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Howard and I met up today for a chin wag and a further modelling session. He did some more work on the telephone poles and I did a little more to the BR brake van. We had a discussion about the wires for the TP's but as yet we have not reached a decision whether to fit them or not . Time will tell.


Meanwhile my next post will contain some photos of my latest purchase, watch this space.



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Shock! Horror! After months of speculation it was today confirmed that the CEO of Ramchester is all at sea! Despite trying to hide his identity with dark glasses he was spotted earlier today on this boat in Torquay harbour:-





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A couple of posts ago I promised to reveal my latest purchase so here it is.


The German class 50 2-10-0 loco and bogie tender produced by Lenz. I have to say this is a superb model and it looks huge! My first photo shows it at rest in the coal siding on Ramchester.


Next one shows the front end.


And from the rear.


Finally a comparison shot showing the loco face to face with my Jinty. The DB loco towers above the Jinty even though it is built to the smaller scale of 1:45 compared to the Jinty's 1:43.5. Massive eh!.


I really must begin to look at building my proposed DB layout. I have been looking at some station plans but have not decided yet on the track plan. This will probably need to be a separate thread when I finally get started on it.


All for now.



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A couple of posts ago I promised to reveal my latest purchase so here it is.


The German class 50 2-10-0 loco and bogie tender produced by Lenz. I have to say this is a superb model and it looks huge! My first photo shows it at rest in the coal siding on Ramchester.

attachicon.gifClass 50 at rest.jpg

Next one shows the front end.

attachicon.gifDB Class50 front.jpg

And from the rear.

attachicon.gifClass 50 from the rear.jpg

Finally a comparison shot showing the loco face to face with my Jinty. The DB loco towers above the Jinty even though it is built to the smaller scale of 1:45 compared to the Jinty's 1:43.5. Massive eh!.


I really must begin to look at building my proposed DB layout. I have been looking at some station plans but have not decided yet on the track plan. This will probably need to be a separate thread when I finally get started on it.


All for now.




Is this a scene from the sequel to "SS GB"? I think we should be told.



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A couple of posts ago I promised to reveal my latest purchase so here it is.


The German class 50 2-10-0 loco and bogie tender produced by Lenz. I have to say this is a superb model and it looks huge! My first photo shows it at rest in the coal siding on Ramchester.

attachicon.gifClass 50 at rest.jpg

Next one shows the front end.

attachicon.gifDB Class50 front.jpg

And from the rear.

attachicon.gifClass 50 from the rear.jpg

Finally a comparison shot showing the loco face to face with my Jinty. The DB loco towers above the Jinty even though it is built to the smaller scale of 1:45 compared to the Jinty's 1:43.5. Massive eh!.


I really must begin to look at building my proposed DB layout. I have been looking at some station plans but have not decided yet on the track plan. This will probably need to be a separate thread when I finally get started on it.


All for now.



Blimey, does it fit under the signal brackets? Lovely loco though!


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The loco runs as sweetly as it looks. Fabulous product (usual disclaimer). Cant wait to get the T3 when it is released.


In the meantime back to Ramchester. This morning I did a little protection work along the front of the fiddle yard. For some time I have been concerned about the possibility of catching something on stock when parked in the front road. The presence of the DB Class 50 gave me a kick up the rear end to do something about the situation. I searched in the garage and found two lengths of 6mm ply which had already been cut into suitably sized strips and after sanding them down these were pinned along the front edge of the fiddle yard giving about 2 inches of ply above the rail. At the bend in the base boards I cut part way through the ply and gently bent it round the corner and again pinned it to the front of the fiddle yard. The top was covered with plastic U shaped strips which had been in the garage for many years to finish off the facia.


An in the other direction.


The whole job did not take very long and I am pleased with the result.


More soon.



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Does that mean "Why, oh why?"



I think I am right in saying that the Lenz O gauge locos come fitted with sound decoders and automatic uncoupling, including a small movement to make the couplings go slack! Go on line, check out the prices - they are a real bargain. Who would balk at £1590 for that 2-10-0 with excellent sound already fitted, superb detail, auto uncoupling under DCC control, exemplary smooth slow running and it will go round 4' curves. If I wasn't already committed to US ng.....



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I think I am right in saying that the Lenz O gauge locos come fitted with sound decoders and automatic uncoupling, including a small movement to make the couplings go slack! Go on line, check out the prices - they are a real bargain. Who would balk at £1590 for that 2-10-0 with excellent sound already fitted, superb detail, auto uncoupling under DCC control, exemplary smooth slow running and it will go round 4' curves. If I wasn't already committed to US ng.....



I could probably add automatic uncoupling to the radio control system I'm working on for about £1.59!

