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ps good to hear that Stewart has done well and has been discharged. But his description of his discharge had surprised me (much too early, 5 days post-op is the minimum my orthopod insists on for a hip) and of his transport home I am appalled (by a regular TAXI??? f****** hell, what were the clowns at the hospital thinking? Surely the stresses on the newly seated prosthesis of getting in and out of a standard car is something to avoid? Whatever happened to sitting case ambulances?) Anyway, good to hear that you are ok and starting on recovery.

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The last live music performance I attended was in Hornchurch and it was to see an Eagles tribute band, called Talon. I thought they were rather good.


I've seen Talon too. We all thought they were excellent.


Edited to remove triplicate quotation.

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ps good to hear that Stewart has done well and has been discharged. But his description of his discharge had surprised me (much too early, 5 days post-op is the minimum my orthopod insists on for a hip) and of his transport home I am appalled (by a regular TAXI??? f****** hell, what were the clowns at the hospital thinking? Surely the stresses on the newly seated prosthesis of getting in and out of a standard car is something to avoid? Whatever happened to sitting case ambulances?) Anyway, good to hear that you are ok and starting on recovery.


Yup - they squeezed me into an aircraft seat after three days......that HURT.  That's how it is now. :butcher:

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' Evening all from red dragon land.


Morning all

Dreary start with showers to follow for a day or two. Autumn draws on!

Glad Jock's grandson has a pukka diagnosis at last. Now everyone knows what and how. Heart surgery sounds terrifying, but there seem to be many who are testament to its efficacity.

Polly might have gone the other route from Kew. Overground to Willesden Junction, down one short flight of stairs and directly into Euston. Much nicer!

The railway promises to be likely to perform at least partially this afternoon. A couple of sound-equipped locos, purchased about 8 years ago, seem likely to thrill the youngsters, and after some reluctance they are now working well. I have many more with sound, but these will fit the bill. Enabling a child to sound bell and whistle may not be the low-spot of his day.

As posted in the W10 thread, it is not for me. Too much messing about required to stop it being entirely in my face when I want to use the Internet. A disgusting mess, frankly. Why do I want a Newsfeed? Couldn't see how to disable it permanently, so as Internet is my main use of a computer, that's that.

Hope your weekend goes well and Debs enjoys ExpoEM!


Thanks, Ian.  I was wondering whether to try the Overground this time but as I hadn't realised, till this week, that I could use it to get to Euston, I bottled out.  Part of the reason was using a later train and didn't want to risk getting to Kew 'late' and keeping mum waiting but from your description I'll have to give it a go next time.  The Overground trains look more inviting, too. So, if everyone does the sun dance for a warm sunny day in October................ :danced: :dancer: :dancing: :music:


Great day at Expo EM North meeting up with a never ending line up of RMwebbers, particularly around The Mill where Debs caught up with us.  :good:

I've posted a few pics on the EM North thread, posts #99 and #100


If you're going tomorrow, enjoy.

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ps good to hear that Stewart has done well and has been discharged. But his description of his discharge had surprised me (much too early, 5 days post-op is the minimum my orthopod insists on for a hip) and of his transport home I am appalled (by a regular TAXI??? f****** hell, what were the clowns at the hospital thinking? Surely the stresses on the newly seated prosthesis of getting in and out of a standard car is something to avoid? Whatever happened to sitting case ambulances?) Anyway, good to hear that you are ok and starting on recovery.

However Flavio having had the dubious pleasure a couple of years back of travelling around 9 miles in the 'business area' of a standard NHS ambulance I was appalled at how uncomfortable it was in terms of bumpiness especially for someone lying down (as I was).  Quite honestly I think that not only the ride of a Class 142 is better but even that of a good old fashioned BR freight brakevan was smoother (apart from the jerks from coupling snatch).


And g'night all.

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Morning all,

Managed to look in a couple of times using daughter's phone whilst waiting to get in to see our invalid - they operate a strict 'two visitors at a time' policy as the place is full of very poorly people so visiting took place by relays! Very tired again and so off to sleep and I'll try to get closer to catching up tomorrow, although our son is coming from London to lunch. I felt I had to say a great big thank you for all the supportive comments for both myself and my grandson, very touching as ever,

Kind regards,


G'night all!

