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Passing through Woking station today, I managed to grab some rather poor quality pics of the VQ, or rather loads of piles of ballast, sand etc.






I've seen some 66's being unloaded in the past - Cotswold Rail I think, but didn't manage to get any photos.


So what I need are some yellow posts spraying water out to keep the dust down - not sure how to model that....


Also quite a bit more greenery required.





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All last weeks glue seems to have dried now:




So the 56's the 47 and the 57 gathered in the depot.






There won't be any progress this weekend as I'm running in the Great North Run - keep an eye out for me on the TV amongst the other 49,999 runners - I'll be wearing a white t-shirt.





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I'm now up north (back to my roots) so thought I'd post a few railway (and bus for Gav) related pics of the local area.


The documents for the original Stockton to Darlington railway were signed in what is now the George and Dragon pub:





Yarm viaduct - very long - the longest in England or is that just my childhood memories of history?







And a bus for Gav...







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I'm now up north (back to my roots) so thought I'd post a few railway (and bus for Gav) related pics of the local area.


The documents for the original Stockton to Darlington railway were signed in what is now the George and Dragon pub:





Yarm viaduct - very long - the longest in England or is that just my childhood memories of history?







And a bus for Gav...




Cheers I dont know you go all that way and what bus an Arriva its like looking at our locals, shame not a Go Nth east,good luck tomorrow Iwill look out for you!



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I'm sure you'll all be glad to hear that I'm now back on topic with railways rather than random running news and pictures.


A friend of mine who is a surveyor has helpfully pointed out a couple of things I need to correct:


1. Re road bridge accessing car park – I think you’ll find the gradient doesn’t comply and similarly the adjacent pedestrian ramp doesn’t look as though it would comply with BS 8300:2009.


2. The surveyors assistant is clearly holding his staff incorrectly – as all good surveyors know you do not stand behind the staff but to one side so that you can move it backwards and forwards enabling the surveyor to take and exact level by taking the maximum reading on the swaying staff being the point at which it is exactly vertical.


I think I can get round # 1 by moving to a pre-2009 era, and as for 2, I'll just say they were being sloppy.


A bit of work on the VQ today I think.



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Tiny progress this week due to interference from work - what's the world coming to?


I've been building up the piles of gravel/ballast in the VQ, however as you can see in addition to the standard ballast, I've got a mix of white and grey grit, which are a throwback to my train layout as a child (30 ish years ago). In my wisdom as a teenager, I dedided to mix up the two colours, and am now spending my time picking it all apart again for the different piles - very theraputic.


The partially covered heap waits for the next delivery of white stones:




Here it comes:





Hang on there is only one wagon load!




An overview of the VQ in context.







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As a slight diversion tonight, I've started on the buildings.


I found a packet of Slaters plasticard that I'd bought about a year ago and off I go.


The slight bit of purple showing at the right gives away the underlying material.




and here it is - my favourite cat food box...




plenty more to do.





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Also went to Farnham & District Model Railway Club show today http://www.farnhammrc.org.uk


Some interesting layouts, and some interesting stalls - I seem to be going off topic again, and purchased another bus - Gav would be proud of me...






My defence is that it is a local one - destination of Winchester Station.



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Would be interesting modelling a preserved line... :mosking:


The plus point being that you can run any locomotives and rolling stock you want - although I end up doing that anyway!


Some quick calculations are that the length to be modeled would be about 1000ft, so 4m long in 'OO'.

I don't think I'd create another static layout and I could probably build it in sections and run it in the Garage, and you never know I might even venture to the odd show.


Alternatively I could just continue to wander down to the real thing, since I live about 5 mins away, and today's visit was actually just a trip to the bottle bank - a good excuse for a visit.



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