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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the hotel in Nottingham.   Good to se Jock back with hi usual length of posts.


Baz, I'll come and say hello this morning.


All set for another day of operating.  We had a good evening at the hotel and are looking forward to today.


Hopefully will be back home about 9pm.


Regard to all



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Morning all,

That 'early night' certainly did me some good as I feel almost refreshed as I start to look in at 6.05am!

Pete(trisonic), I apologise for missing your friend's awful news - as you said, some weeks.......! No doubt you have offered a broad shoulder.

Thanks for the Wishbone Ash, and I do have an album somewhere in my collection But it probably dates from the time that we used to buy and keep the latest LP in much the way that kids buy phones these days (I can think right away of the once played King Crimson for instance) but your prompt has made me consider yet again and they certainly look worth a visit.

Rick, there was I thinking of you this morning (As well as 'Penlan of this parish who actually lives there!) as my son e-mailed me lots of images from Cornwall over-night. He and his delightful partner have been visiting Cornwall for the last week, taking in lots of sites that I recommended before they went, and ranging from 'Pengenna Pasties' in High Street, St Ives, to the ancient Romano/Iron Age village of Chysauster. Obviously, a visit to Mousehole was a must, and yes they sent pics of them under the famous shop sign, and lunched at the Old Coastguard Hotel, one time haunt of some of the lost souls from the Penlee disaster. Strange co-incidence to then find a post from you when I first looked in. I do hope you can avoid total war on your shift tonight as the news excerpts here would suggest it could flare up again - keep your head below the trenches!

I am now going to take a break, and get all my medications counted out ready to take, and a I've then got the imminent arrival of my morning carer.

Have a great Sunday everybody, and I would really wish that the pain that many like Neil appear to have been suffering for far too long would disappear. I don't know about different areas, but in Essex, and based on Colchester General that I have to attend, they have an excellent Pain Control Unit, and they have kept me trouble free of late. I will be re-assessed on Thursday when I take my A4 list in to the oncology consultation that day.

Hope you are avoiding knives today Mr Ian Abel? Thank you once again for the kind comments sent in my direction, and

I hope to lurk a bit later, and maybe post some more,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Slightly murky out.

We are off to Enfield today. We are invited for lunch at Aditi's sister's house. She lives very near MiL. MIL will be there and so will Aditi's brother, his wife Emma and their daughters. My Lego skills may be useful today, though not for the 4 month old Nina.


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Right you lot, enough if the goriness, I've had to skip many of the recent posts.


Good to hear that generally all recoveries are progressing well, or at least as well as can be expected.


Had a trip to Nottingham show yesterday, followed by an adequate sufficiency of real ale from the various dispensing establishments around Canning Circus, there are 5 in a 1/4 mile radius :)


Confirmed sighting of Andyram, this time when only a couple of weeks ago, I missed him in a considerably smaller, but much more densely populated show at Trowell.


There also seemed to be fewer malodiferous types as well!


Best wishes to all for a good day in prospect.

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Morning all, Well the Nottingham Show beckons today, Peter BB and Binny (Peter and Jeff) are due around here soon along with another Modeller friend Mike, We are meeting George T, Alegheny / John Edge and hopefully Clive Mortimer at the Show as well.

Catch up tonight.

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Morning guys. The onset of spring has definitely returned me to the ranks of the early risers. I had the best sleep in ages last night (full 8 hours). OK I'm on an anti clogger for a year and aspirin for life but that's a more than fair price to pay for the bonus that stent has given me.

My right hand is on light duties for a couple of weeks (no jokes from the cheap seats please, BoD) ;-) so I'll need to adapt my modelling techniques for a bit.

There's nothing to distract me from a bit of modelling today. Biggest decision I have is what exactly I'm going to tackle.

Nice to have only trivial matters to consider today. Best wishes to all - may today be time on earth well spent for every one of you. :-)

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Morning all. A slightly foggy start to the day but at least I shouldn't have to go out today.


A few things to do today including learning more about autocad for an upcoming job.


Rick - Here's hoping that you have a better shift tonight. I do wonder about the mentality of these people.


