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  • RMweb Gold

Faulty doorbell was discovered yesterday when I spotted a delivery driver (Hermes) pushing a note through the door. ( "Parcel in back garden" - in the rain!)

Ran out and banged on his van as he was driving away (frightened the life out of him) and hollered "Oy mate, we're in, why didn't you ring the bell?"  

"But Sir - I did" said he "and you didn't open the door!"



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  • RMweb Premium

Well I've found out what one set of the blue flashing lights on Sunday was for... (Oddity 2)


As usual the EDP gets several facts wrong, since the car is clearly there in daylight it wasn't recovered at 06:30 thats when it was found.

It also wan't dumped in a field, it's clearly within the course of the MGN line to Yarmouth Beach station AKA these days the A149.


 Pretty clever of the thief crashing on a dead straight road...

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Welcome to Cheeseday.


Yesterday did not go as planned. Signed on for duty, after 30 minutes felt nauseous so sat myself down in the waiting room. Actually felt worse in he warm-and-damp so returned to the cold-and-damp ouside. As matters didn’t improve I signed myself back off knowing rail safety must come first. As I felt queasy my concentration was therefore not where it needed to be to manage moving trains in a dark, wet morning peak. And I am still home today. I put the unpleasant sensation down to sudden exposure to harsh outdoor elements after four days mostly in bed. There’s nothing else wrong - I just needed longer to recover.


On other current matters “or similar” hire cars seems to be pot luck. The similarity seems to end at having four wheels to balance on and a fifth to aim the thing with. For some time now my bookings have been with Europcar as they offer a Penzance pick up at the railway station. The website suggests “Skoda Oktavia or similar”. I have yet to see a Skoda. I have had the following as “or similar” : Kia Cee’d (twice), Fiat 500L (three times), Hyundai Getz, Hyundai i20, Hyundai i30 (twice) and Dacia Duster. Some clearly bigger than booked, one or two definitely smaller. One one occasion I was alerted to a one-hour delay owing to no vehicle availability and duly arrived to find two other customers literally outbiddng each other over my car as their bookings could not be honoured. At other times there has been so much slack that I have been offered my choice from everything below prestige level in the garage. It can help to have loyalty to an operator and a branch plus a good history of prompt returns.


Must admit to never having flown BA but SWMBO has. Working for an outer Governmental organisation she has little choice when they send her overseas to conferences. She does however have a Directorial dispensation to fly Premium Economy. The reports are not good. Very indifferent food, sloppy cabin service with one very surly purser encountered and feedback provided. Seating ok but the 747s are showing their age and are noisy compared with the A380s were are now accustomed to on London - Melbourne flights. Entertainment was described as “lacking”.


Now to make something of this bright, brisk and breezy day. There is plenty of cleaning and tidying overdue but first the cat requires patting and I require caffeining.


Back anon. Avagoodun.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late on parade but its still morning (just). The Q's post reminded me of the bit on the news this morning about the car in California that ended up in the upper floor of an office building and being in a built up area it was caught on CCTV. Same reason, tanked up driver, I did see pictures of it on Facebook yesterday.

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Morning all, got to share this one from my seriously demented mother, yestereve.

Inspected me closely last night, with a most suspicious expression and finally pronounced to my father in a stage whisper:

"He looks dodgy. If we sit quiet he might go away".

Father starts laughing and explains I am their son, but that won't do at all because she knows perfectly well I should be wearing my school blazer.


So I exit the room, leaving my wife (recognised!) to chat to them, and re-enter 30 seconds later. Mother:

"On darling, I am glad you have come for a visit too". She then rather spoilt the effect by addressing me as her long deceased much older brother thereafter, but I'll take it!


Take care, keep smiling.

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  • RMweb Premium

 Have you more enquiries than usual for Roundhouse locos on the back of a certain TV program that has the relevant thread is turning into a bunfight??




A few I think, Mick.  Not enough to retire on though.  Hang on, I already am retired....

