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Let’s hope BaZ gets thrown out of hospital for “cluttering up the place” 😁relatively soon!


Atrial Fibrillation is an interesting condition: ranging from a single episode (First Detected AF) all the way to chronic status (Permanent AF), treatment depends upon what the Cardiologist finds.

In the UK, the cardiologist usually assesses the AF based on the CHADS2 score. The American Heart Association, and other bodies, recommend an Integrated Management Approach. Treatment is multidisciplinary with surgery, pharmacological treatment and lifestyle changes all on the table: as mentioned above what exactly will be the treatment programme for BaZ will depend on the cardiologist’s findings.


But one thing is certain “lifestyle changes” will more likely than not require weight loss and regular aerobic exercise.


Get Well Soon BaZ

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  • RMweb Premium
5 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

..........and regular aerobic exercise.



Bear is frantically trying to rid the Beary Bonce of visions of Baz in a Leotard and woolly leggings made out of an old jumper.....

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1 minute ago, polybear said:

a Certain Bear revised this afternoon's activities from "something else" to activities involving bits of brass, white metal and a soldering iron.

At a workbench or up a stepladder?

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Had a nice hot bath this afternoon and then laid down on the bed for some eyelid inspection thats why I'm a bit late, as well as reading and rating two pages of ER's. I'll have to go shopping tomorrow, all I could muster up for dinner tonight was an omelette and chips. The omelette was just like the one that Baz had, the trick is to heat the oil until it starts smoking then turn the heat down before quickly adding the mix to the pan pouring it in a circular motion starting in the centre to get an even thickness.

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Just watched the latest interview with Donald Trump on "Meet The Press". I'm  not focussing on the political aspects here but just on the interview itself and I've got to say, it was rather  poor.

Hardly any  push-back to any of the many unproven claims,  no serious demands to show any evidence,, no probing questions intended to  get beyond the slogans and "Everyone knows this " and "many  people think" .No real  effective worthwhile  incisive follow-up questions based on the answers to the previous question.



Now the US has a mighty   fine tradition of journalism, and plenty  are still found in the press,  but many of the current TV based ones seem to be mainly pale shadows. The opinion pieces direct to camera are usually well-reasoned and well-argued, but most interviews with actual subjects seem in comparison to be mainly  dishwater strength box-ticking exercises with a set list of questions to get through . Responses to controversial or unsubstantiated claims are usually limited to a mumbled "That's not true..."  before moving on to a different subject as though they are talking to their dodgy uncle at a family gathering. Or even more cowardly, just have a post-interview "Fact Check" statement debunking the claims. I do understand that it can be virtually impossible to challenge every unproven statement in a typical interview these days but  not doing so should not be the standby option.


Now perhaps I'm being unfair and  this soft approach is dictated by the network heads who forcefully nobble their presenters due to a fear that unleashing  any  journalistic probing skills  will prevent other future interview subjects agreeing to appear, but if so  they are doing no one any favours. 


NOw  compare that interview  with the recent UK  Piers Morgan one with Kari Lake. I'm definitely  no Piers fan, but even though he could be said to be on the "sympathetic" side  of her political leanings he put that aside and  really got stuck in on her claims of election interference and vote rigging, and attacked her dissembling and deflections. In return she looked rather affronted that she had had her claims even questioned - assumedly she had automatically  presumed that Piers would  simply give her free reign  and just nod encouragingly in agreement  at everything she said, as US presenters of a similar political bent seem to do.


Medhi Hassan seems to be the most effective probing interviewer amongst them and he's a Brit expat going by his accent. 


Jonathon Swan, an Australian journalist won a bloody Emmy for his 2020 Trump interview because he  pushed back rigorously  on Trumps claims about his  COVID responses, but viewed from here  it was a pretty standard political  interview.


Ironically the only two decent Donald Trump interviews I've seen done by US presenters have both been done by Fox news personalities - the Brett Bauer one and the one a couple of years ago  with that older Fox news  gentleman who's name escapes me. (Chris someone??) The other networks just seem to give him free reign to say what he likes,  (eg recent CNN "town hall") perhaps in the craven hope that he will therefore agree to come back for more interviews,  or more sinisterly, for the "news value" of any outrageousness but worst case scenario is that by doing that rather than requiring him to substantiate what he says   its possibly  going to ultimately  end in tears for us all! 


Now, I cant claim to have watched every US network political interview so perhaps I am being unfair based on the reasonably  few I've seen, but the ones I HAVE seen are the high-profile ones, and they pretty much all seem to suffer in the way I've just claimed and are all pretty disappointing in my humble opinion.

Edited by monkeysarefun
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  • RMweb Premium
3 minutes ago, monkeysarefun said:

Hardly any  push-back to any of the unproven claims,  no serious demands to show any evidence,, no probing questions intended to  get beyond the slogans and "Everyone knows this " and "many  people think" .No real  effective worthwhile probing   follow-up questions based on the answers to the previous question.


But would he appear if he knew he was going to be subjected to serious questioning?


I was recently reminded of Matthew Sweet's interview with Naomi Wolf, after which her US publishers pulped the book she'd been on Radio 3 in the late evening to promote:


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52 minutes ago, polybear said:


You're not wrong.  You forgot the Chips.

I despair of you Bear, I really do.


You may find it hard to believe, but there are whole cultures, whole nations even, for whom “chips” are those weird fried things you sometimes get when you go out and “eat foreign”.


This obsession with chips (also seen in many other Brits) is an unhealthy one - both figuratively and literally. Highly enjoyable once in a while, but at every meal (including - sometimes - breakfast)? Really? Only the British could have come up with The Chip Butty: fat and carbohydrates (the chips) stuffed between fat and carbohydrates (the buttered bread). But at least the high carb diet keeps everyone docile: Panem et Circenses? More like Solanum Tuberosum et Televisio


I reckon that if a potato blight were to strike Britain (and Britain’s potato suppliers) a huge number of the UK’s residents would either starve or end up on extremely short rations - despite plenty of broccoli, spinach, avocados, kale, manioc, yams, peas, carrots, parsnips and so on in the shops.


Edited by iL Dottore
Forgot a veg or two 😳
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