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  • RMweb Premium

Hi All,

Missed you all :no: :laugh:

as we went to Warley on Saturday


and spent Sunday getting over it :crazy:

(well, what was left of it since it was 10am before I was in anyway near a fit state - awake - to struggle out from under the duvet)


but have managed to read the last few posts.


Rotring for me


Unfortunately, I didn't do tech drawing at school but I did use Rotring pen and inks in my graphic design days

but, thanks to RMwebber on Warley Stand E42, :thankyou: I now know how to use the stuff for weathering my rolling stock... :yahoo:


Brilliant, Barry... :good:


A good excuse to put it back on the shopping list... :mail:


Have a good night / morning / afternoon (delete as appropriate) wherever you are.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Another day at school beckons, though perhaps I won't have to pull any extra duties this week. Currently having some breakfast and coffee. I also just read temperatures are expected to plummet by the weekend. Fun...

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Good morning.

All clouds/rain has cleared. A cloudless blue sky welcomes the day.

Presently 9C but 23 predicted.

Sunrise is around 5:30 and although my room faces West the early light wakes me up.

I'll have to go to bed earlier to get 8 hours a night.

I hope the new work-week is kind to you.

Glad that your daughter arrived safe and dry BoD.

Keep the home fires burning

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Good morning all,


Trust those who visited Warley found it worth the effort? I'm another that still got his tech drawing instruments & slide rule stashed away somewhere...the one subject at school I really enjoyed..


What ever you're up to today, try and enjoy some of it!



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Morning All,


I second what Trev said, I hope Warley was fun and enjoyable for all. I have long wanted to visit, but I have never got there yet.


The weather appears to be rather grey, but mild for the time of year. I will shortly be dropping the little guy off at school, then it will be an hour or so in the traffic jam I expect!


Most of the weekend was spent sorting out my home PC - it was long overdue, but I have now got things running much more how I like them.


Have a good day everyone...

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More good news: A break in the rain has allowed a lot of water to get away ready for the next lot.

I've been on flood watch since about 4am.

The lack of light doesn't make it easier.

Not so many branches whizzing past - I expect the loose stuff has already gone through but it's important to keep the road bridge arches clear or it quickly backs up.

If it happens, there are folk locally who will need help.


Best F1 I can remember seeing.

Exciting at every turn.

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Good man, DD!


Sorry to be frivolous but I'm still trying to work out how man has got "impaled on a table leg in his loft" - BBC report.


I bid you all a Good Morning and will go and make my last tea of the night...


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, struggling to eat my toast after reading Pete's post, didn't he know lofts are for model railways? After a wet and soggy Sunday I enjoyed the F1 Vettel certainly pulled it out of the fire, or had the luck of the devil depending on your viewpoint. There was localised flooding yesterday morning on the biggest roundabout in town result chaos.

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Another week begins! I hope it's not too much of a grind for those in work.


Also thinking of those suffering from problems caused by the weather. It's not too bad around us despite the heavy rain and strong winds but things are pretty dire in Exeter which is only 20 miles away. One young woman lost her life when a tree fell on her tent.


Rehearsals for "The Wind In The Willows" are going well which is fortunate since we open on Saturday for a week long run including two matinees, making nine performances in total! Ticket sales are steady but we hope recent publicity (local press, leaflet drop and a mention on R2!) will see an upturn.


Have a good week, everyone, whatever comes your way!

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Sorry to be frivolous but I'm still trying to work out how man has got "impaled on a table leg in his loft" - BBC report.


:scratchhead: In the same way that lamp-bulbs and action-men could accidentally become lodged "in his loft" :O



...........I`ve watched Bizarre E.R! :mosking:

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Started my working life as a draughtsman. BS308 and all that, so had to buy a set of drawing instruments. Most of the guys had sets by 'Wild', so with help from Mum and Dad a small set was purchased. It cost about £18, about a weeks wages in those days and is still sitting here in front of me on my desk some 48 years later. Pretty good value for money...


I'm sitting here chuckling to myself. I was woken with a start at 6am by my wife. "Gordon, you didn't put the bins out last night' at which point chaos ensued. I rushed around sorting out everything into the required blue bags and got them out to the front of the house. No sign of neighbours bags, so he's been. Down to the end of the lane with two heavy bags dressed in slippers, shorts and T shirt, by which time it's started raining. No sign, so that's it. Missed them. Returned wet and cold and still bag laden. So there I am standing in the kitchen having failed miserably on my one major task when Jack said 'what day is it'. Then the penny dropped. It is Monday but the stuff goes out Monday night for collection Tuesday.


