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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl, just. Felt so carp when I woke up in the tiny hours that I stayed at home, and will remain so till Wednesday. My doc confirmed the respiratory infections this year are particularly frequent and tough, so given how I have regular contact with both colleagues and passengers, I guess I don't need to be surprised.


Think I'll lie down and try to have a nap…

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Great to see Jock back to his usual health and best wishes to Andy for the op and hopefully we'll be hearing a lot more from railsquid and squidlet. Nice and sunny here but not to warm due to the cold wind blowing up the estuary :O . Not much else to report, have a good day all, be back later.

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Another bright sunny day in sunny Teignmouth. A beach walk beckons, but hey we'll see.

Hopefully Leopards op went ok after his early morning breakfast.

Need to get some tickets sorted for travel to Bristol today. Looks like I am way to late for cheap ones now but a railcard should help a bit.

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Morning All,


Good to hear from Railsquid again. It's always nice to have a regular return (perhaps Railsquid was diving the deep blue sea in search of prey???)

Best places to eat in Venice are away from the usual tourist trap areas; find where the locals eat.  You have to walk a fair bit. A German friend of mine owns a palacio on the Grand Canal - I have no idea about hotels but you’re not asking that...


Best, Pete.


I spent Christmas in Venice about 18 years ago. Venice in winter is a whole different thing; very few people, you get St Marks Sq to yourself....

Depending on whether you want to eat formally or not and budget you might like to take a look at the Antico Martini.

As Pete says a lot of the places to eat are tourist traps and the food is quite indifferent.

All the best. Andy 


We are probably going to eat on the Lido, where there seems to be some good restaurants, except when we go to Burano.
Probably trying Osterias at lunchtime, eating their tapas style food.

I totally agree with this advice. The best food is to be had away from the tourist areas and preferably in restaurants that only have the menu in Italian. Given that the Italians are fiercely regional when it comes to food, I suggest that you avoid any restaurant that serves

  • Pizza (originally Neapolitan and the best pizza remain in Naples)
  • Lasagna (either from Emilia Romagna or from further south [Campania, Lazio] for the tomato based versions)
  • Has a menu in all major languages, including Mandarin

Heartily recommended are the various risotto dishes with seafood (such as cockles, razor clams, mussels) or fish dishes (such as Sepe al nero - cuttlefish cooked in their own ink). Polenta is another staple well worth trying (try polenta e osei, polenta with small game birds like quail).


Some good tips here: http://foodloversodyssey.com/2009/08/cicheti-and-ombra/

Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and support. Hip op goes ahead later, admission at 11:00.

Being not allowed 'owt to eat for 5 hrs before; I set my alarm for 05:30 so I could make a bacon and egg butty for breakfast! :)

Duly consumed, back to sleep for a while (hopefully).

Good luck, but you are a bit of a naughty boy! The whole idea of keeping a patient NPO (Nil per Os - nothing by mouth) before surgery is to avoid the risk of aspiration pneumonia (during general anesthesia there is the risk of emesis which can land in the anaesthesiologist's lap [not fun] and get sucked into the respiratory tract [seriously not fun]). I am surprised that you are only NPO for 5 hours before surgery, the American Board of Anesthesiology recommends that patients should not eat solid food for at least 8 hours prior to a procedure, and should not drink even clear liquids for at least 2 hours before the surgery itself.


We hope to hear soon that all went well. :good:


My recovery is proceeding adequately, but rather tediously. Being right handed and with the op site being on my right hand, it means that everything is a struggle to do. My minimal amount of of ambidextrosity is by no means sufficient to allow me to do most things, even inadequately (but I have been able to find a "work around" for opening Single Malt Whiskey bottles, important that). Pain is minimal and mostly in the unpleasantly uncomfortable range.


Well off to walk the doggies again (a bit of a challenge with only 1,75 hands functional)


Stay Well, Chums





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As regards interviews, well I've always really enjoyed interviews, I go in with the attitude that I'm taking control, and if you answer a question with a question then your in charge. I guess I've been pretty lucky really, since helping a friend out on Saturday mornings and then selling a car a day I was offered a Full time Job there. Since then I think I've only applied for about 3 jobs in Showrooms, all the rest of my career moves have been when I've been poached with the lure of better Cars, more Money, and better prospects. 


