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I think I can beat a 6 hour meeting.

Just written the agendum for a 2-day meeting. 

And one of the participants asked if we could extend the meeting to cover all the topics in sufficient depth.

NOOOOO. Talk faster!!


Mike, I'll pass your Dad's Army feedback on; I see one of the producers about once a week. Nice chap. 


Can't comment on Hornby being in trouble, but the scenery on my layout certainly is. 


Night all. 

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And with these two images, I bid you good night, folks!




1155 "Anton Philipp Reclam" on Turn 1254 at Gohlis-Nord…





…and at the other "terminus" near the Technical Administration Centre just off the intersection of Riebeckstraße and Prager Straße. Technically, this is only a waiting position from where you proceed right to the tram stop for Line 15 in order to return to the city centre. As there's not very much traffic down there at night, I had long planned to take a snapshot there!


See you tomorrow!

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Just got back from an evening at the clubrooms making tram tracks and scribing cobbles. I took Tony down and he worked on some gates. Not a bad day. I'm off to Lancaster tomorrow so am up early to catch the train. I'm looking forward to a journey through the area where I grew up. I probably won't get chance to look in in the morning but wish all and sundry well.


Now a quick update of the layout thread then off to bed.



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Evening all. I hope today finds you well. I have not had much chance to read up on previous posts so I am sending generic greetings once again. My apologies for that.

Another difficult day today. There are some serious family problems around at the moment. I can't share the details at the moment, but all I will say are that they are not relating to Sarah, Amber or myself. It is quite upsetting though.

Work has been hard today thanks to a troublesome child and parent. I needed the double whisky this evening.


On a positive note I dropped into the Mickleover club tonight and rejoined after a year away.

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Morning all.  Welcome (in advance for most) to Thor's Day.  


Weather continues comfortable here in the southerly airflow though with a possibility of smoke haze later from the Tasmaninan bushfires.  24C and mostly sunny is required by the prognosticators.


New cat still very wary of us and has spent most of his first week under items of furniture.  He has been seen asleep in his basket at times and continues to eat healthily and requires his litter tray changed accordingly.  He's killed one fluffy mouse and has been heard playing late at night every night.  The signs are good - we just need to give him time to adjust and settle.


News from the Palace of Attendance.  I managed to get home last night by a whisker.  My train braked sharply after departing a suburban station and crept at extreme caution past a person inside the fence.  Before I had alighted at my station the line had been closed as the following train 10 minutes later had ended this person's life in a manner yet to be confirmed by the coroner.  But we can guess.  Today will be challenging.  I am assigned to a platform for the evening peak whereupon all trains are being terminated well short of destination until further notice after two derailments in the same spot.  One involved a passenger train, the other a track machine after the line had been "repaired" and was being checked.  This morning's peak was a mess - tonight's is likely to be little better.  Hey ho.  All in a day's Attendance.


Smile and the world smiles with you.

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Evening all,

Feeling very tired tonight, so who knows, some sleep may ensue......... Poor Joanna has had a nasty cold/infection since the weekend which has been adding to the sleep deprivation for both of us. To Colchester general in the morning at the end of the first trial fortnight on the new chemo drug - I haven't noticed any excessive side effects from the current dose, and subject to Monday's bloods being OK, I'm hoping to be put on the next strength. I really want to hurt this thing!! The oncologist has made me record my blood pressure twice daily throughout and luckily it seems to be well within limits. Because I'm still on lots of morphine for the other problems, I can't drive us there and so Joanna is going to take us even though such driving is well out of her comfort zone these days, I'll try to stay fit enough to treat her to a nice lunch on the way home. Everyone is pulling for me here which really does choke me! I will obviously report back results tomorrow at some time.

Chris, I hope your trip goes as planned without undue interference from the weather.

Ian(RH), it sounds like you have had a great result on the flight bookings - seems harder to sort out a train journey in the UK! I was sad to read of your treatment by the Premier organisation - when these large companies switch to computerised automatic systems, they always lose the important personal touch. It's getting harder to talk to a human these days.

