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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all, and we've arrived at the regal military horseman with none of the others getting a mention enroute  (must be a bunch of closet GWR & NH fans on here then).


I do like the Beach Boys music and I have to say it was rather magical a year or two back actually being able to sit here at my 'puter with the front door open and hear, through the still evening air,  the present ensemble (including Brian Wilson) playing live at the local music festival.


Early start tomorrow as I'm off to see the Doctor to review something or other - not entirely sure what but no doubt she'll tell me and change the dose for some pills or other.


G'night all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone. It's been a lovely sunny but cool day here in Manchester. I've spent most of the day continuing to clear out the cellar (aka middle earth - according to Sheila) of stuff that has been accumulated over the last 35 years or so. You know the sort of stuff that might come in handy one day, but seldom does. Anyway another (Dexion) shelf unit has now been cleared and dismantled, new homes found for its contents (bin) and it is now awaiting its new home at Vickie's when they are ready for it. I'm storing it in its dismantled state so that I'm not tempted to start putting things back on it again!


Back to work tomorrow, office (Preston) first to hand in my safety harness for its 6 monthly check up, then off up to Millom and Ireby. I do hope the weather is as fine as it has been today.


Jock. Thank you for your kind comments, it is always a great thrill when they come round. Yesterday whilst checking the contents of my MERG package, Ava asked me what I was doing. I explained loosely (she's only 8) what I'd bought and what it did and she watched as I test fitted some of the components on the circuit boards. She then asked, grandad do you know everything, smiling I said, no I'm just reading the instructions. She looked at me and gave me a huge smile followed by a great big hug, well I was very chuffed (pun intended) with that I can tell you!


goodnight all

Edited by BSW01
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Its bin another of those hustly Sundays where us oldies have to put on a good show to avoid visitors (in this case the Heaton son and family) all muttering to one another about how we've lost the plot and can no longer manage our big old cold stone house.


So I built up a huge welcoming firewood blaze in the stone flagged hall and we got up a classic roast Sunday din in the kitch with loads of veg: knobbly 'rude' spuds, kale and roast beetroot from the garden (where b!%dy squirrels gnaw at the beet tops).


They needed to leave early as the 9 year old was promised a call from Apple at 4pm about screwing up the family iPad password.

Son reported it was the outcome of a tussle between 9 year old and his big sister over camera pics.

So 9 year old changed the password to

'Even taller than the highest mountain'


But though the screen had confirmed it was a really strong password, it refused to work .

Nine yearold had been accused of mis-spelling but counter-claimed the problem was not spelling but his "spaces".


Haven't heard how it turned out....


Thanks for a dedication in those pics NH - what about a Live Steam switcher?


Night all


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  • RMweb Gold

Reading on here about Matthews trips around Europe whilst being a student I am beginning to think whether I should re-evaluate my present position and become a mature student.

Programmes on tv here show students eating beans on toast 24 x 7 and using the launderette once a month. But Matthew seems to lead a much more varied life in Europe.

Student nurses are having their bursaries taken away and are having to get loans.

Am I missing a trick somewhere?

Even when he was a student in Leicester Matthew didn't live on baked beans. He liked cooking with his friends but fended for himself when he was at the LSE. He shares a kitchen in his flat in Utrecht but the other four don't share, though they did have a Thanksgiving meal organised by the student from the US. Most of Matthew's trips are on the cheapest option cheap tickets an he stays in hostels, some of which are nice. I think he is planning to move up to cheap hotels though. Also he stays with friends. He has made lots at various geography conferences. He is surprised that there are relatively few students from the parts of the UK with high tuition fees. There are plenty of UK students on one year Erasmus schemes but not many doing their undergrad studies. UK students pay the same fees as Dutch students. I think Matthew's Masters fee is about 1900 euros per year which is somewhat less than the UK. He is also impressed by how good the teaching is, unlike the experience last year. He has promised that when he starts a PhD it will be fully funded. I don't know quite how that works but he seems to.

As for nurses bursaries, I don't know anything but I wonder if the financial powers consider it cheaper to import ready qualified nurses than train local ones?

