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Rattery Viaduct... as it was about 30 years ago...


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... and I don't think it's changed!

Anyone planning a 2mm 'Devon' layout and has need for a viaduct... well, would this one suit??

Not quite finished and in need of a paint job, I made it in my youth (I was 34 at the time!). Really interesting example. Started life carrying a single broad gauge track, and then had it's width doubled to take 'double standard'. The real thing is situated on the A385 east of Marley Head... and just west of Edewell Cottages if you go to google maps and want to take a look.

It's made of ply with a cladding of something called Pecoscene. A kind of clay that adhered well to wood (using pva) but not so well to plastic (using plastic weld) as my Tones warehouse unfortunately proves. Stonework scribed while still wet. Looking at it now, I wonder how on earth I got to the arches... big and small. No doubt another drenching of dilute PVA would see it through the next 30 years! I took the photos yesterday.

All I want is the pleasure of seeing it off to a new home... so think about it!!





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Thanks to all for your really kind words. Nowadays I can just about see the world in 4mm!!!


Hmmm... my own thread? Never thought of doing that... all I've made so far is a lineside hut, so progress might be a little slow!! The tiny picture on the left shows the back! Natural slate roof, of course!

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If you haven't been, a not-to-miss date in your diary should be the South West Members' Day if you can - http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/48913-rmweb-taunton-members-day-2012/ - I managed to get there for the first time this year and would not miss it, 300 mile round trip notwithstanding.

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Thanks for that link John... it does sound too good to miss... so I'm planning not to. Miss it, that is! Couldn't say anything else, could I, with the previous poster within earshot!!! Hi Cap'n. I used to drive past it on a daily basis too, twixt Brent and Totnes. The next bridge along towards Brent is rather nice too. A cut above the average. Ladies Bridge I think, over the drive to Marley House/Syon Abbey.

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  • 3 months later...

Excellent work. I model in 4mm and am in need of Rattery Viaduct! I don't suppose that you have retained any plans or photographs (if I lived much further from Devon I'd be in the North Sea)?


I don't think I drew any plans JH, just worked out the length and width from an OS map and made a few formers for the arches. I could have scribbled something, but whatever it was it's long gone! I may have the photos, though, so I'll have a rummage and let you know. Thanks for the comment, by the way!

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Many thanks, if you do turn up the photographs, that would be a bonus. My father is very tempted to return to 2mm modelling, I wonder if this equisite model will inspire him...


Not having much luck I'm afraid... but as Martyn says you can google to see it for yourself! I mentioned this in my first post, where you'll find directions... or just 'go' to Totnes and follow the track west!


The model, by the way, has got a new home.

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  • RMweb Gold

or just 'go' to Totnes and follow the track west

You need to take the A385 from Totnes towards Marley Head and Plymouth, and it's about 6 miles out of Totnes, on your right hand side. If you want to stop and take photos, best thing is to take the turning (country lane) to the right, signed to Rattery village and park near the viaduct itself, well clear of the very busy main road!

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You need to take the A385 from Totnes towards Marley Head and Plymouth, and it's about 6 miles out of Totnes, on your right hand side. If you want to stop and take photos, best thing is to take the turning (country lane) to the right, signed to Rattery village and park near the viaduct itself, well clear of the very busy main road!


I may, of course, be in error, but I have assumed that this is the location where a lane runs under the viaduct, passes an old water mill before climbing steeply up amid the trees.


I will attempt to make google streetview work for me!





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  • RMweb Gold

I may, of course, be in error, but I have assumed that this is the location where a lane runs under the viaduct, passes an old water mill before climbing steeply up amid the trees.


I will attempt to make google streetview work for me!





Yes, you are right!

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That's exactly what I thought John, all those years ago! To be part of a sweeping main line... that never came to fruition!! There was even a signal box sited not far to the east and a small siding perched high on the Rattery side, presumably serving the 'Rattery Corn Mill'. You can see both on the 1906 OS Map on the Old Maps web site... along with the locations of signals. Use Totnes as your starting point, give it time to load, then work your way west to the viaduct before you choose from the OS maps to the right. I often use this site to find out where my ancestors lived in dear ol' Brum!! Also, I can recall seeing a photo of the 'box' in some GWR book or another. IIRC it was a 'light-weight' timber structure, perched along the south side of the embankment.

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If I recall correctly the box was almost on the end of the viaduct and the signalman parked his car/bike under the arches and walked up a path from road level to the track.


The siding was used for short term loco storage as this was where the bankers "dropped off" after assisting up from Totnes, another addition to the reasons to reserect the original modelling project.

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I am intending to incorporate Allan's wonderful model into a section of mainline to link with my planned model of Brent and the half done Kingsbridge branch. Now I know there was a box there and siding, I will probably use the skewed road bridge a bit further on to Totnes as my scenic break. It's a wonderful location and I am very fortunate to have this great model to build around.

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