Jock - You certainly appear to be recovering. Sleeping better and the usual long posts brighten up the day.


For those either operating or attending shows, have a good time.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Premium

' Morning all from red dragon land.


Cold and cloudy but at least it's not wet and windy because a shopping trip beckons.


Then there's the matter of a few figures to paint for CQ - they must be getting right cheesed off waiting for me to finish the job.  When it's that fiddly, I do need to be in the right mood so that I can deal with things that 'go wrong' during the process - like not making up enough mixture, making it too runny,/thick/light/dark, using the wrong shade, dropping the paint figure/paint brush,getting the paint in the wrong place...  I know when that'll be because I'll be dropping things on the floor, spilling my tea, banging into things, losing my rag over something trivial...and, I bet, the sun won't be shining.  Having said that, give me a tight deadline and it'll probably get done - goodness knows how!  :angel:


Wishing everyone an accident/gory/pain-free day.

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Morning all.


Bright, sunny and spring-like here on the riviera.


I was going out to take some photos, but the coughing persists, so unlikely. May do some painting instead.


No news, no proper plans, no pressing problems, so I'll just wish all a good day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mornin' all. A foggy start has turned into a sunny morning. It appeared to be frosty at about dawn but I didn't stay out of bed long enough to check. Had a rough night, bunged up with a cold, which was obviously starting when I felt rough on Friday night. Hopefully it won't last.  


Kung Fu Panda 3 was good but I'd have preferred Basingstoke (the show, not the place).


I may attack the grassy areas today. Or not. Other tasks may take precedence. Tidying various spaces including the loft may be a better bet.


Have a good day.



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Morning all

Nice and sunny here this morning. I had a good and long night's sleep and feel better for it. I opted to give the five a side football a miss this morning to gain a lie in. I think it was a wise decision. It has been nice to have a slow and relaxed trawl through ER this morning. A few greetings first.


Barry.O my apologies for not coming over to say hi. Grantham was pretty crowded on my first circuit, and when I returned I was starting to feel rough again at the end of my visit. Hope you have had an enjoyable weekend.


Gwiwer - sounds like an interesting, and quite scary evening. Make sure you stay safe.


Andy (leopard) - was good to see you yesterday, glad you found the various establishments of ale. Sounds like you had a productive and expensive day.


Andy.P - I hope you have an enjoyable visit to Nottingham today. Will interested to hear your thoughts on the show later. I picked up a leaflet yesterday for the Gresley club's Easter running weekend so I hope to pop over on one of the two days. Oh and will any of you succumb to the temptation of getting a 3D body scan and creating a 00 gauge figure of yourself?


Jock - good to hear that things to be moving forward for you, and you are at least getting some decent nights of sleep. Hope your day goes well.


Of course generic greetings to anyone I have missed.


Today's plans are still to be decided. They rather have to fit around Sarah's need to collect all Avon books in. I know I will be off over the other end of the housing estate to collect the batch from over there. I may end up doing that whilst Sarah and Amber are at church. I would join them, but not sure I feel I want to sit in a room full of people at the moment. I will get along at some point in the future.

I would quite like to get up to Masson Mill to see if they have a goods shed in the Hornby section. I drew a blank at Nottingham yesterday and I need one for the new project. I am desperate to get cracking on it. Of course there is always school paper work to complete!


Whatever you do. Have a good one.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


It's a glorious Spring morning in la Sarthe - until you step outside and the windchill takes yer breath away!


Great to see more of the real Jock emerging from his recent setback, and good to see Mad McCann feeling like a man brought back from the brink. I hope other sufferers are feeling better, too.


I spent an hour on lawns yesterday afternoon, and may venture out again later, well-swathed. Grass has never really stopped growing this Winter, and so I'm stopping hay for the dobbins, as it is really not being appreciated. The green stuff is always preferred!


Hope Sunday is treating you as you would wish. I could wish to be at the occasional railway exhibition, and Andy P's list of chums at Nottingham does sound like an extension of the jolly banter on his layout threads. Lovely!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning.  Warm and hazy on Fraggle Rock, much the same inside this body. Hip seems to be static, more GP consultations next week to see what can be done.