John(CB), I hope all the dog news is positive, and that they have managed to stop the symptoms for you at least?

Simon, sorry to hear about the bug you've got - as I mentioned earlier, Joanna has been really rough with it, as have several family members. Hope it clears up soon.

Mike(SM), I had no idea that you were such a 'film buff' but that was a very nice 'critique' of the 'Dad's Army' film thank you. I was lucky enough to meet the bulk of the old TV show cast years ago - when Jock senior decided to site his caravan permanently, he chose 'The Dower House' site near East Harling in the Thetford Forest (owned by one of his old motorcycle trade colleagues!). We used to visit fairly often, and happened to be in the nearby watering hole, 'The Nag's Head' at East Harling, when the cast came in for food and drink after a day's filming in Norfolk. What a pleasant bunch of people they were, and it wasn't long before Jock Senior and Mr Le Mesurier were diminishing the spirit stocks behind the bar! I'm now pondering when to try to watch the new film soon (I can't sit for any length of time so it would have to be at home somehow.), lest I forget all the information you have kindly provided!

Baz, I hope the club room situation is resolved quickly - I wondered if you have come across lots of 'useful stuff' whilst clearing out? I normally do if I clear out a bedroom at home.

Brian(BSW01), a real benefit of running a thread is the input you will get from lots of 'followers'. You will possibly also get some unwelcome adverse input from the rivet counting nuisances but you can filter and ignore that! Whatever you decide to do, please let us know where to find it.

Thinking of those who have issues, like Mal completing his latest treatment, and Sherry's lass Caroline - continued improvement would be nice! Hope the rest of the week is trouble free (another one flown by!!)

Kind regards,


G'night all! (Including Pete if he looks in).

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Morning all.  Welcome (in advance for most) to Thor's Day.  


Weather continues comfortable here in the southerly airflow though with a possibility of smoke haze later from the Tasmaninan bushfires.  24C and mostly sunny is required by the prognosticators.


New cat still very wary of us and has spent most of his first week under items of furniture.  He has been seen asleep in his basket at times and continues to eat healthily and requires his litter tray changed accordingly.  He's killed one fluffy mouse and has been heard playing late at night every night.  The signs are good - we just need to give him time to adjust and settle.


News from the Palace of Attendance.  I managed to get home last night by a whisker.  My train braked sharply after departing a suburban station and crept at extreme caution past a person inside the fence.  Before I had alighted at my station the line had been closed as the following train 10 minutes later had ended this person's life in a manner yet to be confirmed by the coroner.  But we can guess.  Today will be challenging.  I am assigned to a platform for the evening peak whereupon all trains are being terminated well short of destination until further notice after two derailments in the same spot.  One involved a passenger train, the other a track machine after the line had been "repaired" and was being checked.  This morning's peak was a mess - tonight's is likely to be little better.  Hey ho.  All in a day's Attendance.


Smile and the world smiles with you.


Things can only get better from that start-point surely? Hope it doesn't ruin your next shift my friend,

Kind regards,


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NHN . . . You only have to watch it.. . . . When they're filming around here, they close off half of Horden!!!!   There again, I don't think she does too badly at a local accent. . . except she seems to come from somewhere bertween the Tweed and the Cleveland Hills. . .


A Mean . . . Makems sound nowt like Geordies . . Or Durham "Pitmatic" . . Never mind "Monkey Hinger", or "Smoggy". . .( Is the 'Boro really the North-East. . . . I thowt they wuz Yorksher)!!!!.


My mate asked to "borrow" my drive to change the discs/pads on his car, as when he bought 4 new tyres a fortnight ago, the tyre centre put an advisory on his bill to the effect that he needed a new pair off discs and new pads on the front. . . 


Anyone seen 5 sided socket drive before???. . . When he finally got them off, the discs had a (very) slight 'lip', and the pads were'nt even half worn!!!! . . . Obviously thought they would get the work, seeing as he was in his 60's, walking with a stick, and having trouble breathing. . A survivor of lung-cancer, with a "get on with it" attitude. . . 


Good wishes for tomorrow,Jock.



Goodnight everyone. . . . Sleep well.