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Daughter sent home from "Jimmy's" on Friday tea-time. . .mainly sleeping and taking painkillers. . and not answering 'phone, just the odd text.


Granddaughter turns 12 on Sunday. . . . Grandad feeling old.


Jock, my friend, you reap what you sow . . 


Goodnight everyone. . . .Sleep well.



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Morning all!


I'm awake at silly o'clock due to nerves/excitement! I should be asleep for another two hours but I've been wide awake for at least half an hour already and trying to get back to sleep. I'll be setting off for Newcastle at about 9am from Mum and Dad's for the Great North Run. Training this year has been decidedly lacking so I'm not expecting to post a good time, but I intend to finish it! If any of you are watching I'm wearing 39965 - though given there's 57000 people registered to run, spotting me may be slightly harder than finding that needle in a haystack!


I'm not running for charity this year, but my cousin is. Mum's cousin's husband (my cousin's grandad) died last year and she's running to raise some money for the hospice that looked after him towards the end of his life, so I'll make a donation in that direction.


Last time I did the Great North Run it took me an hour to reach the start line from near the back of the field. Last year Mo Farah ran the race in 1:00:01. So he should be finishing as I start! Or near enough. I'm expecting to cross the finish line at about 2pm depending on how long it takes to start and how my legs hold up.


I've not caught up on everything from the last couple of days but the photos of the Welshpool railway were gorgeous a few pages back.


Yesterday was spent chasing round County Durham trying to find a mixer. Sainsbugs had one in stock in Edinburgh reduced to clear down from £399.99 to £229.99, and I was trying to find it down here. Three stores visited without luck. Decided to ask customer services in the third who checked the stock system, which showed 2 at the first store we'd visited. A drive back to that one followed... On the plus side I have a Kenwood Kmix KMX81 for less than £200 as it was ex-display and never used (and the assistant couldn't do simple maths!). She offered to take 10% off the £229.99 and took £30 off. I didn't complain! I gather these are the dogs' dangly bits of mixers so think I got a good deal.


Hope everyone is as well as can be expected and isn't being visited by the insomnia fairy like me! Have a good Sunday everyone!

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Good morning all,

Insomniacs 'r' us today.

I've been awake for ages but my excitement is certainly not due to the thought of chasing Mo Farah but more that it seemed to be a very warm and muggy night. I will however be taking a drive later in the direction of Swindon and will be accompanied by The Boss who has decided that visiting railway attractions is not such a bad thing. This is helped by the fact that we will be meeting Bob 81C and Mrs Bob who she got on very well with last year. (it may also be that she wants to keep an eye on my possible purchases.  :nono:  :banghead:)  Hopefully we'll bump into one or two other RMwebbers as well.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning one and all


Like others who I did not knowingly see, I was at ExpoEM North yesterday, complete with EMGS membership card worn in a clear pouch round my neck.  Perhaps I should derive some comfort from being able to pass amid a crowd unnoticed but in this instance I don't!   I was on the road at 5.50 am and at the venue before 10 am.   That's nor bad given that it includes two pit stops, one for breakfast and one for petrol and to put air into the tyres in response to an unfamiliar warning light on the dashboard.  The return run was even better.  Much to my surprise, the A14 was pretty clear both ways.


When I got home I listened to part of the Last Night of the Proms and sought to book advance train tickets for a trip to Manchester on 5th December so that I might attend the exhibition.  Last time I made that journey I was able to do it for £14.50 return. The best deal on offer yesterday was £43.  Note to Virginontheridiculous Trains: could do better.  Despite the shortage of windows, but not of "window" seats, I do quite like the run between Milton Keynes and Manchester and do not like the idea of dicing with the motorway network in December.


It was heartening to see Flavio and his latest building illustrated a couple of pages ago.


Having clocked up close on 300 miles yesterday I can't face driving to Swindon today.  Besides, the garden needs attention.  I wonder if it will receive it?


Good day and good health



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Morning all.

After a day operating Grantham today will be more operating Grantham the layout at Grantham the show.


