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My day didn't exactly go to plan and had a call out to Crick. Fortunately it was early enough and a quick resolution which meant that I still got home on time.


Jock - Happy Anniversary to yourself and Joanne. I hope that you can recover so that you can celebrate properly.

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Congrats to Jock & Joanna.


Missus had physio today following Novembers assault at work. More pain than ever in knee and the caring company have put her onto SSP. Assaulted at work and SSP. Its going to have to go further now.


Wonder whether the Missing have formed their own page and we cant see them, Trev, Pete and Tassie Tex.

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Anniversary greetings to Jock and Joanna! Lucky Joanna to have enjoyed those special surprises on previous anniversaries!


This morning I spent nearly an hour having a lovely catch up on "What's App" with my eldest offspring who lives in Geelong, Vic., Australia. She works as a trainer for Target and is married with a seven year old son. Her outlaws are Maltese and divorced but both partners visit regularly, usually for extended periods. At present, her MiL is three weeks short of a three month stay!!


This could be seen as a good thing, with free babysitting on tap but sadly, no! This is a singularly uncommunicative lady whose main pastime, observed by her grandson, is to sit on the sofa .............. staring at the TV. ........ even when it's switched off!!


Needless to say, his other grandmother is not renowned for being quiet ...... !

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Evening all. Congrats to Jock and Joanna. Sorry to hear that you are still feeling unwell. I hope you managed to find some time for even a quiet celebration. I have to say I share your views on the Stanier locomotives. For me it is a Jubilee every time. Back in 1983 my parents took me to Butterley for a Santa Special. The locomotive on the day was "Leander". I was hooked on steam, and on this particular class of locomotive from that moment on.

Since that moment I gave cleaned, polished and had footplate rides on Kolhapur whilst volunteering in the MPD on the Great Central. I even got to take a brief turn on the shovel. I have ridden behind Bahamas at Keighley and the G.C, but I am yet to complete the set with Galatea.

I must admit that Leander remains my favourite. It took 25 years for me to ride behind it again. As a result it became something like the holy grail. I managed to catch up with it on a York to Scarborough trip in 2008, just a week after my Grandma's funeral. I admit that riding behind it at 75 mph after all those years brought a lump to my throat for the second time that week! Such a shame that loco has been vandalised in B.R black. I hate the red B.R livery on Galatea too!


Condolences to Don. I missed that post previously.


Off to send a load of work emails. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Edited by andyram
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Happy anniversary to Jock and Joanna. Am sure it'll be a happy time despite being unable to arrange a surprise weekend in New York.


Commiserations to Dom.


Ian (Abel) - surely the last class you want is the MR USA tank? Hope that you're feeling better now and that your mouth has calmed down, too. Root canal work is never pleasant.


Robert - are those the only SRN-4s left? Hope that one can be saved "for the nation". And saved for the engineering line, too.


Good to see the evenings staying a little lighter later.



Mal, actually never been that fussed about the USA tanks, but who knows I may change my mind ;)


Good evening all,


And congratulations, condolences, etc. to all as appropriate!

IIRC, the engines used in the SRN4 were the same as used on Concorde! I served my apprenticeship at BHC (British Hovercraft Corporation) and have this lodged way, way back in my mind; I could, of course, be wrong! After some some nearly 40 years, memories can play tricks! The museum is based on part of what was HMS Daedalus which was their main helicopter and hovercraft base; often used to see an SRN5 crossing the sea front road to the slipway and on to the Solent! Now, of course, it is the base for India Juliet, the Air Sea Rescue helicopter and her crew.


  The hovercraft used RR Proteus marine turboshaft engines, I shudder to think how they'd have managed four Olympus engines (used on Concorde and the Vulcan bomber), probably would have ripped them apart on first flight :)



Back from the dentist and have the "answer" to why a temporary filling to be replaced within two days by a permanent one.

Let me use a road works analogy.

The root canal is done by a "root canal specialist" - aka the guys that dig a big trench down the road to put in a new drainage system. They just chuck a bunch of temporary crap over the trench so folks don't fall in it when they're done.

