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  • RMweb Premium

Boin.....thud.  To mis-quote Matt!


Thud was the sound of two emotionally exhausted folk getting back home.  Bill was seen off in fine style, his coffin draped with his drivers cap and a facsimile of the smokebox door ring from a Wallace & Steevens traction engine, his favourite.  His ashes will be scattered along the Groudle Glen Railway as he requested, when the weather is better we will run a special train for members only one day to do so and celebrate his life once more. 


Bill Briggs RIP.

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  • RMweb Gold

I said earlier that driving yesterday I felt I had been in some sort of cockwomble convention.


I found them convened today at North Cheam Sainsbury's.


Massive levels of personal incompetence...

I'll raise your Sainsbury's in North Cheam with Waitrose in Tilehurst - starting the car park with midget mobiles parked right at the end or edge of parking spaces making the adjacent space no use for anybody with a grown up car, or in oner case any sort of car bigger than a Smart car.  Then to the entramnce lobby where I was minded to say to one female personage that I din't mind her taking her husband shopping but it would have helped if she' d kept him on a lead, a very short lead.  Then to newspapers where those who seem happy to read but not buy outnumbered those of us who actually wanted to buy one and made it difficult for us to get at one to put in the trolley.


There were of course the inevitable conversations in the middle of aisles, people standing in the middle of aisles looking lost (they probably were), trolleys dumped in front of displays while their pilote was half a shop away but who strangely reappeared when their trolley was kicked out of the way, and rude people who couldn't be bothered to even smile when you moved to let then through or reach a particular shelf.


But today we had new challenges - looking for parsley sauce I found it was no good looking on the shelf where the label said 'Parsley Sauce' but that was a crafty move to get me to ask a member of staff who, helpfully, directed me to the next aisle - where I found parsley sauce on a shelf labelled for something like fajitas.  Then came the rump steak challenge with Mrs Stationmasters duly finding some rather poor specimens for tomorrows pasties while I idly made my way along teh meat department - only to find the same sort of rump steak on exactly the same special offer but far nicer, very weird I thought.  there were of course several things we wanted that were out of stock (well it is a supermarket with a wide range of choice, we erred in choosing things they hadn't got.


But a lovely young lass on the checkout, complete with an excellent sense of humour who said, when i mentioned the problems with them, that they couldn't choose their customers.  What fun.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just wait until you've put those pictures back up ;)

We will be going over to Enfield again tomorrow. Aditi just wants her Mum to be cheerful before she goes to India. We will make a list of where everything needs to go after the leak damage/redecorating is done. We will go over and do it assuming it is complete before she comes back. We will take lunch over, some sort of fish pie I suspect, there is a lot of fish defrosting in our kitchen at the moment. If the decorating is complete I will put the pictures back before MiL returns.

I have just had a chat with Matthew, he was extremely grumpy. I did my best to make him less cross! As Dick mentioned recently, one of the advantages of being in teaching is that one may have had experience of similar events many times before.

I did repair my Heljan turntable today that was damaged when a bag of casters fell off a shelf a few nights ago. No one would know now! It probably survived better than if some of the locos had taken a direct hit!


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  • RMweb Gold

None of the supermarkets round here that I use seem to be as irritating as Mike's! The big Tesco sells everything. Most of the time it is busy but with room to move. The only time confusion reigns seems to be at holiday time when family members who don't normally shop seem to be sent there with all the children! The two local Sainsburys both seem to be a bit quieter than Tesco. All have very adequate parking. The nearest Waitrose is very small but I have always managed to park. The big Waitrose the other side of Southend has an enormous car park and even at Christmas parking isn't a problem. The small Waitrose doesn't sell mung beans but does sell puy lentils. If I want to see people blocking aisles chatting I have found the Morrisons in Hadleigh seems to specialise in that feature.

I quite like shopping!


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Nice to hear from Jock and I hope things will get better. Supermarket trolleys, being the last Friday of the month the cockwombles were out in force in Tesco's today, pushing the bl@@dy things looking everywhere except where they are going, one of these days I intend to fill a trolley with 'embarrasing' items and quietly slip them into their trolleys when they're not looking. I did see a couple of nuns today not paying attention, perhaps a pregnancy test kit would fit the bill. :devil: Has anyone else got any suggestions for items to sneak into shopping trolleys when those pushing them block aisles, use them as battering rams or are just annoying.

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We have drive-in supermarkets here :sungum:


OK - not really supermarkets. They are really more like "convenience stores" where you can buy essentials like frozen pizza, ice-cream, beer and wine.


When we lived in Arizona there was a liquor store (off-license) just up the road that had a drive-up window. Very handy for patrons who were too plastered to get out their vehicles without falling over.


"Good aftable consternoon. What sheems to be the problem?"

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A very long day and haven't even made it back home. I've got myself in IDL's favourite accommodation tonight before finishing the job tomorrow.


Jock - Great to hear that the changes are making an improvement

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Another tale for Jock from Ford’s worst ever Dealership


Son Dan invariably faced an angry clustering around his Customers' Complaints counter each morning.

And tempers were not improved most mornings by Dan calling a little old lady forward to the front of the queue with

“So what can we do for you this morning Mrs Grady?”


A month or so earlier, one of the nice young car salesmen had chatted Mrs Grady into buying a brand new fully automatic Ford Fiesta diesel with aircon and sliding roof plus every conceivable electric window winder and adjustable mirror extra.  