Nice meal out last night with some fellow RMWebbers.


Also nice to meet some at the show yesterday influence ng Led and Mike Bellamy.


Have a great Sunday!



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Morning all, sorry for the absence once more have been hit by the man flu "oh no, not the man flu", yes and us men know how debilitating it is.

My good GP has prescribed some powerful anti-biotic that I wish worked a little faster but guess now I'm whinging.

Apart from sorting house out I have been busy with my youngest step daughter putting an electric fence around the property. She has had her own horse "Bella" for
some time now but we have never had the acreage for her. So, several hundred dollars later she now has a horse in her own back yard with a grin from ear to ear.
Then I get our car registration fees, more expense.

On a good note of expenses I received my Airfix GWR auto coach in the mail this week, have been after one for some time now but they hard to find on flea bay here in Australia. 


Good to read those with illness recovering and other challenges in life coped with in the end.

Will peruse through a little later tonight, until then enjoy your day.


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' Morning all from red dragon land.
Another early start as I'm off to Beaumaris (Anglesey) to help out on the miniature railway at the pier for the Food Festival.
If, by chance, you're going, do come by and say hello or even have a ride.  :locomotive: 

Back later. Hope you enjoy your day.

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Morning all from a bright and sunny village.  It's Beth's birthday today and all three kids are to descend on us after church so I'm cooking for 7 no doubt assisted by one or other of the varmints.   (3  thirty somethings plus two other halves. )   Should be a good day though there will no doubt be some sibling rivalry at various times.  The minted lamb is in the oven with the timer set and I'm about to start on the veg and the apple crumble.   It should be a good day and I might even get some modelling done this evening.


John, glad that your daughters back home.


All the best to Jock and his family,


Regards to everyone else.



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Cooler and more overcast than yesterday.

I really have no idea what we are doing today. Aditi thought there was a "Heritage Plant Event" at the RHS garden at Hyde Hall, but that is next weekend. Next Saturday should include a visit to Shenfield to the model railway exhibition.


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Morning all. Good to see Stewart back, and Tex, but still no sign of Trev unless I missed him earlier. The weather has brightened up here, so car boot sales will be on and I will have to find something to do around the house to pass the time until my wife gets back and issues orders. Fortunately there is plenty of gardening to get on with. It is that time of year when plants are dying back and looking untidy.

Stay safe all.

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Morning all


The wet weekend magically retreated after lunch yesterday, so my young visitors were able to visit the railway barn in dry conditions. As I'd expected, attention span for Sammy (6) was a trifle limited, but all went well, really. The Rio Grande 4-6-6-4 seemed to be of interest to the older boys, but it and the Rock Island F2 (diesel) both drew admiring looks. There was much clambering under the layout to emerge in access holes and see the passing trains in a new vista. Behaviour went downhill when mum (Alison) made us all tea indoors, however, reminding me why Deb and I never regretted our decision to be childless! Apparently there was much talk about the trains in the car on the way home.


The rain is back today. Three sets of cat paw-prints annointed the floor when I let them in for brekkie!


I share Chris F's pleasure in seeing another Flavio masterpiece, as he and I are smug owners already!


So Tassie Tex got antibiotics for flu, eh? "Take solpadiene and ride it out" has been the mantra from docs I have known over many years. A flu jab is effective for warding off in my experience.


Glad Stewart is back home. Most ambulances here are simply rebadged cars.


Hope Sunday is peaceful for all and that Mike's run time is better than he expects.

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So Tassie Tex got antibiotics for flu, eh? "Take solpadiene and ride it out" has been the mantra from docs I have known over many years. A flu jab is effective for warding off in my experience.




I thought that odd - but he is not the only one who has received medicine that is totally useless for the condition (and not your fault, of course, Tex).      


Antibiotics do not work against any virus. Perhaps if we all reminded our Doctors of this then antibiotics may have a chance to work against what they are useful for - serious bacterial infections.


Btw at what age in Europe is it considered worthwhile to have a joint Flu/Pneumonia jab? Anyone know? Flavio?


G’night, Jock! I’m off to bed...


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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