Mind you things have changed since my day, they now do SILLY tests before you even get an interview in some cases.

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Morning all from the tourist infested hell of W1U. Love the offices, hate the salmon run between here and Baker St station. Le Womble du cock! (other tourist nationalities are available)


Best of luck to Andy today. Hope it goes well.

Good to see Jock improving day by day.


My best interview was with Xerox. They wanted someone to do a 2 week cleanup on a project that was in trouble. Met the practice manager over coffee. Offered me the work on the spot. Stayed for 3 years.


Not much happening. I ache from yesterday's garden work. Insomnia is back again this week. Need a good night's sleep.


Have a great day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

I had an interview in the pub whilst on a week long railrover and by chance we came home in the middle of it to change clothes in our bags. The interview was in the Prince Of Wales near Farnborough North and also by chance we were heading out that route anyway. The only question about work was ' how much do you want'.


I wish they could all have been like that.

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Smiffy's Top Tips #316

If you need glasses for close work, when doing close work wear glasses. That way you won't start weathering a small building and find that you've stuck the roof on upside down, so the slates face upwards.


Apart from that, good morning. Ish.


Bright morning here, I must have missed the whelks. Julie is off at the new shop, I'm just about to go and deliver some leaflets. Babysitting later. Beyond that, not much going on, apart from cockwomble Yodel delivery boy who attracted my attention by hammering on the door, then repeating ten seconds later. Then dropping the parcel on the doorstep.


Happy landings to all, especially those undergoing treatment.

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  • RMweb Premium

At an interview once, I was asked what my thoughts were with regard to planned or preventative maintenance?

I answered, I was in complete favour of it.

I was then asked to explain why.

I replied that only a fool would buy a car and never maintain it!

I got the job.

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iD, now the subject of risotto has got me thinking. Mainly about making a risotto! I once saw a Carluccio program where he was attending a risotto festival in a small village. How marvellous is that?! A whole village in the Veneto competing to make the best risotto.  


I think also, when visiting a major tourist destination, is the speed at which diners are moved rushed through their meals. Ok, as a tourist you want to make the most of your time and see loads of stuff. But after a hard day trudging across the Palatine, the Forum and  the Coloseum, having a leisurely-paced meal would be my preference. Of course from the restauranteur's perspective the more covers they can do in a service the better.

Regional dishes, absolutely! When I lived in Modena the youngsters would be very strict about this. How DARE, the Bolognese pretend that they knew the first thing about preparing a Modenese dish. 


Ian (RH), your mention of the PoW takes me back to most Saturday nights through the early 1990s! The Old Ford by North Camp was another haunt; a shorter stagger home!


Weirdest interview. I was invited to put my CV forward for a particular company, turned up at the "interview". It became progressively clear the people "interviewing" me had no clue why I was there. After about 30 minutes they even asked me outright: "So, what can we do for you?"

"Well, you invited me here to see if I could fulfill a particular role, as I had with your competitor."

"Did we?"

Needless to say I didn't pursue working for them!


I think my best interview was during 48 hours wearing an AR5 respirator. I think by the 24th hour they'd sort of decided I'd fit in with the team. By the 47th hour they were wondering if there'd be anything left of me to join the team.  Happy days. :)

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  • RMweb Gold


Ian (RH), your mention of the PoW takes me back to most Saturday nights through the early 1990s! The Old Ford by North Camp was another haunt; a shorter stagger home!



We used to go in the Old Ford aswell as the ale used to be very good and it was a handy stop off on the way back form Reading and beyond.

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Another bright sunny day in sunny Teignmouth. A beach walk beckons, but hey we'll see.

Hopefully Leopards op went ok after his early morning breakfast.

Need to get some tickets sorted for travel to Bristol today. Looks like I am way to late for cheap ones now but a railcard should help a bit.

Still waiting, I hate waiting. Scheduled for 14:15.

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  • RMweb Gold

Still waiting, I hate waiting. Scheduled for 14:15.