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Browsing the internet this morning, always ready to snap up anything of interest on H. G. Wells, I came upon this offer:


Need essay sample on

The Elements Of ‘The Time Machine’... ?

We will write a custom essay sample

For Only $13.90/page


No indication of the provenance of this service, and the opening paragraph of the sample offered didn't tempt me -


"At the end of the 19th centrey there was an enoms sceintifical revlution, witch saw many new idears and inventions. This intest in sciens also was conved in the whiting of the time as whiter combind the newly found knolge of sciens with the scope of fiction, this enanbled whiter to whight beyond the sciens of the time ‘the sciens of our time had attackd but a little deparment of the human dieaease’."


I'm giving my spell checker the rest of the day off to recover... 


Edit: lots of little bits of ice falling out of the sky.

       Bloody hail!




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  • RMweb Gold

First the bad news - Post arrived about 20 minutes ago, still no brown (?) envelope from Swansea - more atrocious language uttered.


Now the slightly improving news - Herself suggested I should contact them by saying 'Give them a ring' - I said I'd look at their website (which probably doesn't give a 'phone number anyway)


Now the interesting bit - If you go to the DVLA website there is an option to 'look at your Driving Licence' so I thought I'd start there for a spot of amusement if nothing else, all it needs is your Driving Licence number, your NI number, and your Postcode - simples.


Relevant details duly entered.  Do you actually know your Driving Licence number?  I had written mine down before the old one left me ;). not that I don't trust the b*ggers.


Finally the result - And the DVLA website tells me that I have a Driving Licence valid from today, 16 January, so I printed off the page which tells me my Licence exists, just in case.


The only worrying doubt I know have is what answer I would have got if I'd asked the website yesterday - would the Licence have been dated from then I wonder or was this just coincidence?


PS Note to Rick (and whoever else it might concern) BA Premium Economy food is garbage, utter rubbish; but the seats aren't bad as the are former Business Class seats.

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  • RMweb Premium

A friend (late 50s female) was stopped by the police, and asked for her licence. To be told her green paper licence didn't exist in the Swansea records. Seemingly a whole section of records went missing in some cock up years ago. 

 IIrc She had to get a sworn affadavit signed that she had passed her test and her paper licence was genuine and sent in. Then they accepted her green licence and used it to update the Swansea records.

The alternative was to take the test again...


(I believe they know the group of licences that went missing, but don't know whats on them..)

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  • RMweb Gold

Trying to fix faulty doorbell with no success so far but have managed to draw blood for the first time this year!  :whistle:

I'm wondering what state the door is in now.  :O


I've just had a bit of very good snooker entertainment on BBC2 this afternoon Ronnie demolished Marco Fu 6-0 the poor little feller didn't

 stand a chance worth watching on Catch Up TV if you have it. :smoke:

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  • RMweb Gold

I know my licence exists in the Swansea cyberspace as I have had to print out the special,number to hire cars.

I am waiting for my Mac to update, should take 4 minutes but these are obviously Apple minutes! I'm only wanted to download recent iTunes purchases to the Mac harddrive but I thought it was wise to check as I assume Apple will have done something about Intel chip security issues. I noticed conversations elsewhere on RMweb about Safari updates. When the 4 minutes elapses later this afternoon I will see what version appears.

Bob's mention of blood this morning reminded me to book a blood test. Duly booked for next Tuesday. If it had been a non fasting I could have gone sooner.

The first part of our walk with Robbie felt really cold but once we got nearer the creek by the church it was more sheltered from the wind.

Mac seems to have heard me. Now 40 minutes remaining!


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Little to report from yesterday, on with today...

Up early to take Whitney to the vet, her surgery location is red and they wanted to do a culture if it started to open slightly. She's in fine spirits/health otherwise, as she has been all along but this persistent "not quite healing completely" is rather tiresome.


