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Early Risers.


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The logic that I draw from this very arbitrary example is that - thinking laterally - maybe it makes a sort of sense for young drivers to start off with a classic car......


True - before my Mini became too rusty for German roads, and retired to the Sun of Portugal :this: I used to be quite active on the Mini forum.


A lot of youngsters were running classic Mini's because the insurance was affordable.  I guess the logic is that if they have a car that means something to them, they are less likely to drive it like...  well, you know.

Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Gold

On my layout, I actually painted a spike (track pin) yellow.........



Did you ever manage to find a use for the rest of the yellow paint?

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  • RMweb Premium

Did you ever manage to find a use for the rest of the yellow paint?

All together now....



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Good morning one and all


I wonder if anyone shares my loathing of on-line customer surveys.  I ask because a week after my car was serviced I have had an e-mail from Volkswagen asking lots of questions that some might consider dumb.  Being asked how well the service was undertaken and what I thought of the customer experience – my expression, not theirs – but there was no way I could answer the question about the Volkswagen app and how easy it was to use to book the service because my primitive mobile is probably not capable of running apps.  I did find a way of grumbling at having received a postcard inviting me to book the service a good week after I had already booked it.  Sadly there was no way of complaining about what a PITA it is to complete surveys like that.  Is there really so much paranoia in commerce and industry?  I would rather not fan that particular flame. 


Best wishes and felicitations to all in distress and recovery.  Neil, you seem to have got off lightly. 




Hi Chris


It seems paranoia there is.  Do they do anything about it?  Well, in answer to that I was in our local Peugeot dealership service dept. a week or two back when the overall manager came in and asked the receptionist for the latest feedback.  He was quite thorough going through it.


When he left I asked the receptionist about feedback and she said that feedback from their email and any other letters of complaint (and praise) that they had received was gone through every morning and replies sent where needed.  I was quite impressed with this.


Do I fill them in?  Good question and sometimes yes is the answer but, if it automatically goes to Outlook then no, because the screen comes up with it and asks for a subscription before going on so I kill it off.




I had said franchised - I meant and have now changed that to 'dealership'.  This particular one was near Nuneaton.

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HUMP day


An actual burst of activity at the client yesterday.

In lieu of anyone "useful/important" being around the CFO (Chief Financial Office) somehow awoke from his normal slumber and decided there was a possible urgent need for a couple of "crosswalk reports". I reviewed what was needed and explained they would be fairly simple and quick to produce, he then promptly deferred the decision and probably went back to sleep <sigh> <yawn>!


Today they close the books for the month - JULY!! - and that will guarantee activity as there is always a round of changes/adjustments (read "fixing the books") that goes on every time they close...


18 and cloudy driving in, 21 showing for the high and rain later.


Over the HUMP and head for the weekend folks.

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All together now....



My first car was a green Datsun 510. One of my mates popped in the Yellow Submarine sound track cassette. Several minutes of "we all live in a green Datsun" were sung by the rest of the gang in the car. 


Ian A: CFO generally stands for Chief F*ckup Orc around my office. 




Last year's Chrimbo prezzie. 

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Pics please - or directions to where they might be found ... signed Fan Club Secretary.


They are lurking in the depths of my hard drives. I also need to take some of more recent progress. I do intend to start a new layout topic soon.



As a taster, something I have been working on as a break from track laying.  A (far from finished) West Highland station building and Crianlarich signal box. 


A sort of build your own kit then build your building.







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  • RMweb Premium

They are lurking in the depths of my hard drives. I also need to take some of more recent progress. I do intend to start a new layout topic soon.



As a taster, something I have been working on as a break from track laying.  A (far from finished) West Highland station building and Crianlarich signal box. 


A sort of build your own kit then build your building.







Ooooh I need one of those!! (in N)

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  • RMweb Gold



​Another memory triggered by ER.


In the early 60s as a student I was on my way to my mapping area near Oban and as I came up to the railway bridge at Crainlarich a 'cockwomble', as I now know them to be called, crashed into the bridge.  I stopped to help and on looking over I noticed that they had dislodged some of the bridge stonework onto the line.  I helped the guys roughly push out some of the dents, a geological hammer has other uses, so that they could drive it and asked them if they would report it to the railway.  "O yes" they said "when we stop" ... in a manner which to me meant no way!