I hated waiting, 10 days ago. But my op was a walk in the park compared to yours, although I had been without food or water for 18 hrs, despite having only a local anaesthetic. I hope everything goes smoothly and comfortably for you.
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Good luck, but you are a bit of a naughty boy! The whole idea of keeping a patient NPO (Nil per Os - nothing by mouth) before surgery is to avoid the risk of aspiration pneumonia (during general anesthesia there is the risk of emesis which can land in the anaesthesiologist's lap [not fun] and get sucked into the respiratory tract [seriously not fun]). I am surprised that you are only NPO for 5 hours before surgery, the American Board of Anesthesiology recommends that patients should not eat solid food for at least 8 hours prior to a procedure, and should not drink even clear liquids for at least 2 hours before the surgery itself.


We hope to hear soon that all went well. :good:



It was written down, I just followed instructions. Not having 'general', being done with spinal nerve block and sedation, perhaps that's why?


Not been told off so far!


2nd edit, except by SWMBO :D

Edited by leopardml2341
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Good luck Andy... seems I caught you in time :) Sorry you're having to wait though!


Morning campers (or workers depending on your worker/retiree status).



Well, last evening finished and fired off the MiL taxes, and decided as the Feds owe ME money I fired mine off to them. The MN state idiots will be waiting until April15th before I send theirs as I owe them money and they annoyed the crap out of me with their non-conformance. Mrs won't let me do what I wanted to do - go to the state capital and crap on the front steps...


Continued installing point motors (only managed one more) but it sure is nice to have that sort of control of the station throat now - even with 4 more still needed to install :senile:


9 and overcast with fog and mist, expecting 16 for a high.


Head down again as I need to get more reports and information dashboards developed... have a good start to the week where you can.

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Ian (RH) sounds like we  probably stood next to each other at various bars numerous times in years gone by!   :drink_mini:


The Old Ford was ok for a beer after work when the sun was out - you could sit in the beer garden next to the river. The Taste of India down by Ash Vale station was a convenient stagger thereafter. Can recommend  it if anyone is in the area.


I think the beer selection at the PoW was better than the OF, though. 

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  • RMweb Premium

A'noon.  Just home from work, POE as I was cream crackered, did a lot of catching up though.  It seems a 'painkiller break' about 0100 - 0200 gets me through the night.  Sore now though.


GP not available early or mid week this week, despite having said he wanted to see me early or mid week. Ah well......and we're away for a few days later in the week  for our anniversary/birthday treat when he's back. Country Hotel in Ambleside.


Interviews/ing.  I was an HR Advisor in the NHS at one time, so did a lot - including a year acting up as medical staffing officer - ugh.  Interviewing junior doctors was OK, but Consultants.....I did 4 in a year, one was a great man who will/has go/gone far, the other three.....perhaps the most conceited, arrogant people I have ever come across.  Hateful.  Went out of their way to be awkward.  Even the CEO (Chair of an interviewing board of 10) had a go at one candidate!


When we came to FR I was interviewed to be a sub contracted Sub-Postmaster.  The interview with the general manager consisted of what pubs did I know, what bikes did I have/had, and when did I want to start!  This bloke later became a good friend, and reckons he could sus people out from a general conversation better than a formal interview.  Very trusting though, there was a LOT of money in that safe.  No police CRB check either!

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Worst interview I ever had was when I was waiting in the interviewer's office in Kendal and he came in and asked me how long it had taken me to drive there. I replied thirty minutes. 

"That's no good I need somebody who can be here in ten minutes", and walked out again leaving me fuming. I could have told him over the phone that I couldn't drive twenty six miles in ten minutes. I didn't know the word cockwomble in those days but boy he was a giant one.


Stay safe all.

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Well, that was an interesting day. Interviews are certainly different the other side of the table and definitely more enjoyable. I decided to have the interviews in an informal setting which I think gives more of a chance to get a truer idea of the candidate.


Three candidates but only one was suitable. He was the only one that gave a considered answer to a challenging technical question. Time for negotiations of terms which is something for others to deal with.


Every time I have travelled overseas, I've never bothered eating or drinking in the tourist haunts and have always gone where the locals went. It's the only way to really experience proper food, culture and it helps when trying to learn a bit of the language. Some places even taught me to cook some of the local dishes.


Andy - I certainly hope that the op went ahead

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