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For all those who are fed up with the advert.....


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Have just returned from the states where every commercial break was full of adverts for Cancer care hospitals, no-win no fee lawyers, constipation tablets etc etc.



Bracketing no-win no fee lawyers and constipation tablets would seem to have a certain logic to it.



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Short of cash? Need a loan with a dorsal fin? Then you've come to the right place. Here at Kneecap Finance we've been helping people get into serious debt for 10 years, and our rates are(nt) competitive. With just one quick call, you can place your knackers on our anvil and get that holiday you've always wanted, and spend the rest of your life paying for it.




If you think that that's bad the next time one comes on for, need a short term loan,( I think it's called a payday loan). Have the cash in minutes, you'd want it in minutes. Have a look at the A.P.R. it's some thing like 2345% . Now that is a shark.



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Apart from Go Compare and those loathsome ambulance-chasers, my pet hate is the "instant loan" advert - yes, the APR is shown but only as an afterthought.

How many desperate/easily led people get themselves into serious ever-increasing debt, especially at this time of year?

Quite a few, I should imagine...


Yeah, they flash up the 100% APR and fact that the loan is secured on your house in the smal print.

100%? You're kidding, aren't you? That'd be cheap by comparison!


100% APR sounds reasonable compared to some companies 2868% APR. What's worse one of them sponsors my football team.
That's more typical, although to be fair, the rate is high because it's not secured on your home. If you were lending lots of people money, most of whom probably wouldn't pay you back, you'd want to up the interest rate a bit, wouldn't you?


These loans are also designed for very short periods, too. Not that I'm condoning their existence, but even the sharks wouldn't recommend you took one out for a year...


Short of cash? Need a loan with a dorsal fin? Then you've come to the right place. Here at Kneecap Finance we've been helping people get into serious debt for 10 years, and our rates are(nt) competitive. With just one quick call, you can place your knackers on our anvil and get that holiday you've always wanted, and spend the rest of your life paying for it.


Beg to differ BD - all you'll ever pay is the ever-increasing interest, not the holiday itself.


We can all laugh, but these people are truly among the lowest of the low IMHO.

There was a great spoof advert in Viz, many years back. I forget the exact words, but essentially, the gist was that if the heavies kept knocking at your door, you could consolidate all your debts into one simple monthly beating...
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Quite a few, I should imagine...


100%? You're kidding, aren't you? That'd be cheap by comparison!


That's more typical, although to be fair, the rate is high because it's not secured on your home. If you were lending lots of people money, most of whom probably wouldn't pay you back, you'd want to up the interest rate a bit, wouldn't you?


These loans are also designed for very short periods, too. Not that I'm condoning their existence, but even the sharks wouldn't recommend you took one out for a year...




There was a great spoof advert in Viz, many years back. I forget the exact words, but essentially, the gist was that if the heavies kept knocking at your door, you could consolidate all your debts into one simple monthly beating...


I remember the ad in Viz. That was good.

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