Today sees me have my annual "one-on-one" with my manager, nothing unexpected probably, unless they suddenly decide to give me a 10-20% raise <pause for laughter> :jester:


Possibly going to a happy hour event this evening if the Mrs is up to it - too early to tell right now, she'll make an assessment later.


The warming trend here has still NOT arrived, -18 but sunny this AM, expecting a high of -13 later.


Carry on with the day...

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  • RMweb Gold

Strange how we were mentioning Mustangs yesterday. A tweet from our local Ford dealer is offering £1000 reduction on used Mustangs. Aditi usually gets the targeted emails for Mustangs or fast Fords. I get the ones for 3 cylinder economy models.


Edited by Tony_S
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Belated morning all, hope all's well in the real world,


Meanwhile, from the dark depths of 1972 where I seem to spend an awful lot of time, a DIY update :


Finished the man cave...!




The downstairs en suite kharzi is coming along nicely, although I'm a trifle worried that we may have gone a bit too 'neutral'...




Must dash, the Cinzano Bianco lorry has just pulled up, the Jensen needs a thoroughly good spanking upon the Queen's highway and those boxes of Milk Tray won't deliver themselves you know....  :D 


Stay safe / sane all!







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  • RMweb Premium

Can't be as bad as 8 hours in a C 130.


Helmet, jumpsuit, parachutes - check altimeter............................... off the back ramp.

Several hours flying round the Falklands in the back of a Chinook with an underslung load, all the doors open so the loadmaster could see for each drop / move With snow blowing back in, must be close ..... Edited by TheQ
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Several hours flying round the Falklands in the back of a Chinook with an underslung load, all the doors open so the loadmaster could see for each drop / move With snow blowing back in, must be close .....

It's been like that ALL day here in the Highlands! Chuckin' Philly!  Started about 6 o'clock yesterday, and guess who had to go out in it for his annual MOT this morning - though he passed with flying colours, I'm pleased to say.

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Can't be as bad as 8 hours in a C 130.


Helmet, jumpsuit, parachutes - check altimeter............................... off the back ramp.


Worse still if someone decides to take the blades off a helicopter* and shove it in there with you. A tad cramp. 

Meanwhile whilst the advance party were waiting for the olive oil to be pumped in, wiser souls ( :whistle: ) were getting on a normal grey plane, albeit with more cargo nets than seats, and savouring the smell of bacon butties wafting around the cabin. Washed down later with Brandy Sours in the mess. Happy days. 


So, a bit sad to see the last 4 Lynx's retire today.  



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Message from the Sister on Debs' ward


A message to update you about Debra Stevenson-Jones: She has this afternoon, returned to us following some days feeling very poorly and then being moved to the CCU.

Debra's spirits are very low and she is finding all this difficult to endure, but it is hoped we will see some further improvement in her condition over the next few days.
I will update per Debra's request.
Our Debs is not well at all. I have no more details, or any knowledge what we can do.
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Send her out best and tell her from me (again, if memory serves) that some of the older boys have been being naughty again, talking about a forbidden subject and showing each other photos of their conquests of models. Oo-er.  

If that doesn't work, then perhaps she'll see the amusing side of this (no offence to the poster intended). 




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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,

Excellent lunchtime was had in 'spoons earlier and ended with an agreement to do it again in the not too distant future. I will actually be visiting a different 'spoons tomorrow. I had a call from an old workmate who lives in Catford but is visiting the land of Sutt tomorrow afternoon to play bowls so we're meeting after his match for a bite to eat and a drink or several. :yes:


The bell has been repaired by the simple expedient of fitting a new battery to the bellpush. Didn't think of that to start with as it's a wireless jobby and the bellpush was still lighting up, the battery powered repeater in the conservatory was working intermittently but the main plug in unit wasn't. Minor injury caused when levering off the bellpush cover.   :banghead:

I was tempted to leave the bloodstains on the door as a warning to lazy white van men but The Boss vetoed that.  :nono:



Damn. After writing that drivel just seen John's post about Debs so all possible positive vibes being sent from here.

Edited by grandadbob
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