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Good morning from a sunny but chilly North West Leeds Highlands.


Thanks to a lottery "free go" we are £50 better off. Yipppeeedddooo!


Her indoors is off to see her brother in Grimsby today..which means I can get my crust earning finished.


Robert, positive thoughts from here for your Dad today. Hope all goes well for others who ails and/or have appointments with the medical today,


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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

A medium nights sleep of about 5:45 but woken by a painful left elbow, what have I done to upset it this time?


Last night while making the Hot choccy, I observed Mummy deer, Daddy deer and Baby deer  (muntjac) standing by the Landrover about 2 feet away. That's before they noticed me in  the window and wandered off...I wonder if it's the same mummy deer as last year.


The great fried egg was shining well this morning, as I eat breakfast in it's direct light on the North North East side of the house (though it was shining somewhat obliquely to get in there)...


The great fried egg had not got rid of the frost on the highest part of the garden, nothing much and the car wasn't frosted. However Ben the Border collie, didn't hang around out in the cold for long.


Still a few big puddles around on the way in...


Time go and do some work...

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Morning All


I celebrate the completion of another orbit of the sun today. 


John - thanks for the continued updates on Debs, which are greatly welcome.

Mal - hope the oncology appointment today yields the desired outcome.


Generic greetings are, of course on offer to everybody else who is ailing, or otherwise suffering, and also to those celebrating.


Trip to Skipton and Ilkley today means I may not get back to visit until tomorrow, so

Regards to All


Edited by 45156
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Morning all from a sunny but chilly southern uplands of Leeds.  Yesterday at Little Bytham was a delight.  A good journey in both directions. Good company and good chat.  The icing on the cake was of course a certain assembly of wood, metal wire and shiny parallel line with objects moving on it.  The constant sound of real trains running outside was also a great background to the day.   All in all a good day out and thanks to Tony Wright for the hospitality.


The boss is still asleep and the bin is out.  Today will almost certainly be a packing and tidying day.   This evening I'm off to Castleford to give a talk.  Not a bad prospect.


Thoughts are with Debs and others.



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Morning to you all. Today we have a fun event, taking my Pa, vascular dementia aged 90 and curently sporting a broken humerus; for surgery to remove a skin lesion, almost certainly deriving from childhood exposure to the tropical sun on Java. Hope for the best, as for all in similar situations. Hopefully I can toddle over to KS Models in Stevenage Old Town as a pleasant diversion, while the surgeon is doing his stuff, .

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Greetings from the boring borough. Another day an other herd of ar*sebadgers and tw*twaffles to contend with. The fabricators that supplied the steel beams for the chimney breast removal in the house c0cked up and welded the flange to the wrong beam. Oops. Nobody noticed until I pointed out that it would have meant the join hanging in mid air with no load bearing wall below as the beam with the flange was supposed to be supported on the end by the party wall. Scares me to think if they were doing this for someone who wasn't paying attention. Another 3 days lost and now I have to push back the counter top install for the kitchen yet again. I think Murphy is the project manager on this one. No cost to me but instead of the initial 8-10 weeks build we are now looking at closer to 17 weeks providing we don't have any more delays. 


With regards to these online personality and other quizzes, they are used to gather analytics for targeting advertising and other fun stuff. I'll bore you all with an example. 

You've probably all seen the ones with bits of fruit, clocks, shapes that start out with shape + shape + shape = 15, then move on with a final line of slightly different fruit  + another X different shape = ??. The intelligence, thought processes, and personality traits of the person is determined by the answer. 

1: wildly wrong - deliberate wrong answer = clown or sh1t disturber. Hard to manipulate.

2: close but basic math error and didn't notice the changes of the shapes = lower educated, not observant, and easier to manipulate. Simple emotional advertising works best on them.

3: close but did the math in the wrong BEDMAS order = observant and intelligent (can think out of the box) but poorly educated, math skills at or below a year 5 level. Less easy to manipulate but still a good target for advertising. 

4: close, got the math right but missed the changes to shapes, clocks, etc. = Educated but non-observant. Non-creative. Likely to be prone to cognitive dissonance and harder to change their minds. Needs to swayed by repeated targeted bombardment.  

5: got it right = educated with good reasoning and observation skills. Poor subject for emotional or fake advertising, but more likely to be open to reasoned factual marketing. 

6: has to belittle the people that got it wrong and correct them. = ar$eholes. Target advertising that appeals to their egos. 


Everything you type in these sites or on these quizzes is analysed with some pretty powerful analytics. Even things like surveys are worded to try to make you think in a certain way. If you respond how they want you to it means you are a subject for manipulated advertising. 


