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BIN day, BINs placed, two of three already emptied, result.


Bob, after his "senior cat checkup" was given an "A/tick VG" by the Vet. In great shape and doing well for his age - aren't we all for the most part! :jester:

Nothing else of note form yesterday.


So, cold out/nippy/chilly/freezing/frost.......   HOLD MY BEER!   :sungum:

-11 (wind chill -25) retrieving the paper earlier, and that is THE HIGH for the day.

Already down 2 degrees in the past 90 minutes, and expected to be -19 around early afternoon with wind chills around -30. Supposed to bottom out around -23 overnight! :O


I'm not going ANYWHERE, but the Mrs is working today so she has to leave the comfort of the house.


Hope your BINs are appropriately accounted for ;)


EDIT: Dropped another degree while I was posting, now -14!!! Arrghhhhhhh

Edited by Ian Abel
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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Sad news indeed from Mal, thoughts as ever are with you. A bit delayed getting back from shopping this PM. Take one bus stop on the brow of a hill with a bus putting down/collecting passengers and one idiot who really should go to Specsavers. Result one car buried into the back of a bus resulting in quite a hold up. I don't know if a mobile was involved but seems likely. 

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I guess I'm about to upset a lot of people - for many years I drank coffee, and then , one day and for no discernable reason. I switched to tea - and not just tea, but the powdered, freeze dried tea in a jar from PG Tips, and have remained with it ever since - I do have a cup of chocolate in the evenings, and my other half is a confirmed drinker of STRONG coffee


I used to consume a powdered tea stuff at work in my final big railway job because the hot water supply from the heating device in our kitchen was never boiling but it was a lemon favoured version and was a definite improvement on coffee even tho it was some way short of proper tea.  Mind you if what it did to the interior my mug was any guide it was probably some sort of health hazard unless regularly flushed out with proper tea.   One feature of that job was that it involved regular travel to various European mainland countries but fortunately their staff canteens were somewhat behind BR and had a habit of serving alcoholic drinks with lunch so he only time I suffered lukewarm tea was at most of the hotels where I overnighted and had breakfast.  Fruit juice was however usually available at most so was much nicer while the offer of champagne on one occasion at breakfast in Germany was regretfully declined.

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' Afternoon all from red dragon land.

Overnight in Lancashire after collecting youngest from airport.

Back home through fog and mist but no incidents.

Foggy here now by the looks of it and getting dark.


Bins nearly done ready for tomorrow's collection.

Hopefully, some muddling tomorrow, as well.  Waiting to try out some Das clay  - if it has not gone as hard as a brick!


I stopped drinking  tea awhile ago and largely have decaf coffee or orange juice instead. In the summer, I was fine with loads of water, but winter? Brrr!  I like something hot - including the orange juice.


Now, off to put one more bin out...

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  • RMweb Premium

Devastated for Mal and his family.



Neither of us drink tea, I can't even stand the smell of it. My girlie daughter drinks tea that a hairy ar$ed builder would struggle with! Bag left in, stewed to the consistency of crude oil. Funny old world.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all,


Gutted to hear about Mal.


Been trying to post all day but struggling to get in via Chrome although I could rate posts but not make a post or read notifications etc. Now logged in via Edge which I don't like but it seems it is working here.


I like a couple of cups of tea to start the day followed by occasional coffees apart from a tea in the afternoon. Got told to cut down on the caffeine by the doc so only been having 2 real teas and 1 real coffee a day and the rest decaff but I don't really like it so am gradually weaning off that and getting back on the hard stuff.


Sainsbury's was a bit of a mission today as Chris decided to spend a long time chatting with an old schoolfriend (and workmate). I did my bit by ensuring that they didn't block the aisles for other shopping wombles.


Quotes are gradually coming in and I like the one from our preferred window man but don't like the first roofing one. Still waiting for the other


Hope this post works.....



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Well I'm still up I sat and watch tv for a while then nodded off, I'm just about done trying to post on here this update has taken soooooooooooooo long I've spent

most of the day modelling and posting elsewhere on pasture new popping back from time to time I don't think I will bother tomorrow.


Best wishes John & Sandy, Mal & Family.