Edited by Two_sugars
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Morning everybody. Still dark here, but the sounds of carousing still echo in the whelkmen's tenements and rude shelters. There'll be no sign of them in the bay this day, I suspect.


Me, I've got a bloody cold thing again, coughing and bunged. Ugh, though I almost dare not mention it in this company. Slept all yesterday afternoon, then a meeting, then more sleep, so now wide awake, encaffeined and waiting for the day to start. Should be painting tat upcycled furniture in the shed workshop, but it'll be too cold for a while yet. I can warm up the environment fairly quickly, but not the objects in it... I'll go down in a moment and switch a radiator on.


Got a delivery yesterday of what I expected to be an 009 carriage, but it turned out to be a set of N telegraph poles. The supplier said to give them away, so if anybody is in desperate need of same, let me know.


I'll be going back over the 4 pages I've missed later today. But best wishes to all, especially Mal, Jock and Sherry. And how is Matthew?


Now - is it Thursday or Friday?

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Morning everybody. Still dark here, but the sounds of carousing still echo in the whelkmen's tenements and rude shelters. There'll be no sign of them in the bay this day, I suspect.


Me, I've got a bloody cold thing again, coughing and bunged. Ugh, though I almost dare not mention it in this company. Slept all yesterday afternoon, then a meeting, then more sleep, so now wide awake, encaffeined and waiting for the day to start. Should be painting tat upcycled furniture in the shed workshop, but it'll be too cold for a while yet. I can warm up the environment fairly quickly, but not the objects in it... I'll go down in a moment and switch a radiator on.


Got a delivery yesterday of what I expected to be an 009 carriage, but it turned out to be a set of N telegraph poles. The supplier said to give them away, so if anybody is in desperate need of same, let me know.


I'll be going back over the 4 pages I've missed later today. But best wishes to all, especially Mal, Jock and Sherry. And how is Matthew?


Now - is it Thursday or Friday?


It's still Wednesday. All day in fact :)

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Just watched a fascinating TV prog (Nova in the US) on the subject of how brains remember (or in my case, promptly forget.)


It seems that when we recall events, we do a sort of destructive read (a little bit like old-fangled computer core memory), relive the events in our minds, then restore and consolidate our recollection. The scary thing is it's possible to suggest things to people that never really happened, and they will "rewrite" a different version of events in their memory.

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Morning All,

It has getting light quite rapidly this morning - which is a good sign that Winter is on the way out, not that we have really had that much of a Winter to be honest.


It is reasonably mild this morning, and dry - although it appears to have rained overnight.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all from a dark village. Just a quick visit before I set off to Lancaster.

Jock, I do hope that you get some comfort. As to Dad's Army, have a look at your local multiplexes and see if any of them have upgraded seating that reclines. Our local showcase has done that in several screens and Beth managed the last film we saw without discomfort.

Apart from that I wish all other sufferers a good day and Rick I hope that they get things sorted out.

Dick, unfortunately the tallywag poles are no uses to me unless you can use one of the new fangled gravitational waves to scale them up to 7mm.


Regards to all



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Morning everyone, salutations Rick. (Hope it isn't too manic at Flinders At!)


Car to go to garage for service and MoT this morning.


Jock, we found lots of bits of wood and carp, plius our signal arm and our L&Y sign.


John, closing Horden for Vera? Good job its not as busy as when I grew up there! But other than Get Carter, they did use parts of Horden for a film involving Arthur Lowe. He seemed a bit grumpy at the time.


Now enjoy your day, jock hope all goes well.



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Good morning all,

Dry but slightly frosty start today.

The Boss is not at work today (in lieu of Monday) but instead of being sensible and having a lie in she has decided to get up early so we can go to Sainsbury's before the rush. Oh joy!

Now she's chasing me up saying "we" need to get a move on. I may be back later.

Have a good one,


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Morning All


My Broadband appears to be behaving a bit better this morning, and I've managed to catch up and rate the posts.


I too will be going to Lancaster this morning.  Not a great deal to report here, so I'll probably pop back later when I get in,


Regards to All


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