Since then Mrs Grady’s social life had been transformed. As very few bits of her car actually worked,  she now virtually lived in the Ford garage .


She had got into the habit of asking Dan first if he thought  it would be ‘safe’ for her to take her car out - across to see her daughter in Streatham for example.

“Yes" Dan would say " you should get to Streatham today no problem”

“And what about maybe going on to Croydon to call on some old workmates?

"Yes, that should be good too."

"Then there’s my old sister who’s not been well at Elmers End. "

"That would be nice. You could get back to Lee Green easily from there.

"Well… if all that’s Ok Dan [Mrs Grady's eyes light up] Do you think I could take my sister out - driving her down through the New Forest to see my Gentleman Friend in Bournemouth?"



sleep tight everyone - the wind seems to have dropped out there



Edited by runs as required
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  • RMweb Gold

Weekend shopping sounds such fun. Marion prefers to shop online. Tesco bring ours at a price which hardly makes it worth getting the car out not to say the saving in time. If things have been damaged they will usually knock them off the bill whilst still leaving the items. I do find items not in stock etc. annoying but less so than being in a scrum. However Phil's idea of sneaking totally inappropriate items into others baskets could actually make it worth going to the supermarket.


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  • RMweb Gold

One for the Stationmike I think.....




What is the purpose of the signal on the right with the W on what looks like a banner repeater?


Cracking photo too!

A very nice picture indeed of Edinburgh Waverley with a delectable pair of banner signals (note banner signals, not banner repeaters - easy to tell the difference as on a banner repeater the 'arm' is black while on a banner signal it is red, not taht you can see that in this picture of course).  The actual running signal is a colour light, mounted on a short doll above the other two; the right hand banner is a shunting signal - to signal shunting moves; the left hand banner with the 'W' is a Warning Signal to incdicate to a Driver that his train has been accepted by the signalbox in advance under the Warning Arrangement, Absolute Block Regulation 5.


If you delve out pictures of Kings Cross (such as here -  http://www.roscalen.com/signals/London/KXFP.htm ) you will find pictures of banner subsidiary signals with an 'S' for Shunt Ahead (although the meaning was slightly different from the later standard BR Signalling regulation as at the time these signals were erected that Regulation was not in general use on the LNER).


Hope that helps a bit.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone. A very wet and windy day, so no gardening done. Brownie points earned by repairing Sheila hair dryer this morning, followed by a little tidying up in the cellar. I missed an appointment at the dentist last month for a check up, so I phoned them to apologise and made another which was for this afternoon. When I got there today they'd not written it down on the computer so I came away having made yet another one, which the receptionist has put on a card for me. So that meant that nothing was done today really. The three youngest grandkids came for tea as is the norm for a Friday evening.


Went swimming tonight, for some reason Friday nights are very quiet! I did 10 warm-up lengths then went straight into long distance, completing a mile for the first time this year, with a time of just over 46 minutes.


Jock. Apologies are not necessary, but I (and I'm sure others do too) find your positivity absolutely astounding, I wish you all the very best and hope that you sleep well tonight. Believe me when I say that I know only to well what it's like to be dog tired but unable to sleep.


Rick. It would seem that the selfish school-run idiots are to be not just confined to the UK. Sheila was almost run over twice in a matter of minutes by the same driver, driving the wrong way in a one-way system, that too was near a school!


shortliner. What a very touching story, reading it I too seemed to get something in my eyes. Co-incidence can and often amaze me sometimes.


Goodnight all

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Evening all,

Quick look in since I posted this afternoon. Much too early to tell but the headache is more of throb now rather than a piercing pain, and if I lie on my side, the pelvis isn't quite so bad either so who knows what tomorrow will bring. Thoroughly amused by Dave(rar)'s garage anecdotes - could probably write a book on the subject, or at least a handbook for people in young Dan's position!

Neil(NHN), I'm pleased that the funeral went as well as can be expected, although they are always emotionally wearing affairs. I love the touch of the drivers cap and replica smoke box door ring, and it is a measure of how much he was loved and respected that you are complying with his wishes about the scattering of the ashes.

Really weary now so off to sleep,

A repeat of my wishes from earlier and ,

Kind regards,


G'night to the Pete's if they reappear tonight, G'night all the rest of my digital friends!

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  • RMweb Premium

Made a real dogs breakfast of cooking marinated Barnsley chops tonight what wasn't burnt or raw tasted very nice. So much so that I might try again, Mrs B's birthday tomorrow so an early trip out for flowers and a meal out if she is well enough. Sleep well and I hope tomorrow is a good news day for everyone.

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My wife's father had three maiden aunts, or great-aunts perhaps, who shared a house in Bexhill-on-Sea. I'm sure you can visualize the setup.


They were all well into their 80s, but one of them was still driving. Eventually she had one prang too many and the magistrate rescinded her license. Unfortunately he failed to impound her vehicle (an Austin 1100 IIRC), and she kept on driving.


"For goodness sake George, of course I'm driving. I'm eighty-four. Do you think they are going to throw me in jail?"

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  • RMweb Gold

G'night to the Pete's if they reappear tonight, G'night all the rest of my digital friends!

Pete (Trisonic) was active yesterday morning so perhaps he or his connection are starting to thaw out a bit.

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