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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Dark here, probably due to thick curtains but I don't think it is quite as cold as yesterday.

We will have breakfast soon and then sit and read until it is time to set off this afternoon for our boarding time. I am glad I re-read the boarding instructions. The ship departs from a different terminal to the one it returns too and I had only looked at the bit printed in bold.


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Good morning all from the borough of boring. Quiet weekend more or less.


SWMBO has been diagnosed with Uveitis and now lives by the timer in her phone. Every hour on the hour, more drops. Referral to a specialist and a 6 week wait. Next month my employer opens up the benefit options so I will look at the cost of private insurance for the 2 of us.


I seem to have borked my back again. Very sore and stiff. Luckily, no commutes heavy lifting required for a few days.


On the home front MiL is running her self ragged trying to accommodate her rather "difficult" mother. The visit was supposed to be a couple of days to see the elder out of the hospital and into home care. At the moment this looks to have stretched to a 3 week marathon. Its a very long and frustrating story but suffice to say after a week in the hospital and only being released on condition of having home care, the elder gets home and immediately cancels it demanding that MiL stay instead. Lets just say that ain't happening. On top of that MiL's sister has been cat sitting while she is away. She fell twice, 911 called, ambulance, etc. Now BiL is stuck looking after the cat. just glad the cat doesn't like tapas. :jester:


We managed another lighting strike of military precision on Bluewater yesterday. All of the Christmas shopping for overseas has been completed. We even managed to get our household present(s)  done at Le Crueset. That place is almost as addictive as a model shop. Oh well its only money.


Short week this week thank feck. Just a few last minute bits to do on the module for the convention. Work wise I'm still ahead of the curve and have 3 days to write the demo script for Thursday. Should take about an hour to do.


Ian A. May I suggest contacting the Platelayers in Ontario http://www.theplatelayers.org/ and get in touch with Peter Scrimshaw. He is one of, if not the most knowledgeable persons with regards to Wrenn in North America. He should be able to tell you if its worthwhile carrying them or not. I had a mint 8f that I tried to sell at an exhibition bring & buy stall a few years back. Couldn't shift it even for half of what an identical one on eBay went for the week before. Although with the resurrected Wrenn and collectors club folding last year, prices may have started to climb again.


Have a great day everyone.

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Morning all, it's grey and gloomy at London Bridge and a busy day awaits my attention.


Our boiler gave up the ghost on Friday early evening. The fan was sticking and needs replacing. Hopefully this will do the trick. Until British Gas do their stuff on Wednesday, Lurker Towers will remain distinctly chilly. We do at least have a power shower and an immersion heater so we have some hot water!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning to most ,Evening to Rick.


Today is helping to put a layout up to weather some of it day. The layout being Herculaneum Dock and I must finish weathering the Liverpool Overhead Railway on it before it appears in Liverpool next year.

I shall also be preparing for our show this coming weekend.. Yep your chance to weather your wagons , coaches locos and or buildings..


I wrote a list of aircraft down ..it scared me some of the memories..


Shorts 330, Shorts 360, Embraer (8 seat), Gulfstream and 4, Jetstream 31 and 41, ATP, ATR42, DC9 and 10, Boeing 727,737,747,757,767, Airbus A319, 320, 339, 340 and 380, Comet, TriStar, Dash 8, dash 7, BAC 1-11, HS146, Fokker 27,50,80 and 100, Cessna (single engined), as well as some others I can't remember the names of. I did spend a lot of time flying. Worst landing..Leeds Bradford... And to think they landed Concorde there!


Have a great day

Tata for now!




PS Mickb. Have they started restoring the Spanish City yet in Whitley Bay?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning to most ,Evening to Rick.


Today is helping to put a layout up to weather some of it day. The layout being Herculaneum Dock and I must finish weathering the Liverpool Overhead Railway on it before it appears in Liverpool next year.

I shall also be preparing for our show this coming weekend.. Yep your chance to weather your wagons , coaches locos and or buildings..


I wrote a list of aircraft down ..it scared me some of the memories..


Shorts 330, Shorts 360, Embraer (8 seat), Gulfstream and 4, Jetstream 31 and 41, ATP, ATR42, DC9 and 10, Boeing 727,737,747,757,767, Airbus A319, 320, 339, 340 and 380, Comet, TriStar, Dash 8, dash 7, BAC 1-11, HS146, Fokker 27,50,80 and 100, Cessna (single engined), as well as some others I can't remember the names of. I did spend a lot of time flying. Worst landing..Leeds Bradford... And to think they landed Concorde there!