                                                                   Goodnight All  B.R.Assedoff

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  Now tea in Australia is also a problem notwithstanding allegations that on that huge island they can actually make a decent brew of the stuff.  In a total of ten weeks living there in 2004 & 05 it took me trials with about half a dozen different brands to find something which actually made a decent cuppa although the one I finally settled on was not too bad at all and I made sure I brought home any of the supply I had leftover on my return.  But some of their tea is rubbish and some of the places serving it clearly have no better idea of how to make it than the average Johnny foreigner living on the European mainland.  So Chrisf be wary,  don't have high expectations, and follow Baz's advice (our preference is Yorkshire Gold although I also like the Cornish grown Tregothnan).


You can buy Yorkshire Gold and various Barrys teas here in most big supermarkets if you don't want to make tea the usual Australian way in a tin billy over a camp fire then stirred with a stick from a gum tree then the Billy swung round and round over your head. 

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Evening fellow ER's. After a busy few days and a battle with the black dog, I logged back in to catch up and share the latest issues with the ongoing battle with the fraud issues. However I have just seen the comments about Mal, read the relevant post. Somehow my issues do not seem important. There are no words - but my thoughts and wishes go to Mal and his family and friends. 



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Everyone folks


I was going to waffle on about what I’ve been up to in the workshop today, but after reading Mal’s post, for some reason I just don’t feel like posting such trivia, maybe I’ll post it tomorrow.


Thoughts with Mal, Gabe and family as well as John Sandy and family.


Goodnight all

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I'm fairly new to this forum but I follow this thread intermittently as it is often amusing, interesting, informative etc. I was about to post on it for the first time (on the tea v coffee question) when I saw the news about Mal and followed the link, which stopped me in my tracks. I do not know you Mal but your simple statement of an awful truth has hit me as though you were a lifelong friend. May God go with you and your family.

Dave Hunt

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Night Awl,


Very sad to read Mal's news, the sooner they find a cure for cancer the better.


My youngest sisters husband is suffering from Stomach cancer, sadly chemo has been stopped as there is no more they can do. He is about 2years past a, six months to live, diagnosis at about the age of 55.

They live just 14 miles from Mal.

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My sincerest empathy for Mal, his family and personal friends at this difficult time. Words fail.


News like this (and the sudden death of a colleague two weeks ago) makes my head spin. Mal's news gives me not only a visceral emotional response but a visceral physiological one as well. My anxiety response is in my gut and it literally makes me sick to my system. (I'd say stomach, but it's more widespread than that.)


I live in a place where death with dignity laws exist separately from palliative alternatives. While people may find this controversial, It is a welcome alternative for some. Other people just value knowing they have that option even if they do not choose to exercise it. They find the simple fact that the act exists empowering.


On a lighter topic (and please forgive me the diversion) the countdown clock of the holidays is now replaced (at least for me) by a blinking black advertising banner for an exhibition in Doncaster touting "30 British working layouts". I will profess to being amused by different literal interpretations of this.

  • Do the layouts feature only things like collieries and heavy industry and layouts highlighting such frivolity as football and racecourse specials, and summer Saturday workings to the seaside will be taboo at this event?
  • Perhaps this is an implicit indictment of other British model railway exhibitions where many of the layouts are derelict or broken?
  • Perhaps only 30 of the layouts function and the others are derelict or broken?
  • Are non-British themed layouts taboo or are they not required to function?
  • Perhaps only layouts made in Britain are permitted, but may represent other places?

An enquiring mind wants to know what the blinking black banner portends. I'm sure someone can fill me in next month. Apparently it falls on a date I was formerly expected to note as a wedding anniversary. Regretfully, I shan't be able to attend.


I will attend what passes for a model railway exhibition here on Saturday. It is a 'model train show'. If you like dusty, rusty Lionel trade stalls you would find it very exciting. I'm sure that no matter what the blinking black banner portends, I would find the Doncaster show more interesting than what I will see on Saturday.

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Bore da.


Looking forward to tomorrow's Cardiff (Small) Model Railway Show, and the chance of catching up with several RMweb parishioners.


However, Mal's news puts it all into perspective, and I have no doubt our thoughts will be with Mal and his loved ones.


Brian R.

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