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  • RMweb Gold

Just sat and watched Love and Mercy, a biopic on Brian Wilson.  Having loved the Beach Boys since the '60 and the real talent of Brian Wilson I enjoyed it, but perhaps 'enjoy' is not the right word.  I had some idea of what he went through, but this film opened my eyes to some of the things that went on around him.  No wonder he was messed up for many years.


You'll either love it or turn it off, but the music was great.



Did you have the DVD or was it on some online film service. I nearly bought the DVD for Aditi the other day?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.  Warm-to-hot here with 21C overnight, 27C at breakfast and a promised top of 34C.  Late shift beckons.  We might be allowed to wear our ties off ;)


Plenty to keep me busy at home as I'm rebuilding the shade-house / cat run at the back in addition to installing shade cloth under the new polycarbonate layout roof.  All hot, dirty and sweaty work but all essential.  Once the shade house is proven to be possum-proof (from the outside in) and therefore kitty-proof (from the inside out) a new cat or cats will be appointed.  Hopefully by early next month.

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As Bod said it did rain this afternoon, but we had a beautifull sunset in crimson, pink, and gold.


My mate left his Epiphone and digital delay here last night, so tonight I had a bit "play" . . .I wish I could!


I have a re-arranged appointment tomorrow with the "LUNG HEALTH" Specialist. . . . Of course, in my dad's days she was known as the "CHIST NORSE".



Goodnight everyone . . . Sleep well.




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  • RMweb Gold

I seem to have been up for hours trying to pay for mil's Indian visa online. The system collapses after the card verification stage. After 3 failures you have to submit a new application, roughly 3 pages of questions designed to see if you have any links to certain countries near India. I have spent half the weekend trying to sort this out!

This is supposed to be the new super efficient welcome to 21st century system to replace the rubbish system in place before.

I will try again later in the morning. Aditi really appreciates my effort and had gone down to make a nice hot chocolate drink. She will also take over the battle of the visa!


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Another 'misty' picture. This is how it came off the camera:




A bit of editing shows more of what was actually there:





I like the original better.

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Good morning one and all


Not a very productive day yesterday, though it was enlivened by a lump of sirloin steak which I enjoyed cooking with mushrooms and, for the first time, Bisto gravy granules.  A box of gravy powder has served me well for half a lifetime or more but its contents were beginning to remind me of inferior weathering powder so it had to go.  For some reason the task of downloading 84 photographs taken in Switzerland consumed far more time than usual but I remembered that the computer is a sophisticated moron: if it does not do what you tell it you must use your brain to outwit it.


Jock, your point about my missing debit card is one that had occurred to me.  I will visit the bank first thing, fortified by a not particularly full English breakfast, and retrieve a statement from the kiosk thing in the fervent hope that it will show only expected transactions.  The outcome will shape the rest of the day, save that time must be found for the ironing.


Good health to all



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Morning all,

Despite the problem I have getting around at the moment, I couldn't allow Joanna to cope with the post Christmas graveyard duties on her own, as she is far from 100% fit herself. At Christmas, she always likes to switch the 'rose bowl' flower holder for a decorated potted miniature conifer which fits in the hole in the granite base of the gravestone. She likes a holly wreath placed in front of the base and secured against the elements by a couple of tent pegs. Today she wanted these removed, and fresh flowers put in their place. I normally sit on my garden kneeler/stool, scrub down the headstone, and arrange the flowers, finishing with water in the bowl. No way I could this week with the swollen appendage! As I had the 'rose bowl' at home, I cleaned it up and arranged fresh roses in the holes, carefully placing it in a plastic bag and we took this, a short handled brush, and half bottle of water to the graveyard with Joanna driving and me lying on the well reclined passenger seat. She placed Archie in his cage using a ramp and off we went. She was able to roll the wreath and conifer in to the bag, place the arranged flowers and 'rose bowl' into it's socket, and carefully filled with water. I then lightly brushed the gravestone clear with legs akimbo, then got back into the car and listened to classic fm whilst she walked the dog. Isn't it funny how we humans use a little ingenuity to overcome physical problems? My reward from a happy wife was a couple of slices of toast topped with scrambled egg and served with four plump rashers of Suffolk dry cured bacon, washed down with a mug of tea for lunch! Been resting since!

Dave(TG), today's selection of photos was nothing short of stunning, especially the clever ones of reflections. I marvel at the number of times you must stop and restart on your constitutional. Will you update us with any news on 'Is' as the week progresses?

