at the vets which, taking account of travel time, took up half the evening. The last time I had pancakes was three years ago when I was making them for my two eldest grandchildren while their mother was having the twins. A week babysitting two young children for a week, not to mention, dogs, chickens and ponies was quite hard work. Getting the eldest one out of bed, breakfasted and on the school bus in the morning was the hardest bit.


Back to the vet trip. It seems Ruby has ear mites which have caused an infection in the ear. I think we should probably take pre-emptive action with the other two. Steph is going to check today, as I forgot to mention the other dogs while I was at the surgery. 


Very mild today, just into double figures. The high tides have left a huge pole on the beach. I wouldn't want to hit that out at sea in a small boat!


Someone on 'Thought for the day' on Radio 4 this morning suggested we should try giving up the internet for Lent, so bye bye. Then again, maybe not. Give up the booze for forty days instead!

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Morning all.  Maybe I should have thought to apply to give up work for Lent...


Had pancakes last night.  My preferred topping now is golden syrup, sugar and a splash of orange juice rather than lemon.


Traffic chaos near my flat at the moment as the crossroads at the foot of Leith Walk is down to one direction movement at a time for up to the next three months while they refurbish the area.

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