On that note, time to get some work done. Enjoy the day. 


edit: speeling and autocorrupt errurz

Edited by AndrewC
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Good morning everyone


It’s a bit of a dull and cool start, but I think the sun will reveal itself very soon, it’s trying its best at the moment, but not quite managing it, just yet. The plan today is to continue working on the workshop alterations. I’ve decided to transfer all my storage drawers so that they will now be above the new workbench, instead of close to the door. I will then move the shelves that my model boats reside to where the drawers used to be. It will mean that all similar items will be stored together.


Mal. Hope all goes well with your visit to the oncologist.


Robert. Positive thoughts for your Dad, I hope all goes well too!


Happy birthday Stewart.


Back later

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As you posted twice without observing, then maybe 58% is a bit generous..........





Mick I don't know whats going on with my account sometimes it works other times it don't, now it's doing 2 posts perhaps I should stop bashing the P.C. methinks.


I've done this type of test before when applying for promotions getting them right could make the difference of being promoted or not, most inept HR's use them 

to hide their own inabilities I found HR staff unable to answer a question when asked and say I will get back to you I think you and I would call that stone walling.  :biggrin_mini2:

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Morning all


Happy birthday, Stewart!


Can't quite believe that we're hearing about an American President and an affair with a porn star in the same news item. Strange but allegedly true.


My father has his first appointment with the Oncologist today, so we'll see what that brings.

Hope it goes well for him, Robert.


Just got a new book: Edinburgh St Margaret's: the story of the 'other' Edinburgh Depot of the NBR 1845-67 by Harry Knox. Authoritative with loads of great pics. Just the thing to take your mind off other things...


Have a good day, be back later



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Based on the personality types page, this is a variant on the Myers-Briggs type indicator (with some added labels which have been the source of amusement here along with the -A and -T extensions to the MBTI, measuring response to stress). The Myers-Briggs type indicator has been around in the business community for decades.


It's pretty harmless data but is useful in understanding how people work together.


The first time I used the original Myers-Briggs instrument (more than 30 years ago) my measurement was INTP (Logician), which is still pretty representative, though once you understand the categories (E/I, N/S, T/F, J/P), you can answer the questions (accurately) to make it come out almost any way you like.


I also encountered Myers-Briggs many times at work, when either recruiting or being interviewed.  Something I saw many years ago was a piece saying how many people of each of the 16 types it would take to change a lightbulb.  I have a pdf version of this, and thought that people might find it interesting and amusing in some instances:


Myers-Briggs Lightbulb.pdf

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Morning all.


Been reading posts but at times it gets a bit overwhelming keeping up with things (which is why I fell by the wayside for a while, too much going on and I felt I couldn't acknowledge those who needed it on a personal level) so best wishes to all who need it - special wishes to Debs as I've recently scanned some photos of Port Sunlight which always reminds me of her and her sister.


Having sorted out my tapes I have moved on to scanning my negatives, 466 done so far - that's around 0.5% ... so a good way to go yet. At the same time I'm documenting the photos better, trying to establish workings and adding more informative captions for future reference however one of the minor issues (in a good way) is in the good old days of film, and cheap processing, the final frame was often not printed, or the cutter was misaligned and a strip of one negative was not printed - with todays scanners it's possible to scan these rogues and this throws out my old numbering system (sequential), it's not hard to deal with but it is something else which requires a small amount of brain power to keep track of and thats limited these days !


It's a day - enjoy it as best you can.

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Morning all


Happy birthday, Stewart!


Can't quite believe that we're hearing about an American President and an affair with a porn star in the same news item. Strange but allegedly true.




Certainly makes a change from Film Stars - JFK (though I have watched an uninspiring Porn movie of MM); Unpaid “interns”  Bill C., whole armies of typists - FDR (and many others, too many to list).


There have been many “Great Swordsman” amongst British leaders, many of the Gay persuasion but the libel laws in the UK are far more onerous.


Not that I’m defending any of them, of course, using ones fame to “have one’s way” is never a good thing.


Best, Pete.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had a bit of bad news when I went to the club last night. The club secretary on his way home from the club last Wednesday felt ill and pulled over, just as well he did pull over as it was a heart attack. Despite the efforts of the police and paramedics he passed away R.I.P. Mick. Not entirely unexpected as he'd had another heart attack just before Christmas and was in his 80's. Bright sunshine earlier this morning but now coming over cloudy but the weekend down in this corner of the country is forecast to be a scorcher. Happy birthday Stewart and C & C's to all other ER's where neccessary.

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Certainly makes a change from Film Stars - JFK (though I have watched an uninspiring Porn movie of MM); Unpaid “interns”  Bill C., whole armies of typists - FDR (and many others, too many to list).


There have been many “Great Swordsman” amongst British leaders, many of the Gay persuasion but the libel laws in the UK are far more onerous.


Not that I’m defending any of them, of course, using ones fame to “have one’s way” is never a good thing.


Best, Pete.

But in the UK they don't apply to the dead.