Have a great day

Tata for now!




PS Mickb. Have they started restoring the Spanish City yet in Whitley Bay?

We will be at the Liverpool show next year with Banbury.



I keep a list of aircraft we have been on and airports used on my phone  just to try and remember where we have been. Inverness was the most recent airport, and Las Vegas is next.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Chillly here, and I had a bit of a nocturnal disturbance when I got up to rub a crampy leg, and stood on the dog, who had decided to move herself from her usual sleeping place to just under my side of the bed!  Then she decided that she needed a wee, so I was downstairs with her at about four.


Greetings of the generic variety are on offer to those ailing and celebrating.


May I add my few penn'orth of flight recollections.  Most of my flying has been of the domestic variety and some quite interesting.  Possibly the hairiest was a very rough landing at Humberside in a Shorts 3-60 in a strong gusty crosswind.   Most fascinating was probably Glasgow - Campbeltown on a Twin Otter where I was the only passenger, and I sat in the right hand seat up front.  Another odd one was Inverness-Gatwick on Dan Air when the booked BAC111 went tech, and we got an old Comet,  F27 from Liverpool to LHR with Manx, and then on the same route a Saab 340 the following week.  A couple of Shorts 3-30s, the occasional 757 with BA to Manchester and Edinburgh, numerous 111s, DC9s and 737s of all types up to the 400.  Flew back from Edinburgh up front on a 737-400 with BMA, G-OBME, which came to grief at Kegworth two days later.  Glider types that I have flown include T21, T31, Blanik, Bocian, K7, K13, Falke and Ogar motor gliders, and Grob twin Acro. 


Back later as it's light now, and I need to go out for walkies.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Very dull and dismal here at the moment, some rain earlier and more forecast.

Not much planned today except visit to GP to see if new BP meds are working or causing problems.

Might do some sleeper griming later and also got another (recorded) rugby match to watch.

Have a good one,


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I'm amazed that folk have such comprehensive recall about the flights they have taken.

In my yoof it was interesting, if not actually exciting, to travel anywhere by aircraft.

Now it is at least a chore and worse.

Airports are on my groan list which includes supermarkets and post offices.

Yes there have been 'incidents' on flights but the only injury sustained was two ear drums when a Shorts shuttle hit a bit of sky with no air in it.

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Hello from dull and dreary Somerset, but the wife and I are off to Folkestone on the train today - so here's hoping for no delays, cancellations, etc.


As for flying, you will probably never believe this but my first flight was a light aircraft jolly over Cardiff and Barry about 35 years ago, courtesy of a friend of a friend, and I have been on the helicopter (now sadly discontinued) between Penzance and Tresco; but that is it. I have never flown in a commercial airliner.


This is not because of any phobia, but just because whenever I have travelled abroad it has been by car, train or ship.

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  • RMweb Premium

 that deals Morning all from a bright village.   Currently on hold with the DWP  PIP helpline.  SWMBO was awarded her PIP at the beginning of the month at the enhanced rate which means that she retains her Motability car.  This went down well.  However on Saturday she got a letter from Motability saying that they wanted her car back as she'd not got her PIP.  To say she was angry was and understatement which is why I've been given the task of ringing up the cockwombles.  So far I've had 20 minutes of Vivaldi and a variety of recorded messages.


Anyway coffee is being consumed  and breakfast has been eaten.   Asda beckons once I've talked to the incompetents.   After that various tasks will no doubt be allocated before I set off to thd club where a turntable needs to be fitted.


Regards to all as the new week unfolds.



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I think my most "exciting" trip by air was on the old Gatwick to Heathrow airlink which was provided by Sikorsky helicopter prior to the completion of the M25.


Also, the BAC 1-11 has been mentioned a few times.  They were lovely airliners - my last flight on one was Stansted to Frankfurt in the late 90s.  The aircraft I was booked to travel on went tech, and a 1-11 was hastily chartered from the now defunct British World.  Although they were hush kitted by that time, the Speys still left a wonderful smoke trail behind them!

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It's a dull and cloudy start to the day, Mrs W has gone out to her Zumba class after that she's meeting up with some friends for coffee so I'll be on my own until early afternoon and most likely we'll gave a late lunch.


