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  • RMweb Gold

Yo Peeps 

does any one know where I can get a gattling gun those poxy planes are back in the sky 2 whinning things 

with propellors who in h3ll would want to buy one of those noisy bloody things is beyond me no doubt both

pilots have now messed the front of their underpants.  :nono:  PAH & twice PAH

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HUMP day and all is quiet on Long Island.


Nothing of note yesterday, just the rumor of a ANOTHER couple of new reports. Sodding orifice here is freezing cold, temperature kept lower so that the offices of the higher-ups on the outer rim that get "too cool" are warmer.

Means the peasants in the inner pit need winter wear :rtfm: since it's been in the 30-33 range both at home and here I decided NOT to bring any additional warmer fleece or other wear beyond regular shirts :help:  :banghead:


23 driving in, and leaving 5 minutes earlier (by chance/accident) meant there was little traffic/cockwombles to contend with! Highs expected to manage 29 and sunny all day.


Orf we go then...

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  • RMweb Premium

With that PPE combo, it would appear that actually his brain is the one portion of his anatomy you might not receive...

It's just been made illegal to drive a car in flip flops in France.



Who would want that particular brain anyway?

At least it's not had very much use.



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It's just been made illegal to drive a car in flip flops in France.




But how can a car wear flip-flops?



In other news, I'm keeping an eye on the hashtag #NATOsummit on Twitter. It's bloody terrifying. My belief, ever more firmly reinforced, is that there ought to be a written exam that you have to pass before you're allowed to use the service. The exam would require you to construct an argument, on any topic, that cites sources, discriminates between good and bad sources of information, and is internally coherent. Then and only then will you be allowed to inform the world as to your opinion on the weighty matters of the day.

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Hi to everyone

I reckon that it is about time I came out from hiding in the bushes. Thanks to Kelly showing me how to connect this phone to the wifi I have been nosing about like never before. It has been so much easier and quicker to get involved in browsing than if I have had to fire up the laptop. I have been introduced to Early Risers-something that I am not, preferring to sleep by day and lurk at night. I have been introduced to Ben the Border Collie and the saga of the water leak. The fact that I am a nosey cow keeps me coming back to see how things are getting on. And I am going to have to admit it. I'm hooked.


Mother reckons that I have turned into one of those individuals who I have routinely viewed with amazement. I appear now to have joined the ranks of those who go out and then walk around all day peering at their screen. Fairly accurate but I have not actually been outside since this sunny weather started. My defence is that I am allergic to ultraviolet light- which I am-and it is nothing to do with the fact that being outside causes great anxiety.


All I need now is to share a bit of me. I shall introduce you all to Deefor- aka The Teddy Bear Dog- who is a black and tan lakeland terrier. Then there is our Black Beast- Minnie the Mop a Patterdale terrier. Finally is our matriarch the Ginger Winger herself Bracken the Dog, a red staffie cross ridgeback. It is thanks to her that I overcame my fear of dogs (as did Kelly but that is her story).That is enough from for now with apologies for going on for so long. I'll open it up to the floor now if there are questions.

Edited by Natalie
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  • RMweb Gold

Laddo time approacheth - due at 16,.40 unless the Beeb have changed their minds (again) and he's been asked to wear a football shirt as he will be interviewed via 'phone link;- he's actually got a footballshirt with him!  But it's a Norwich City shirt which oughjt to confuse just about everybody as they'll think he's a Brazilian or maybe it's part of his fiendish plan to pretend to be an Aussie should things go a certain way in tonight's match :O

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  • RMweb Gold

And down at Hamble Point yesterday lunchtime three Spitfires and two Hurricanes flew overhead, turned, and flew around again, probably just for us strollers. Wonderful to hear those engines.




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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all,

Back home after a splendid day out at my little sis's house. We were expecting a light lunch such as a sandwich or possibly a ploughman's. She supplied lamb chops with a selection of veg followed by strawberries (from their garden) and cream/ice cream. Now feeling extremely full so won't be having much to eat tonight but beer has been poured and more of that will follow whilst watching the match.* Mind you I am totally pee'd off with all the hype. Heaven knows what the media will do if we lose. They'll probably call for someone to be put in The Tower!

