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8 hours ago, JohnDMJ said:


I believe they are already in breach of said Act; a time is published on for each train in a timetable and millions are spent advertising that the trains may leave 30 seconds to 2 minutes (on the WCML) before then. Whatever passes in this country for a 'connection' running slightly late may mean you miss the next train by seconds because it has left before the published time! Thus, they are not providing the advertised service.

Years ago when a web camera was installed at a major station on the Continent, some 'wag' posted that by watching said camera in one window on his computer with the departure times in another, how unreliable the trains were as they left up to 30 seconds AFTER the published time.


However, when posting this on a forum, the moderator pointed out that in most (sensible) European countries, the time published is the DOOR CLOSURE time, not the departure time!


I am assured this is impossible to achieve in the UK! I detect a strong odour from a substance produced by a male of the bovine species.


Apologies for the rant, but a seed was sewn!

When I was waiting for our niece last Friday, I saw a prize example of non joined up control and management at Lancaster.  The WCML service from Glasgow to Euston was running about ten down, and was held outside the station to allow the right time Northern service to depart for Leeds via Wennington and Skipton at 17.45 - which should have been a booked connection (if such a thing exists in this country nowadays), and which is a quite infrequent service - they then announced that passengers for Leeds should rejoin the WCML service and change at Preston - not a lot of good to most travelling to the intermediate stations (of which there are many -  Wennington, Bentham, Clapham and Giggleswick being the ones which couldn't be realistically reached by changing at Leeds.  The Leeds departure would have been delayed by about two minutes - there were at least three passengers whom I saw remonstrating with the platform staff - and IMHO were quite justified, as the next train was not until 20.30

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Good morning all,

As I type the sun is making an appearance and a fine,warm day with hazy sunshine is promised.

No plans made for today yet but there is still the matter of "adjustment" to the layout boards so I may get on with that. It's about time I finished them, can't keep putting things off indefinitely.

I also need to phone the painter to find out when he's starting the outside of the house as he originally quoted the first week in September but would give me at least a week's notice.

Have a good one,

P.R.O Crastinator

Edited by grandadbob
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30 minutes ago, chrisf said:

I am sick and tired of e-mails asking "how did we do?".


It's getting absolutely ridiculous. "Dear esteemed customer, on a scale of one to ten how would you rate your recently purchased toilet plunger?"


I simply ignore surveys now. They need not worry. If there is a problem I will make sure they know all about it.

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8 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Who left the coffee machine on with no water in it??:jester:

They like their coffee black..


Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare,... sort of...

A very bad nights sleep,  started getting dozy reading a book.. put book to one side lights off.... and brain went into over drive..

Eventually gave up, went down stairs and took some pink pills, laid on the sofa and when they took effect eventually went to sleep.. with wake ups to turn over total... less than 4 hours..


The Book.. Evolution of man.. heavily based on fossil skeletons that have been found... One chapter is subtilted "This will probably be out of date by the time you read this"...Yesterday on TV... they've found another skeleton.. (well... skull).


Sunrise  is now after Ieave for work ... Just


Luckily with my lack of sleep, I did all the "Technical" measurements on this temperature measurement device yesterday, Just 30 or so routine current measurements to check it supplies the correct current output to sensor. Then  all the paper work, total about 4 hours left to do..


LA Tonkinois has not  Turned up, advised by Amazon the couriers have lost it.. They advise to put in a notice of no delivery to the suppliers. I'll do that tomorrow..


141.472 93 mV

I've just taken that measurement..


 Time too set up for the next two measurements..

Edited by TheQ
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Good morning everyone 


The sun is shining, but there are a lot of grey clouds in the sky, there is also a stiff breeze in the air. Breakfast has been consumed and I’ll shortly head off to Asda get a few items that we can’t get locally and the Trafford Centre to pick up a couple of click and collect packages. The return journey will take me past the butchers where I’ll pick up the weekly meat rations and hopefully a pastie for dinner. There’s not a lot planned for the afternoon, James and Amelia will not be coming today as Amelia is out with some of her friends and James is also meeting up with an ex work colleague, so it will be just Sheila and I at the table tonight. 


Enjoy the day, back later. 

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Morning, what a difference a day makes, rain overnight has proper chilled the temps down and we have a weather warning for more rain today and tomorrow, winds getting up, so after taking SWMBO to her physio, a quiet day will probably ensue with an outside chance of some muddling. I want to do a short video, but I think I need some better lighting to get a result, it's a lot different to my wildlife photography that's for sure.