Andrew C, good to hear that your pain has slackened and that you managed to get some sleep last night. Your lottery result exactly mirrored ours!

Rick, it was lovely to read of your intention to visit the wonderful county of 'Kernow' later in the year. It might be a good idea to let us know the dates in case any of your digital friends happen to be in any of the places you will go to! For instance, if you visit Mousehole, you might bump in to 'Penlan' who posts on RMweb and lives there, although you probably know that?

Warren(BoD), I know it's easy to say, but you must try to stay positive my friend and it will pass eventually. I understand your frustration as I too am essentially 'grounded' at the moment - I look out at what was my beautiful garden and I could cry, but I just have to be patient like you. Do you think an eye patch would remove the distraction of the bubble, or would that be going too far? I hope Thursday's consultation goes well, and at least you should leave with a plan to make your recuperation more bearable.

Flavio, I hope you had an uneventful trip home, and it was pleasing to read how much everyone enjoyed the London meeting that you set up - jealous of Essex here.

Bill, that sounds like a very interesting itinerary indeed - Joanna and I have visited all those places at one time or other, although a trip that gave us a few days in Budapest about four years ago, made that the top of our favourite cities list! Found a cracking railway museum at Vasuttorténeti Park as well, with plenty of steam locos on display! The company, and another meeting with Flavio would no doubt be highlights for you in any case wherever you go!

AndyB - learned that lesson the hard way when dealing with car manufacturers. A telephone or verbal assent can always be denied, whereas a hard copy of an e-mail, with time and date, is actual proof. Yes it makes you feel a bit like a 'jobsworth', but it could save you serious trouble.

The usual good luck to our commuters for later today, and best wishes, to those ailing, for a speedy recovery,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night all!


Mornin' Jock,


A small victory for Is yesterday was her first driving experience for some time due to the op. She drove us to church and back and gained numerous comments from parishoners re how well she looked. Yes, she gets tired and we would like this fluid build up to subside more quickly to allow radiotherapy to start but she is otherwise in good heart. Today we're being taken out to lunch by newly married friends in Macclesfield. Today's short anticlockwise was done in half light, dull conditions and not one picture was taken....100% head down calorie burn.


I'm pleased that my pictures bring pleasure....some of my cycling circuits have had various pictures repeated, so tell me if you feel that they become 'old hat'. Time of year/weather conditions and newsworthyness tend to group pictures geographically, therefore 50%-100% (on crummy weather days) is pure cycling and the picture opportunities account for the rest.


Request for CVR steam noted Andy....here are are a few clips from the last gala which I attended....


....and a few diesel stills from my Flickr site....




Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Morning All,


It was immediately apparent that the schools start again today - not least because the little guy headed off himself, but also because of the massively increased traffic.  There was also a broken down lorry on the Autobahn which didn't improve matters!


The weather is reasonable here this morning - still unseasonably warm, but yesterday's rain has now stopped.


Jock - I hope your appendage is getting smaller.  (Heavens above!  How that sounds :O )


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Thanks for your words of encouragement Jock, what a star you are.

I seemed to have a maudlin sort of day yesterday. Not being able to get out for my daily walk or do anything really constructive Is so frustrating. Still, I am catching up on some reading and am determined to get back into the swing of things asap.


While I was typing, the radio news announced that David Bowie has died. There's a big, influential part of my youth gone. R.I.P

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning everyone or good night for this elsewhere.


Road carnage expected in Leeds today as the students return to university.


I shall stay off the roads and, once parcelling is complete, walk to the Post Office.


Tony, eldest Herbert received a bursary to pay him to live while working on his PhD. He also did some lecturing/tutorials/marking. He hopes his rewrites will go in soon.


Have a pleasant day and try to stay as calm as you can.


Now off to make some tea!



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  • RMweb Gold



Heavy rain here in Surrey. Roads very busy. M25 gridlocked as our nearly on time but packed train passed over it.


Another person passes away with cancer. RIP Mr Bowie.



Other news, Oyster is now valid on services as far South as Gatwick from today.


Our next show is the Guildford Astolat show with Star Lane.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Up early for a couple of hours for another attempt at visa fees. Now almost ready to give up and suggest MiL makes a postal application.

I shall try and catch up on some sleep now!

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