In my best Del boy voice 'dozy tart'...... :biggrin_mini2:


Edit: Posts crossed. Thinking of you guys in flood areas. Hope it all improves pretty soon. We've got our best man on the job in North Wales...

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning All & Good Night Pete,


Yet another dull,dreary,dismal,damp,dark grey day starting here 8oC with more rain to come to come but nothing like some of you are suffering.


ER Good Neighbours award to DD.


The Boss is off today & hasn't surfaced yet. I've not been given any indication of her, our, my plans for the day yet but I dare say that requests, suggestions, instructions will be given shortly.


Time to take her tea!


Have a good day



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I've finally arrived in the office. The traffic jam was worse than ever this morning. Hopefully they will get on and finish the road works, which have made the ever present traffic jam even worse over the past months. When all is finished, the motorway will be widened to five lanes which will hopefully relieve a lot of the current traffic problems.


It is raining here now - but nothing like what I saw on the BBC news yesterday evening. Thinking of anybody affected by the floods.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Nasty drive this morning heavy rain and lots of surface water, running in several places and in one place 3-4 inches deep - nowhere near as bad as some are having it but still not a pleasant journey, the water really grips the car and tries to pull you into the ditches, one poor lad had already "parked" his car in a field, he was awaiting a friendly farmer to drag him off again.


The rain is currently off here in Suffolk but it's very dark and dismal


Hope we all have good days.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. It just throwing it down again. Fortunately we shouldn't get flooded but the is so much water on the fields, footpaths and in the copse that I am running out of dry boots. The dogs cannot understand why we get back soaked I have to use the hose on them! There are a lot of places I know well in the south west that are suffering on the radio this morning they were talking to someone from Norton Fitzwarren (where the WSR has a turning triangle) and from a caravan site at Blue Anchor (between the WSR and the sea) both suffering. On the TV the track at Exeter looks pretty washed out. Considering its just the start of the winter doesn't bode well.


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  • RMweb Gold

"ER Good Neighbours award to DD."


Thank you very much.

Unfortunately, although willing, I've not done anything yet!

My actions so far have been purely selfish.


1. You are willing which says it all.

2. If by selfish you mean self preservation then there's nothing wrong with that as it means others will not have to help you therefore they can help you help others-if you follow my drift!

3.This means I am right!


My wife says that when she married Mr.Right she didn't realise his first name was "Always"!! :yes:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Just back from feeding horses - and I timed it well, as the rain began as I got back in the car!


So sorry to read of ongoing problems for so many with weather. As I've said before, we are just by the 100m contour, and there is an awful lot of France below us!


I've had a PM this morning from a member offering to help me visit a future Warley. Amazing how people react so generously.


Stay dry, all!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


and fingers firmly crossed for DD - hoping all your bridge arches remain clear. Currently the rain here has stopped, it will no doubt have started again before long. Have just about recovered from Warley and subsequent layout visit (which was very nice but 'duck under' baseboards are very firmly not recommended when you have little bits of bone 'floating around' in your knee joints as a result of osteo-arthritis).


And crikey Gordon £18 a week 48 years ago - I was only on £9/15/0 a week 46 years ago (and no overtime :O ); amazing how inflation changes our perception but, with luck, doesn't erase the memories of the value money once had .

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


After the seriously wet weekend, the sun has come back out again it being Monday...


Looking at the photos on the web of the floods over the Somerset Levels in particular, whilst of course I sympathise with the homeowners whose houses are flooded, I do have to wonder why builders were allowed to built there and why people then bought said houses. After all it is flood plain and historically what kept the higher ground dry. Now there are houses where does the water go...


...and the government wants to relax planning laws to make it easier to build houses. If thery're not careful large chunks of the new housing stock in the UK will become uninsureable.


At one stage I was planning to go to Warley this year but circumstances prevented me some time ago. Good job as the friend I had planned to go with wouldn't have made it as the railway was closed between Exeter and Taunton!

Edited by brushman47544
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  • RMweb Gold

In South Essex once upon a time going to Warley was usually associated with a visit to the mental hospital there. The site is now a housing development incorporating some of the features of the hospital.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


dry at the moment , as in not actually raining but ........


Good end to the F1 season , shame about Lewis getting taken out in his last race for McLaren .


I think I will be trying to get to my opticians today , I seem to have developed a loss of vision in a small

area in my right eye , looking at a straight line it dips to nothing in the centre vertically or horizontally .


I better get moving moving , so hope everyone keeps their bits dry .

Edited by Sidecar Racer
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