I then drove on to the police station in Crainlarich, no mobile telephones in those days, and gave the constable the information of the incident and the potential dangerous situation it could become if nothing was done relatively quickly. Fortunately a train was not due for some time.  The policemen thanked me and made a telephone call.


A week later I was on my way home and came across a man walking on the road with a big pack on his back.  I asked him if he would like a lift and his face lit up.  He turned out to be the stone mason on his way to repair the bridge and brought me up to date with what had happened since I had informed the police.  When I told him that it was me who had reported it he said "arghh", or words to that effect, "coincidence do happen" and when I dropped him off he thanked me and said that I had saved him over an hour.


It was a good start with over 500 miles still to go in my A35 Mk 2 converted van.  Thanks BoD again for the memory.




Edit - spelling only

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I too have had a henwomble impale herself on the towbar, at low speed on lower bridge Street, Chester. This was a the tow bar of a company Sierra, so I was glad of the tow bar, as the paperwork for a damaged company car was horrendous.


Meanwhile SWMBO has met me with Ben the Border Collie as I arrived home, offering to take him out on her own in the rain.....


So either something is broken or something serious is wanted of me.. I await developments....

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  • RMweb Premium
Crianlarich ..... ​Another memory triggered by ER...... Geological hammers ..... Coincidence do happen


It was in the late 70s that I was there, on the way to a mapping area, and having to change trains.  We had, as a party, travelled overnight from Euston and for some reason were required to change for Oban at Crianlarich rather than Glasgow Queen Street.  Perhaps it was one of those occasions when Queen Street was not served due to engineering works; I never knew as we were asleep at the time.  By the by we were a dozen barely awake and slightly hung over geology students impressed to find the cafe was open at that hour.  We were however admonished that "Nay packs and NAY HAMMERS" were to enter the building despite the lashing rain.  


After two soaking weeks in early September we had barely achieved half of the normally-required mapping but had already been advised the atrocious weather would be taken account of in assessing out efforts.  


On the return we were driven back from Ford (by Lochgilphead, not by Gaugemaster) to Taynuilt but ended up missing a corner and ending up with the bus having one wheel over the edge in the ditch and the front wing embedded in a wall.  Geological hammers were pressed into use to panel-beat it back into a state where we could at least continue to the train.


And the result of two weeks out and about in bogs and on mountain sides in torrential rain?  A straight A.  I still have the map I created, the cross-section and the explanatory text I submitted for that.

Edited by Gwiwer
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Unless there is a box I can check that says "No complaints. Trust me, I'll let you know if I have any", I just ignore all these surveys.


I adopt a similar response in restaurants: 'Is everything OK with your meal, sir? If it wasn't, you'd have heard from me!' Takes the trainees by surprise but some are very quick learners!


What colour is the last loco you worked on??


Green with Yellow Wasp Stripes - just forgot the green!

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  • RMweb Gold

I adopt a similar response in restaurants: 'Is everything OK with your meal, sir? If it wasn't, you'd have heard from me!' Takes the trainees by surprise but some are very quick learners!


We have stayed at a very nice hotel in Austria on quite a few holidays. The restaurant food and service were always excellent. On one holiday for about a week there was a family, an older couple and a daughter who looked about 40. All they did was complain to each other about their food. However whenever asked they always said everything was perfect.

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We have stayed at a very nice hotel in Austria on quite a few holidays. The restaurant food and service were always excellent. On one holiday for about a week there was a family, an older couple and a daughter who looked about 40. All they did was complain to each other about their food. However whenever asked they always said everything was perfect.


I recall my last trip to Switzerland (Christmas 2015) when the Wilderswil hotel offered a fondue style course. Before they'd explained how they'd set it up, at least one of our number had already found the just-thawed meat on the buffet and helped himself; needless to say he complained to all fellow travellers around him that the meat was cold.


Then the waitress came round, delivered the fondue vessel and explained that you take the meat and dip it into the hot broth therein (it wasn't cheese-based!) for a couple of seconds before enjoying.


Now, if only he'd complained to her first!

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  • RMweb Gold

Someone gave us a fondue set for Xmas 12 years ago.

I've always wondered what to do with it.

Thanks for that.

When buying meths it gives you the excuse "it is for my fondue set burner"
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