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The predicted easy day happened. Although wet, the drive both ways was easy and the job went to plan. I bet the rest of the week is different.


Pete - Not a great start to the New Year. I hope that the results of tomorrows scan aren't anything major.


Of the 10 must visit countries for 2016, there are only 3 that I haven't been to.

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  • RMweb Gold

And as you are are on the final version of ET even the 1000 page cartridge might be adequate.


Sorry just seen BoD's comment!

But you were much kinder than I was.

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Has anyone heard from any of our missing ER's? I noted that Railsquid had posted on another thread recently but no sign of some of the others.

Evening Phil,

I've e-mailed Tex a couple of times, which worked when he went off air earlier last year, but no response as yet!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

An apple and cinnamon pie (of sorts) was created.


In doing so I found that quite a few of the apples in our overwintering storage box were starting to rot, so they decision was made to put them on the compost heap.


The PH was ordered to dispose of the compost which consisted of:


The aforementioned box (plastic) of apples


The bowl of  wet peelings from those apples in the pie.


The bag from the compost box on the kitchen window sill.


I was assured this disposal would happen when he got home from work.


This seemed a good plan until after he had set off for work.  It was then I realized I needed the bowl for other tasks.


So I emptied the contents of the compost box into the apple slush in the bowl, and then tipped the combined contents into the box containing the written off apples.


It was only then that I realized that the box had holes in the bottom of it.


In a valiant attempt at reducing the seepage, I grabbed the box and headed for the empty laundry basket in the corner of the room.  (This I know has a solid base).


It was at this point that the guardian of the stair trap suddenly made her presence felt in the kitchen, by running between my legs in search of any treat that might be oozing from the bottom of the box.


Unable to control my legs going in one direction and the box going in another, I was felled.


As I adopted a more horizontal position, I saw the box was now deposited, not on the floor, but inverted in the laundry basket.


Lucky escape?  Sadly not!


This was another laundry basket, parked in front of the tumble drier.  Under the combined mass of vegetable and fruit matter was the freshly laundered fruits of my other labours from earlier in the morning.


My leisurely afternoon quickly turned into a frenzy of de-composting the clothes and getting them re washed and dried.


Then of course, there was the floor to clean up.


I never realized how sticky and slippery wet apple peelings are.


Somebody once asked me if I had considered writing a comedy series.


After today's exploits, i don't need to write..............................I am one!

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Evening all, as Geo Dixon often said.


Leah is now in the care of mum and Leapfrog Nursery until Saturday.


Can select stickle bricks by size and colour and link them together.


A fine walk around Bredicot bridge after lunch on the Birmingham and Gloucester line where we saw JCB farm special loader and JCB back hoe "diggies", some cows and heifers in barns "moo!" And a class 66 running light engine southbound "train!" All new experiences, mind blown.

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You know, Geoff, I do wish we had such bulldozer blades at times! Might make careless left-turners and illegal parkers think twice...

There's a rather eerie account in an excellent book "The LNWR Recalled" (compiled by E Talbot; Oxford Publishing Co 1982) by a Fireman to a hard running Claughton driver called Pete

They'd had a frustrating night of delays on an up overnight train from Carlisle to Euston all the way up over Shap then down via Oxenholme through crowded Lancashire. Once clear of Warrington Bank Quay 'under clear boards' the driver opened up at last to run hard to Crewe.

Then the Firemen thought he'd heard a bang at the front, saying 'What'ts that'?

Driver Pete said 'I don't know and i don't bl%dy care, but we're stopping at Crewe'.

At Crewe they found a car scooped up onto the front platform and wedged under the smoke box. 'Why didn't you stop; you may have killed two people' the Inspector said.

Driver Pete replied 'Lucky it was a Claughton - if it had been a Prince it would have derailed the whole bl%dy train - with dozens killed and the line blocked for a day!'



Edited by runs as required
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There's a rather eerie account in an excellent book "The LNWR Recalled" (compiled by E Talbot; Oxford Publishing Co 1982) by a Fireman to a hard running Claughton driver called Pete

They'd had a frustrating night of delays on an up overnight train from Carlisle to Euston all the way up over Shap then down via Oxenholme through crowded Lancashire. Once clear of Warrington Bank Quay 'under clear boards' the driver opened up at last to run hard to Crewe.

Then the Firemen thought he'd heard a bang at the front, saying 'What'ts that'?

Driver Pete said 'I don't know and i don't bl%dy care, but we're stopping at Crewe'.

At Crewe they found a car scooped up onto the front platform and wedged under the smoke box. 'Why didn't you stop; you may have killed two people' the Inspector said.

Driver Pete replied 'Lucky it was a Claughton - if it had been a Prince it would have derailed the whole bl%dy train - with dozens killed and the line blocked for a day!'