Have a safe day, weekends almost on us, must be my turn to win the lotto now...…………………….surely...lol

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I am listening to the bin wagons dawn chorus as I type. The lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon is in good voice and getting well fed after the bank holiday, which has also delayed the BW dawn chorus. Tony, if you have the time you might like to visit here >>   http://www.nytransitmuseum.org. 

Thats it for now, be back later.

EDIT For some reason the site is rejected as unsafe?

Edited by PhilJ W
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4 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

Brian, You are a braver man than me. I've only once been in our pool when the water temp was in the teens, and that was to do some maintenance. Yesterday afternoon it was 29. The solar heater matrix that we bought this year seems to be doing well. I might add another one.

I'll admit it's always takes my breath away when I first get in the water, especially now its cooling down a wee bit, but as I'm expecting it anyway and so I'm prepared for the initial shock. Once in the water it doesn't take long to acclimatise to the temperature and after that it's really invigorating and the fact that putting in a fair bit of energy/effort goes some way to keeping me warm. 

Edited by BSW01
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3 hours ago, BSW01 said:

I'll admit it's always takes my breath away when I first get in the water, especially now its cooling down a wee bit, but as I'm expecting it anyway and so I'm prepared for the initial shock. Once in the water it doesn't take long to acclimatise to the temperature and after that it's really invigorating and the fact that putting in a fair bit of energy/effort goes some way to keeping me warm. 

That water is positively balmy. 

As a young lad in the North East we swam in the North Sea.. always avoiding the icebergs! (max 17C  min 6C)


The I went to the outdoor pool at Tynemouth.. that was colder than the sea! 

Pictures of Tynemouth outdoor pool


Only way is was via the water slide



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  • RMweb Gold
19 minutes ago, Barry O said:

That water is positively balmy. 

As a young lad in the North East we swam in the North Sea.. always avoiding the icebergs! (max 17C  min 6C)


The I went to the outdoor pool at Tynemouth.. that was colder than the sea! 

Pictures of Tynemouth outdoor pool


Only way is was via the water slide



I somehow guess that was in the days of knitted costumes Baz, pre-Speedo budgie smugglers :D.

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Amazon still reports LA Tonkinois  is missing.... 

I've got it in my non sticky mitt.

The can is battered but not leaking,  even though it was well wrapped in bubble wrap  and an undamaged box... 

It had three address labels ,

the original correct one, 

Another where some bright spark changed the post code to the other village of the same name in Norfolk. 

And the third covering that up with the correct postcode again.


I hear the beeping of the uwave, dinner will arrive soon... 

Can I stay awake till. It gets here.. 


MRC later.. Some real muddling may be partaken of

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon peoples,


Early-ish start this morning as I needed to get north to deliver stuff to son before he went to pick up some Muzak band to tour. Followed that with much g-wording at the old place. I bought a ham and salad roll from a village shop which, although well in date, didn’t seem to be in harmony with my interior so arrived back home feeling somewhat carp and had to face a barrage of criticism / complaints from her who has been grumbling ever since I walked through the door but says it is all my fault. I have relocated away from her and will remain schtumm in an effort to keep the peace.


The drawings for the Sports Club seem to have been positively received by the Football Foundation representative and he only asked for a minor change. That will of course result in relocating most of the internal walls and fittings to achieve his desire but only to be expected, we couldn’t be right first time!


Hopefully back later, as long as I don’t feature in some Midsomer Murders plot.



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4 minutes ago, Ian Abel said:

POETS, and a rather extended AWOL for me!

Been a very busy week, the Mrs is up and down, had several good days over the past weekend and early part of the week, but a change in meds has seen a slight downturn yesterday and today. Still working on the solution <sigh>

Monday saw me take a quick trip to Atlanta to be at the banquet for Jemmas' new hire/pilots class, they are presented with their wings at the event.


Jemma arrives back from training for a two week stint at home to study today.


This weekend is a three day here, same as the UK as I recall. We'll be taking it a day at a time depending on how Julie is doing.

I'll probably do some more shuffling stuff from the other place, and some work around the new place. Possibly dinner with friends if the Mrs is up to it.


Weather has been exceptional here, in the low to mid 20's with low humidity and a gentle breeze, far cry from the usual late August heat and humidity we usually have. No-one here complaining.


Right now (almost noon) barely making 18, sunny and very pleasant, expected to be the same all weekend.


Hope everyone is doing well, congratulations and commiserations as required.


All the best,


Father rightly proud of his daughter’s achievement! Hope Julie settles on the new medical regime soon. England and Wales had their last holiday weekend until Christmas last weekend as Monday coming falls in September.

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