Slept better last night as the anaesthetic has finally worn off and I'm aware of all the stitches I've had, but thankfully the pain is minimal so I won't need to resort to painkillers, something I rarely do anyway.


A little gentle pottering this morning, as I have a bit of paperwork to sort out.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just a quick update.  I got an answer from the DWP after half an hour and the delightful Sam in Blackpool informed me that there had obviously been a mistake.  Motability are putting the repo men on hold and hopefully it will all be sorted by the end of the week.   Just as an aside apparently Motability are getting 1000 notifications per week that claims for PIP have failed and cars have to be returned.   There are a significant number of errors.   To be fair however both young ladies that I've talked to have apologised for the distress and anxiety the error has caused.     Beth is very relieved.   I may have earned some brownie points but as usual I don't expect them to have  along shelf life.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Came down this morning to find a card on the mat saying there was a parcel waiting for me to collect at the Royal Mail sorting office, timed at 07:15 this morning. As I was well and truly in the land of nod then its no surprise that I didn't answer the knock, assuming there was one. That means another walk into town tomorrow but a good chance to check out the 'Squat shops' that appear just for C*******s for anything useful model wise amongst the tat. Nothing much else to report so bye for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Dom, question if I may; slap-bang in the middle of the village of Lützschena is a large industrial complex that has obviously seen better days, just north of the Linie 11 route. Any idea what that was? It had a railway connection, long time ago and older imagery shows in the currently empty space/car parking a large building that fronted the road, I assume it was associated with the complex behind it?


Also, if you have the time (and inclination!), can you give us a quick/brief shake-down on the "internet-landscape" in Germany? (number of providers, services they offer, connection speeds, dominant type of connection (copper, fibre-optic, acoustic coupler even :O ADSL, cable networks, quite technical stuff really), are there special regulations for ISP's in Germany, things like that. Background: I saw a news report some time ago that announced a 700bn euro budget to improve internet access within the EU, apparently mostly aimed at fibre-optic connections in countries that don't have a high density for fast internet connections. My idea was/is to start my own ISP, starting with a few data centres in NL and DE with a fast and big internet pipe between them :yes:  Daydreaming, I'm afraid :crazy:  :fool: :punish:



I am clearly not Dominik, but I am sure he won't mind me jumping in.


The derelict Sternburg Brauerei perhaps?  See Here: http://www.rottenplaces.de/main/sternburg-brauerei-6257/


Have a good day everyone...

No problem, Robert. :yes: As a matter of fact, I hadn't actually known myself what exactly this derelict site had been. Good find with this resource too, will bookmark it!


By the way, Robert, you mentioned Thomas had taken part in a tram driving experience for kids a while ago. May I ask what this was about and what he thought?


Re ISPs, I'll need to investigate that, Vincent.

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  • RMweb Gold


Enjoyed Great Canal Journeys last night as it was based in my old stomping ground, Bristol. The intrepid crew were even filmed drinking in the same pub that we frequented a few weeks earlier when we were staying on the caravan site next door. I didn't know that Timothy West was a bristolian or that we went to the same school (which makes him an Old Bristolian).


A pic from yesterday....


attachicon.gif01 Muckross 02.jpg

My first hamster and first electric trainset came from Bristol. As a small child I was very keen on trips to Bristol.
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It's usually the worst experiences that stay in the mind for years afterward....

Yes, Thomas Cook return flight to Vancouver. Never again - Thomas Cook that is.


An interesting memory from the 1970's when I commuted weekly for a six month period from B'ham to Dublin by Aerfungus. One winter Friday evening on the apron at Dublin I looked out to see an overall clad engineer approach the port engine with a very large, long screwdriver. He inserted this into the engine cowling and presumably made some adjustment. He then walked forward and looked up to the cockpit, nodded, walked back and repeated the "adjustment", walked forward, looked up, nodded, gave a thumbs up and walked away. I assume he was adjusting the mixture! We fortunately enjoyed a safe flight to Birmingham, by the usual route across the Irish Sea to the light of Liverpool, then down the M6 to Birmingham.

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Oh, dear, I remember flying on Boeing 707’s and DC 8’s. The 707 had plenty of leg room - did I say that?



For general flying comfort the early 747s are difficult to beat. I can remember regularly turning up at Heathrow for  transatlantic flights just half an hour before take off with no problems - or driving across the tarmac from one plane to a BA 747 at Philly and moving off before I took my seat.


Best, Pete.

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