There was a great thread about footplate experiences on an older version of RMweb. At one upgrade, it was reloaded as a single post, with original posts separated only by posters names. Your post above reminded me of one post in that thread. Here's a link to the reloaded thread. The post I was reminded of is the fourth one - the second one by "Lokomotivfuhrer", about an experience on the way into Glasgow Queen Street - http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1474&hilit=queen+sheep
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  • RMweb Gold

Nice of you and everyone else to care, Jock.

Of course, SWMBO is on tenterhooks.

I'm hoping that the 'lumps' may be compacted waste or similar.

... but it's a long shot.


I think that lumps may be found to be benign more often than you think.

Still fingers crossed.


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Evening everyone, it's been one of those days today, I so was glad of my workout at the gym this evening I can tell you, as I needed to blow of steam! Although I might not thinking that when I wake up n the morning!

An email that was sent last week contained a long list of work that is to be issued to me, so I know I've got plenty of work to do, but I can't do any until I've got it issued to me. So I spent all the day sat in the office awaiting said work to arrive on my laptop, nothing! Grrrrrrrrr, and they wonder why some of the older guys like me are all wanting to leave? Still I did get a new laptop bag today as the strap on my old one was held together with a cable tie!


I also got confirmation today of a £400.00 (matched giving donation) by the company I work for towards last year's sponsored swims, so that makes last year's total as £892.50. I'm very pleased with that.


Danemouth / BoD - like you I've had a few calls recently about motor accidents / PPI's etc, I deal with them by acting dumb, (which, by the way is not that difficult for me). I just keep answering there questions with a question of my own, after about 2 or 3 questions they usually hang up!


Donw, I know several vegetarians who have said the same thing about the smell of cooking bacon.


Pete (LE) I echo all that has been said about your dismissal, gather as much evidence as you can.


DD. May the force be with you!


Goodnight all

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Evening all. My apologies for not reading through the postings for today. Things have been busy with returning to work. Today was a training day, and was quite useful too. I was also glad of a non-teaching day after what can only be described as the night from hell. I reckon I managed a maximum of three hours sleep in total - you really could not make it up.

Amber woke up at 8.45pm, after less than an hour of being asleep. She seemed fine in herself and wide awake. I would probably have put her straight back to bed, but Sarah opted to take her into our room whilst I finished all the tidying away of the Christmas decorations.

We tried to settle down to sleep about 10.30. Amber tossed and turned for an hour, constantly going to the toilet. Her cough was not helping. An hour later she was just settling to sleep when we were disturbed by a commotion outside. There was shouting, swearing and what sounded like smoke alarms. A check out of the window saw nothing and things seemed to quieten down again. We settled back down only for the bedroom to suddenly be lit by blue flashing lights accompanied by sirens as two fire engines flew round the corner to the houses over the back. Being nosey I ventured outside to see what was happening. Thankfully it seemed a minor incident as everyone seemed calm and safe.

Once back in bed Amber and Sarah both drifted off to sleep. With little room for me I left the two poorly females and decamped into Amber's cabin bed hoping to get some sleep before work. I was drifting off when Amber woke up screaming with ear ache! I went back, gave her more medicine and then she went back to sleep in my arms. By then it was 3am and one of the cats started making noise and demanding food. Once he was sorted I finally managed to get some shut eye about 3.30am - I was up again by 6am for work of course!

Thankfully Amber seems much better today and, at present, is asleep in her own bed. Fingers crossed she is on the mend.


Now having bored you with my evening I must send generic greetings and best wishes to all.

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I nearly got run over in Kendal today. I don't know if you know the town but there has always been one way traffic on the road through the centre. About ten years ago they changed the direction half way along. Trouble is my brain seems to be wired to the old system and when we reached a kerb I carefully looked ahead and to the left, saw nothing coming and stepped off the pavement in front of an approaching car coming from the right. Luckily he was more alert than I and stopped. My wife said nothing but I got The Look. I should follow my own advice when I say stay safe all.

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I am on taxi duty tonight. I said I would collect Matthew at Benfleet Station tonight. However engineering work means trains are departing from Liverpool St and the one he is on is also going round the Tilbury loop, eta 00.27.

I did loads of the administration for our trips later this year, providing airline and cruise line with our new passport details and booking car parking. I must get Robbie booked in to kennels too.


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 My wife said nothing but I got The Look. 



 Ah! The look . . . They've all got it . . . I could feel my mother's on the back of my head from fifty/sixty paces . . .It usually meant I was in bother!. . . My ex was never as ferocious. 



Goodnight everyone and Sleep Well. . . 





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Morning all,

Still got a bit of a space hopper for company, and hoping the swelling eventually recedes as it makes a good night's sleep difficult! I hope those that were first day back at work today managed to endure the shock. I note that Duncan didn't have a bad day but I fully expect he'll be back to overworked and undervalued again tomorrow!

