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Green Scene Textured Paint - Anyone used it?

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Hi to all readers of RM Web


I need to paint the card surfaces of my station platforms and I wondered if anyone else has used Green Scenes textured paint for the final surface?


If so was it good?


Appologies if this should be in a different section of RM web.


Many Thanks



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  • RMweb Gold

I used it for the platform surfaces on Paynestown and wish I hadn't! It looks terrible and I now have to rectify it.


I'm sure there are niche applications for this stuff but my own experience has not been very successful, with similar

problems to those mentioned above.

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I have used the concrete version to reproduce rendered walls of buildings. I found that it stuck well to plastci card if the surface was slightly roughen and I gave the surface a light sanding when throughly dry. If you search on the layout strand for Menasha the warehouses to the left of the river bridge have this textured surface

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  • RMweb Premium

I've tried it on an HO-scale building for a rendered wall : far too coarse, and then on an OO Peco concrete platform side - again, far too coarse. Mostly good coverage (I used a stiff glueing brush, some of the platform side needed a second coat). I can see uses for it on ground surfaces, which might fit what you want. For walls in anything less than S (at a pinch) or O scales I wouldn't use it. Well, maybe for rough stone walls.


For a finer texture, an alternative might be to lightly dust wet (enamel) paint with ground white pepper - not a very sociable activity, and you might need to wear a mask if pepper makes you sneeze! I've done this on an offcut of Wills brick in 4mm, and it seemed to work, but I haven't yet tried it for 'concrete'. Oh, you're using card - not sure that enamel would be a good idea there (might make it bend unless you paint the back) : perhaps thick acrylic such as railmatch would hold pepper, if you can find a suitable colour in the railmatch weathering shades.


Alternatively, maybe stick fine sandpaper on the card and then paint it. The fun part will be making sure the edges (inside the stone slabs) all stay stuck down. For all these suggestions of mine, if you are tempted to try them, make a test piece first.



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Tried "light tarmac"- totally the wrong colour, far far too coarse and went on very patchily.Never again.Funny init, but "Greenscene" is supposed to be scenic materials par excellence if many magazine articles are to be believed?

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To be fair, the rest of their stuff is pretty good, certainly the ballast and their own brand static grassmasteralike amongst other things that I've used. It only seems to be the textured paint which is rubbish.

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Hi to all


Thanks for the response to my quieries reagrding Green Scene's textured paint.


I don't think I will try it.


I may consider the sandpaper idea, but I think experimenting of some other ideas is on the cards!


Thanks for the replys



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I'd totally agree with this statement. Green Scene ballast in particular is excellent. So please don't take the one dud product to write off the range (not that anybody has so far, I just want to be clear!).

To be fair, the rest of their stuff is pretty good, certainly the ballast and their own brand static grassmasteralike amongst other things that I've used. It only seems to be the textured paint which is rubbish.

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  • 2 years later...

Wish I'd seen this thread before buying a pot of the "concrete". Tried it on both card and styrene. The colour is good but that's about it. It is almost impossible to apply an even coat and the grain looks too coarse. Off to search the web for PlastiKote suede!

Edited by lyneux
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I used tiling grout with a little bit of PVA mixed in for my platforms on my new layout, to keep it nice and neat I used draft excluder tape to the size I wanted the concrete to be.


Then putting a blob of grout down I use a bit of plasti card that I wetted and just pulled it across the top, having the tape each side stops it spreading out beyond where you want it, if you want a tarmac suffice then just add a little bit of yard ash from C+L to the mix.


Hope this helps out.




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  • 1 year later...

I think that textured paints are inherently tricky to get right. I have tried Greenscenes but I have tried the Tamiya range with simmilarly disappointing results. Maybe a spatula is the right tool but those pots are not cheap and if applied that thickly will not last long. :(

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  • 6 years later...

Dragging this up from the past.


Just taken delivery of some Vallejo textured paint, as I wanted something for my dirt roads. Quite impressed with the result. It comes as a brushable paste, didn't require any mixing, unlike Green Scene and Country Scenic, which I have used in the past. Found it applies better than Tamiya and the pots are twice the size and around £2 cheaper.

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  • 9 months later...

funny enough - i'd agree the texture can be lumpy and a bit coarse but i really like the concrete colour - it's not too beige like some ,

This scene has textured tarmac at front and textured concrete back - i stilled the concrete on and wiped the bits of texture off ! took a few coats but i'm happy with it 




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