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Morning all,


Happy birthday Stewart.  GDB's comment about smart meters reminds me that I very recently answered a 'phone call from our energy provider asking if we would like a smart meter to be installed - I think he might have become a little worried when I replied 'There's no way on earth I want one of those bl**dy things in my house, thanks.  Goodbye'.  I've heard too many stories about them not to want one - starting with the fact that if you change energy supplier you have to buy a new one - definitely no such thing as a free smart meter it would seem.


I have noticed over the past couple of days that giving the lawn a dose of feed & weed seems to have had a remarkable effect in the past few weeks.  Some of the grass and at least one variety of weed seem to have done very well on it but despite today's sunshine it is all far too wet to cut.  So unless I can hire a goat It will have to wait for the upcoming several days of sunshine being promised by the Met office, only problem is at least one national newspaper comic is making similar promises and it has a habit of being incredibly wrong with its weather pronostications and some of teh grass is now so tall the tufts will show above the snow.


Have a good day one and all and hope the treatment is working for Debs.

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But in the UK they don't apply to the dead.


Sorry, I’m not about to tempt fate.................. :drag:


One certain very fat hypocrite (who liked little boys) seems to have a reach beyond the grave.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • Bad news regarding my model railway. As SWMBO has gradually, but inoxerably, taken over a chunk of the workshop/hobby room and as I find my self doing less model railway modelling than before, I have decided to halve the planned layout, reducing it from a "roundy roundy" to an L-shape with fiddle yards. The question is: do I keep the country market town with "St Custards" or do I keep the urban junction (for which  have already built a pub [The Brunel] and a row of Georgian terraced house. Answers on a postcard, please




Whatever happens to the eventual scope of the layout, it WILL be graced with the through coach that I promised you.  I have my reasons for building it but you must be kept guessing for now as to what they are.



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Morning Peeps 

Had to rush earlier Financial Adviser call with some good news on the pension front, as for that bit of fun quiz Messers The Q and OZexpratriate

I don't read into those thing too much as I D.G.a F. as I said in my post above they are a tool for inept HR staff who haven't got a clue what they

have to do in their job when interviewing people for employment or promotion. 


SWMBO is happy with my good news she has taken HERself shopping I will have a few hours respite and will commence decorating 

on her return as we ran out of paint cos HER didn't buy enough as told her yes they don't listen do they.(better hide the knife block)


                                                                                                                                                        enjoy your day,I'm off to make lunch G Ramsay :biggrin_mini2:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Happy birthday Stewart. GDB's comment about smart meters reminds me that I very recently answered a 'phone call from our energy provider asking if we would like a smart meter to be installed - I think he might have become a little worried when I replied 'There's no way on earth I want one of those bl**dy things in my house, thanks. Goodbye'. I've heard too many stories about them not to want one - starting with the fact that if you change energy supplier you have to buy a new one - definitely no such thing as a free smart meter it would seem.


I have noticed over the past couple of days that giving the lawn a dose of feed & weed seems to have had a remarkable effect in the past few weeks. Some of the grass and at least one variety of weed seem to have done very well on it but despite today's sunshine it is all far too wet to cut. So unless I can hire a goat It will have to wait for the upcoming several days of sunshine being promised by the Met office, only problem is at least one national newspaper comic is making similar promises and it has a habit of being incredibly wrong with its weather pronostications and some of teh grass is now so tall the tufts will show above the snow.


Have a good day one and all and hope the treatment is working for Debs.

Day two of mums new place refurbishment been told that it needs a complete rewire. Was half expecting that but the electrician said that all houses are required to have a smart meter by 2020. First I have heard of that. Edited by roundhouse
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it, would have to be a very smart meter, since mobile phones rarely work where I live, either way Ill put it off until I have to,. That way they've got more chance of them being Universal and wroking better by then.

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Lovely sunny warmish day here in sunny Teignmouth.


EDF phoned last week asking when was it convenient to come and put a smart meter in. Apparently my response "never" went ok because I havent got one.


The President and the call girl, sounds like a track from a forthcoming musical. It could feature the Diddy men. Lots of Did he's? It seems that paying her, he did.

At least he hasnt parked his car in a tidal channel. Yet. Which reminds me of that old song from the 60's, I Left My Gal In Chappaquidick.

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The 20th of May, is World Metrology day, no, thats nothing to do with weather, that's the science of measuring.

Think on this as you measure inaccurately the distance between parallel  pieces of metal..


That being a Sunday, my boss will have to give a lecture on the Friday, after which it's free cake time :no: ...

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Happy birthday Stewart...



BIN day, BINs out last evening, again new approach as two of the three already emptied before I was sensibly ready to be outside this AM!


Quick check in, nothing to report form yesterday, now setting up to provide a couple of hours training via the internet for another client.


10 first thing, already 15 and sunny expected to reach 23 later.


Enjoy BIN day.

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