The final filling is done by a "restorative dentist" (apparently!!). He comes by with a nice crew and puts the pretty tarmac surface back over the road after the yobos have finished :jester:

Here endeth the lesson for the day :O

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone. Another cold wet and windy day here in the North West. The Liverpool area is my work location for today and only 4 sites to visit too, so no need to book overtime today. Garston was my first port of call, once in the door the first task was to put the kettle on. Mmmm, nice warm tea, just the thing, especially as the instrument room heater is faulty and awaiting a replacement, so it was bl**dy cold. My second site visit, was the GAS instrument compound for the Mersey Tunnel gas crossing, no brewing facilities there so I had to wait until lunch time for my second cuppa, but luckily that site was just around the corner from there so I didn't have to wait long! The final site was not that far from Aintree and also had facilities to enable a cuppa to be made before setting of for home.


We had a phone call this evening from our daughter, informing us that her partner has injured his hand whilst working on their cellar stairs. They have a brick staircase which has stone treads, he was trying to realign the treads when his hand became trapped, luckily he was able to free himself, but has quite a severe injury as a result! An ambulance was called and he was taken to Salford Royal Hospital where is to spending the night. He'll have tests in the morning to check if there is any nerve damage, after which, all being well, he'll be released.


Happy Anniversary Jock and Joanna. Good look with your visit to see your oncologist tomorrow. Verdi's requiem mass truly is a master piece. One of my favourites is the Agnus Dei, a vocal version of Barbers adagio for strings, out of this world.


45156. I hope you diabetic review went ok, Sheila usually dreads hers!


Rick. I'm able to pick up the odd bottle or two of Tribute (pale ale) from our local Supermarket, and rather nice it is too! We often use it in a Steak and ale pie!


NGT6 1315. I too like a nice cup of Earl Grey. However, whilst out and about working I generally use tea bags for convenience, but I do use loose leaf tea a home, especially during the weekends as a little treat!


Matt. If the kettle breaks, you can always put a pan of water on the stove. As for coffee, yuk, I never touch the stuff, that's Sheila preferred drink. She has a TASSIMO machine, very similar to your friends I assume, just made by a different manufacturer (Bosch).


Dave. In Paradisum is another wonderful piece of music.


Jamie92208. Well done to your DiL on passing her test, no doubt very pleased it's all over.


Remember everyone, keep smiling it confuses the bu99ers


Goodnight all

Edited by BSW01
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  • RMweb Gold

Aniversary congratulations to Jock and Joanna. We had our 43rd last month.


Another kick in the teeth today. Marion had a check up on her eye pressures. The one that had dropped significantly has risen somewhat and the second eye that was done didn't come down that much. Verdict from the specialist some good but not enough. He is also concerned at visible haemorrhaging of the optic nerve in one eye.  


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Time for bed "Boing"!


Doh, that would explain why it looks a little different to the plastic one then NHN, especially around the cab. is it a 15" or a 16"?


LMS locos... Hmm, always liked the Jubilees, despite being a GWR man (I blame the parents). I'd love to see Galatea- when I was young I used to pinch Dad's steam railways to read and an article on her stuck in my mind- I remember being saddened that such a loco could be "preserved" just as a parts donor and was another restoration project impossible. Needless to say I was pleased to find out many years later that she was under restoration. Of course there are plenty of similar stories with GW 4-6-0s and Southern Pacifics but somehow Galatea seemed different- probably just 'cos I saw it in print really! Must admit I've normally got the emotional range of a teaspoon but watching Duke of Gloucester lift a good rake of Mk1s out of Plymouth and up into Mutley tunnel a few years back (erm, 8 now I think about it- where did that go?) bought a bit of a lump to the throat- another engine that made it against all the odds. My first student house was right on the railway (opposite the eye hospital on the other side of the railway for those who know the area) and I only saw that one steam special in the year I was there- was a bit disappointed with that.


Goodnight folks! 

Edited by brianthesnail96
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Morning all,

Still feeling far from right, but I should see the oncologist in the morning and hope to stir up some action then! Cards and phone calls from all the kids as usual, and No1 Son and his lovely partner are coming to see us on Sunday (bringing lunch with them apparently!).