Pete(trisonic), the Mississippi floods sound awful - what a stupid waste of life to die in that way! On the bacon front, the strange smell and sometimes a greenish shiny colouration occurs in mass produced bacon which goes through the nitrite curing process. It's often water injected as well! This never occurs in the Suffolk cured bacon that comes from Neaves of Debenham, near Ipswich. This comes mail order and costs quite a lot more but at least it is all completely edible!

Ian(OD), thanks for the update on Sherry, I hope she is safely home soon. Varian looks like giving you some cause for concern but strangely always seems to rally! I liked your comment about the end of the holiday period as it is strange that it still seems to matter in retirement?

Gordon s, I have to agree about the idiots who risk aquaplaning, especially in lightweight older cars with worn tyres. Our Citroën C3 Picasso has the advantage of a Diesel engine mounted above the front wheels and I only use the latest Michelins with asymmetric tread pattern which have to be fitted on the correct side of the vehicle. The principle is that standing water is channelled inwards from both sides of the car which has a stabilising effect which can be physically felt as you hit deeper water! Most companies now produce uni-directional tyres. I never wait until the tread gets down near the 'wear bars' either - at half worn, a tyre is much lower than 50% efficient!

As to lights in adverse conditions, I won't start but round here they seem to think it costs them too much to run them!

Dave(r-a-r), thanks for the kind comments in post #111305!

Brian W(BSW01), that is indeed a great fund raising effort, and a goodly sum for your chosen charity. Very well done.

Andy(ram), I can sympathise with you over your bad night's sleep as (see above) I'm awake posting still! I hope Amber improves soon - it couldn't happen at a worse time for you just as term starts!

Best wishes to all our sufferers and of course, good luck to our commuters. We will of course welcome back the 'roundhouse' family in the morning,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night all!

Edited by Jock67B
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On the bacon front, the strange smell and sometimes a greenish shiny colouration occurs in mass produced bacon


Supermarket bacon!!!. . . never got that from my local butcher before he retired . . . Poor old sod couldn't give his business away. . . A great loss to our comunity. . 

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Sitting in the departure lounge near the gate for our flight home form LAX.


Ben a good last day here.


Amtrak to Fullerton where we saw a few freights including a local freight with a caboos on the rear.


A beer and lunch in a very good bar near the station before catching Amtrak to LA Union station. Always amazes me that many female will not stop a telephone conversation for anything. One was trying to get her wheely bag down the steps from the platform together with numerous other bags whilst on the phone. Another stopped two steps from the bottom to look at her mobile with another clogging the half landing whilst on the phone, so trying to get down these steps was very slooooow.


There is an airport bus that departs out the other end of the station form the main entrance that takes about 40 minutes to LAX. We had our boarding passes on our phone so avoided the check in desks but getting to security was slow as we had a few hundred Mexican parade band members in front. Got to security and the QR code decided to dissapear off our boarding passes . Had to then go back to the check in desks to get a hard copy. Never had that with any other airline. Oh well so much for technology.


Luckily the queues had eased a lot so only added 20 minutes to getting through security.


For the second time my two N scale Kato locos were regarded as suspicious so another bag search.

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Back from the station. Matthew had an interesting evening with his friends from Germany. He said the curry was OK and then they went to pub for a drink. The resident Cockernee Geeza came and introduced himself. Matthew said the chap claimed to be 50 but looked 70 something and was buying everyone beers. Once he found out Matthew's friends were German he went into every cliché you could imagine. Also he couldn't understand how someone from Essex knew Germans. The poor chap couldn't cope when Matthew told him he didn't live in Essex anymore. Matthew's friends are English teachers so will have some lovely conversation examples for their students.


Edited by Tony_S
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We had a nice Señor moment today.


Lorna had to visit the doc today for an annual "wellness" visit. Our doctor is in a town about 30 miles from here, near the place where I worked from 1995 to 2000. We take a back road to get there and, as it still has a "snow floor", Lorna wanted me to drive her to her appointment.


"No problem! I'll pay in those checks at the Welsh Cargo bank on Sullivan Rd while you are at the doc's." I drove all the way down Sullivan and could not find the @#$%& Welsh Cargo bank. Strangely enough, there was now a Washington Truss bank in the spot where I remembered the Welsh Cargo used to be. I visited it many times too. I figured they must have sold the location to Washington Truss.


About ten minutes later while driving back to the doc's, I remembered that we never banked with Welsh Cargo until 2001. Prior to that we only used Washington Truss.



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I just about remember paying in cheques. We had to get a new chequebook recently as the French language group Aditi is in can't cope with cash or electronic payments.

Edited by Tony_S
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