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You are quite right Chaz, sound, lights,cab lights, auto uncoupling, the lot great value. I purxhased mine direct from Germany and it did not cost me as much as £1500.00 so it is even more of a bargain. Had I realised how the Lenz range was going to develop I would probably have built Ramchester as a DB layout - hindsight is a wonderful thing. Still I am planning to put a smaller DB layout down the middle of "Platform 2".



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Finally a comparison shot showing the loco face to face with my Jinty. The DB loco towers above the Jinty even though it is built to the smaller scale of 1:45 compared to the Jinty's 1:43.5. Massive eh!.




Somewhere, I have a photo of my Dapol "Terrier" sitting next to my C&O Allegheny 2-6-6-6...   :sungum:  :O


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A couple of posts ago I promised to reveal my latest purchase so here it is.


The German class 50 2-10-0 loco and bogie tender produced by Lenz. I have to say this is a superb model and it looks huge! My first photo shows it at rest in the coal siding on Ramchester.

attachicon.gifClass 50 at rest.jpg

Next one shows the front end.

attachicon.gifDB Class50 front.jpg

And from the rear.

attachicon.gifClass 50 from the rear.jpg

Finally a comparison shot showing the loco face to face with my Jinty. The DB loco towers above the Jinty even though it is built to the smaller scale of 1:45 compared to the Jinty's 1:43.5. Massive eh!.


I really must begin to look at building my proposed DB layout. I have been looking at some station plans but have not decided yet on the track plan. This will probably need to be a separate thread when I finally get started on it.


All for now.



Hi Rod,


Lovely loco.


Where will you house your new german adventure?





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Here's a pic taken today of the latest telegraph poles. I have no intention of adding wires - apart from all the work involved in stringing up wires it would also require reinforcing the bases of the poles to keep them upright!



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Howard and I spent a very enjoyable afternoon woeking on Ramchester. He put the finishing touches to the last two telephone poles and I am pleased to say that this job is done, at last. The first photo is of the last but one pole.


And the second is the LAST pole!


Finally just a shot of the Black 5 waiting for the off while the 4F backs into the spur to take on water.



I have continued to work on the Brake Van and will post a couple of photos next time.



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As promised in my last post here are a couple of shots of the brake van.


And the underside.


I must confess that this is not my best work by a long way but I travel in hopes that the finished article will be acceptable to the Ramchester Board!



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Hi Rod,


Looks okay to me......and about as far as Ive gotten with one of mine!


I cant recall if I used the brass plates on the veranda/platform ends with the whitemetal 'concrete' weights or not.....I think I did too (if thats what it reqd in the instructions). Ha ha!


Keep up the good work, youll beat me to it!





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Spent the afternoon having a clear up and a track cleaning session ready for tomorrows visit by another group of EXG0G members who have as yet not seen Ramchester in the flesh. I also checked over the electrics which to my horror appeared to have failed. However after a short time I realized that I had inadvertently placed a metal tin across the track while cleaning it and once I spotted this all was well. Phew what a scare I had and I called myself all sorts of names which are not repeatable here.


So all is well (I hope) for tomorrow and hopefully I'll have a few pictures to post later this week.



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The visit of yesterday by some of the members of EXG0G went well and it was nice to "show off" the layout and to see it running. I know the day went well and we all enjoyed the session Here are a few photos of the event.

First the "gang" fron left to right we have Howard, Andrew, John, Barrie, and Kevin.


Next just to show that I do exist is the group, less Kevin, with yours truly in the middle.


Then we see Kevin at the controls while John is busy taking a photo.


Then Barrie took over.


Finally Andrew is seen coupling up his train.



Over the weekend I will post more photos of visiting locos to Ramchester and a time warp!.


Watch this space.



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The visit of yesterday by some of the members of EXG0G went well and it was nice to "show off" the layout and to see it running. I know the day went well and we all enjoyed the session Here are a few photos of the event.

First the "gang" fron left to right we have Howard, Andrew, John, Barrie, and Kevin.

attachicon.gifHoward Andrew John Barrie Kevin.jpg

Next just to show that I do exist is the group, less Kevin, with yours truly in the middle.

attachicon.gifHoward Andrew Me John Barrie.jpg

Then we see Kevin at the controls while John is busy taking a photo.

attachicon.gifKevin & John.jpg

Then Barrie took over.

attachicon.gifBarrie at the controls.jpg

Finally Andrew is seen coupling up his train.

attachicon.gifAndrew coupling his train.jpg


Over the weekend I will post more photos of visiting locos to Ramchester and a time warp!.


Watch this space.



Hi Rod,


Great to see you all having fun with the layout!





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