Lovely to see posts from two of our lovely lasses again, Deb's and Sherry, but not much from our resident steam loco driver from Wales, and it seems that young LisaP4 hasn't posted since Christmas Eve, I do hope she is OK.

Jamie, congratulations to,your daughter-in-law on passing her test - I'm not absolutely certain that I'd pass myself now! I suppose I'm also in favour of Red on the 'Stanier' designs although the aesthetic shape is probably more important to me. This is where the Princess just wins - such amazingly clean lines on such a large and powerful locomotive! Many congratulations on the success of your talk to the theology students, it can be a daunting task.

Baz, thanks for the lovely images - as I mentioned in my post above, I too feel the Princess just 'shades' it, but not by much.

Brian(BSW01), Fingers crossed (certainly no pun intended) that your daughter's partner hasn't done any lasting damage to his hand - we really are very vulnerable! I used to use a Tassimo machine to kickstart me with a nice double espresso before going to work each morning, but the use of oral chemotherapy has clearly changed my palate to the degree that I now prefer a mug of tea. Don't know if you found similar issues.

DonW, that is indeed a fair run - Joanna and I are of course on our second marriages and she would have made 50 this year, but I was a late starter (and still c*cked it up!!). I really do hope that the medics can come up with a solution to Marion"s eye problems - they are possibly our most important organs.

Just saw the news (BBC24), that Maurice White of 'Earth Wind and Fire' has passed away at seventy-four - we really do seem to be losing so many this year to date. Not my kind of music really, but obviously relished by many fans. RIP.

Good luck to those who seek the 'E' in Poet's later today, and rapid improvement to those unwell amongst us. I'm on early start tomorrow when my eldest grandson is taking me to the hospital as I really don't feel comfortable driving at the moment, so it's off to seek some sleep now.

Kind regards,


G'night all! (Come back Pete, all is forgiven!!).

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All this talk about favourite locos, Hmmm. . . . . I'm sorry, but,   Real locos are black. Philphy Black.   So philphy you can't read there numbers, and that's why the driver is laughing. And there are leaky stains mixed in with the grime and there are 40 odd wagons. . . 21ton hoppers, steel mineral wagons, and 7 plankers, all full of Durhams finest.


Hoping for good news from you tomorrow, Jock.



Goodnight everyone. . . . .Sleep well.






P.S. Who was that on "Question Time"?

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Awake again!  Good night/morning all, depending which way you look at it. Jock, I hope you're asleep. You really must read every word on here because you certainly pick up on stuff that I miss.


I've spent most of the day sleeping. Do I do that because I don't sleep at night or vice-versa? Can you work nights when you don't work? Usual appointment in the morning with the podiatrist and the DSN, plus some blood tests. Some discussion about the big slipper will occur.


I'm listening to you tube atm, in the quirky way it does it has linked into a lot of Iris DeMent's music. She has written some superb stuff, although her voice is a little startling at first I like it now. She did a superb set with the Beautiful South on Jools Holland's show.


Anyway, I'll climb the wooden hill and get into bed before the heating comes on and it's too hot!


Night all



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  • RMweb Gold

Definitely ER this morning.


Some one let fireworks off at 2am  in the next road or two down from us.


Hope you sleep well Jock.


Andy - I saw the hard copy of the issue of Steam Days in a newsagent the other day but didnt have time to look inside it. As its Q1s I will have to download it.


Now do I try and get another hours sleep or go downstairs and continue cleaning wheels on N scale container flats?

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Postal charges are getting ridiculous. Lorna bought a nice blanket to send to her mum in Renfrew. I think she paid about $20 for it. The US post office wanted $50 to ship it!


She ordered something for her online from M&S instead.

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Morning all. A bit warmer and dry this morning but I don't think it's meant to stay that way. Had a good nights sleep but still feel shattered so more coffee required.


Jock - Here's hoping that the oncologist can come up with a solution to get you back on track


Don - I really hope that Marion's eye problems can be resolved by the medics


Brian - I hope that your daughters partner hasn't done any serious damage to his hand


Have a good day everyone

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