I hear a lawn mower in action somewhere, must be a little higher up than us as our lawn is like a swamp, despite several dry days.  Lot of clay underneath our garden, it drains very poorly.  The front lawn my cut, but my hip won't allow such action currently. 


Wedding anniversary yesterday (32) consisted of going to bed at 8pm as we were both shattered, some celebration. Nice meal out cancelled, although Jayne came around at lunchtime and was in a bit better form, so that was nice to see - her younger collie has yet again had surgery after ingesting chunks of 'indestructible' doggy toys, he has been very ill and it was touch and go at one point.  He now has less intestine.   Jayne has also tackled some 'moving on' tasks of disposing of some of Gary's things for the first time that I think has helped, she still misses Gary so much and is struggling to cope with the bereavement, as well as huge changes in her work that could not have come at a worse time.  We do what we can.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

I could have sworn that I posted this earlier but anyway here's another go.

Dry but a bit dull at the moment although sunny periods are forecast for later.

Enjoyed the visit to Basingstoke and as usual was with Bob 81C. A brief hello was all we managed with Mike as he was busy in his official capacity as show judge. I only spent £15 which is good but it would have been £144 more if one of the traders accepted plastic cards. However sometime during the night it would seem that somebody got into my wallet and computer and ordered the same goods online. Very strange occurrence and I'm not quite sure how I will explain it to management when the parcel arrives.  :scratchhead:  

Only got to see one rugby match and was thankful when it finished with the right result although it didn't do my blood pressure any good. There's another one today and just for once I will be supporting Scotland but will have to watch a recording as we're off to son Steve's for a family get together later.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Good night from a hotel at a service station next to the A1M yet a great night in the nearby hostelries


Ian - that wouldn't be by The Brampton Hut by any chance would it? We lived in Brampton from about 1954/5 to 1960 and my parents ran The Dragoon in the village.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bright & sunny out there at present and a nice proper job breakfast also recently consumed althougn the 'G' word was mentioned during it so maybe the black pudding was seen as bribery by a certain person.  We shall see w hat the day brings.  Meanwhile the study window defence system seems to have put off the Cal Tit who has spent several days waging war with it - presumably fighting his own reflection; definitely shows that old CDs still have some uses (but they don't keep the muntjacs off the broocoli).


Have a good day everybody

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the Estuary-Land. Not much to report today and not much to do so I might as well do a bit of tidying up of the spare/modelling/workshop/junk room, that is until I come across something interesting or forgotten. Expecting a few more parcels this week, ordered a couple of books mentioned here on RMweb as well as some more successful e-bay purchases. Thats all for now be back later.

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That big yellow thing has appeared in the sky again. So I've taken the opportunity to give the grass the first cut of the season - I can't call it a lawn given the damage inflicted upon it by the dog :yes:


Hope you all have a good day and a speedy recovery to all who are below par.



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Can I echo everyone else and say that it is good that Jocks posts are getting longer?


With regard to Wishbone Ash the first eponymous and the second “Argus” are worth owning. The Bass playing on Argus is particularly good.


Clocks sprung forward. I’m tired......


Later, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Well, Mrs H decided the lawns were to be cut, on her terms.....they now look as if my friend has driven his vintage Massey 135 across them #sigh#   still, the height has been reduced if nothing else.  The front lawn looks reasonably OK, the back....well....it'll grow back.  Eventually.  Lawnmower driving isn't her strong point, bless.


Nice out though, managed to walk to the village shop but the hip just stays the same, I'm not sure whether to rest it or exercise it.  Or just get a shotgun and blow the damn thing right off.

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Just watching the build-up to the Scotland-France match. Think that Scotland could manage it today, even if it means handing England the trophy :O (just banter, guys) - if we win that will mean that Scottish rugby is finally on the up which is a good thing for the 6Nations - we don't like being in the '2nd tier'.


Rick (Gwiwer), you should post a pic of that painting for us all to enjoy.


Echo all thoughts about Jock's longer postings.


Our clocks spring forward in a fortnight, Pete, on Easter weekend.


Enjoy your Sunday



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