Multiple cockwombles experienced on the road today, mainly those who didn't have a clue about what speed they were doing. At least 3 who were driving 10-15mph below the limit and then braked hard when they saw a speed camera. Add to that the morons (all in German branded cars) who obviously are allowed to disregard any limits and drive up to about 100mph. 


* Actually more beer needs pouring now so I will bid you farewell for a while.  :yes:  :drinks:

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Been lurking on and off all day.  First off, welcome to our most recent ER joiner, Natalie - hope that you enjoy the erudite discussion utter drivel which takes place here daily.


As usual generic greetings are on offer, and all posts are read and rated.


Fridge man was asked not to come between 11.30 and 13.30, as I had to pick 30747 up from work, and also had to do a couple of other errands which had cropped up.  So when did he ring to say he'd be here in half an hour - 11.45 - as I was still at home, and he was just about to go to another call very nearby, I asked him why he had ignored the instructions, to be told that they were at the end of his notes, and that he hadn't read them.  I insisted that he reverse the calls, and come to me first.  He did, and promptly conemned the fridge as there is no way to replace the lining of the freezer - luckily our insurance covers this with a new fridge, so we will be on our fourth which can't be repaired for one reason or another, so another trip to Currys will be called for once they get it written off.


Back tomorrow.


Regards to All


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Sorry it's me again with some more mindless drivel.


Firstly thanks for the welcomes.


Nothing exciting in the skies here in the middle of Middle England However the road outside is filled with the usual excess of two-wheeled motorised cycles with seemingly blown exhaust silencers who appear to occupy their time by screaming up and down continuously. They don't even appear to do it to see how far it is.Then there are the apparent jet engined cars which shake the windows much to the displeasure of Our Creatures.


Well the time approaches of the great chase the pig's bladder around the grass occasion. God help the reaction off the local drunken oafs if England don't get through. But then again god help the reaction off the local drunken oafs if they do.


One thing is certain though. My team will be supplying at least one player to captain their country in The Final. Here's hoping it is both sides.


Now back to playing Rope with Minnie the Mop. Terrible cheat and not at all sporting. Anything goes when doggie rules are in force.


Enjoy the game if you are watching or whatever else you find yourself getting up. Im just pleased to be able to breathe properly without a tight chest or eyes stinking from 'glow' and definitely not perspiration.

Edited by Natalie
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Welcome Natalie, and enjoy your time on ERs.


Update on the water and drain saga. Duly phoned UU about the blocked drain, and they will send someone out before 10pm tomorrow. As no one has arrived today, we will probably have both the UU guys searching for the water pipe and leak, and the drain clearance guys all here at the same time. It doesn’t matter to me as long as they turn up by about 5 to 6pm, or I might miss a club night at the MRC.


I have not watched the “big match” today, preferring to continue to work in the garden now that it is cool again. I could tell that England had scored at some point when there was a huge roar from about 3 nearby houses. I am about to watch the highlights of the women’s cricket one day international from yesterday, which I find much more entertaining than the football.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Welcome to Natalie and I hope you enjoy your time with us. Didn't stay long at the club tonight, only five members there so there must be something interesting on the telly tonight. No fewer than three youtube videos have been made of our exhibition last weekend. I have posted them on the 'Basildon exhibition 7th & 8th July' thread. Thats it for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

There's a song being played / sung / chanted and generally abused which suggests "It's coming home".


I assume they mean the England team coach ;)


I spent the entire couple of hours usefully typing up a set of minutes.  But why do minutes always take hours?

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  • RMweb Premium

E‘ning all. Apologies once again for my absence. I‘m booked on what I guess will be one of the very last groups, if not the last, for the first 2018 staff training day, so work started far earlier than I’m accustomed to for the past couple of days!


Funnily, training unit two has been announced already, too. :mosking: I’m told staff illness remains high around 14%, which will likely explain the staff training backlog...


Welcome to the League of Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen, Natalie!


Nite-y, awl... :bye:

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