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Southern Region - 1960s

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In the early 1960s my employer English Electric Aviation was in collaboration with Vickers of Weybridge in Surrey. This collaboration together with firms from Germany and Italy developed wnat later became the "Tornado" swing-wing aircraft. For me this resulted in a number of rail trips to Euston and then from Waterloo to Weybridge. These visits were really my first real experiences of the Southern Region. My Loco log book for the southern was very sparsely underlined, a bit like the Western. Whereas most of the older Southern steam locosw were already rapidly disappearing by this time I did manage to see one one two but the mainstay was the West Country and Merchant Navy Pacifics. Backing these up was a collection of BR 4-6-0s, 2-6-4Ts and 2-6-2Ts as well as Deisel and Electric locos. As I have remarked elsewhere if possible I always took my camera(s) with me and these visits enabled me to widen my portfolio of railway photographs, and to include a region that I had been unable to visit.

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The quality of this first selection of photographs is not too good. The originals are grainy to say the least, but I think that they are of sufficient interest to include.


The first are taken in 1963.


The first few are taken as we left Waterloo.

Merchant Navy 35023 "Holland Afrika Line"



A second MN 35016 "Elders Fyffes"



Next we passed West Country shunting its own train. It is 34024 "Tamar Valley".



Waiting to return from Weybridge WC 34016 "Bodmin" hurries past. This was a fast stretch of line and trains passed through Weybridge at speeds in the 70s and 80s.



A down train from Waterloo with MN 35027 "Port Line" in charge.



Unrebuilt BB 34061 "73 Squadron" passing as we returned to London.



Class Q 30542 stands at Surbiton.



S15 30514 4-6-0 Also at Surbiton.




WC 34098 "Templecombe" and MN 35017 "Belgian Marine" stand side by side at Waterloo


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Another working visit to Weybridge in March 1963. Quite a few of the shots taken on these visits were taken from a moving train which doesn't assist picture quality but we only get one chance.


BB 34082 "615 Squadron" stands with it train at Waterloo.



BR 2-6-2T 82022. I have this down as Clapham Junction. Perhaps someone can conform this.



MN 35029 "Ellerman Lines" hurtles though Weybridge bound for Waterloo.



In the opposite direction MN 35023 Holland Afrika Line hurries along on the down fast.



BR Class 5 73046 which we passed on the way back to Waterloo.


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It's actually quite an astonishing thought, that these photographs are contemporary to developement work on a supersonic aeroplane which is still in service today. I'm not sure what point I'm trying to make, I just find it incredible!


Even more incredible is the fact that the first supersonic aeroplane that I worked on, The English Electric Lightning, was already in service. The ill fated TSR2 regarded as a very advanced supersonic design was cancelled about this time. I was one of those lucky enough to see it in flight.

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Moving on now to March 1965 and now armed with a better camera, yet another trip to Weybridge.


First we have Battle of Britain no 34050 "Royal Observer Corps" standing at the buffer stops at Waterloo.



Next West Country No. 34097 "Holsworthy" leaving with its train.



BR 4MT 73110 at Waterloo. In the background is the rear of BB 34085 "501 Squadron"



S15 30847 was standing with its train as we passed. As usual on my photographic outings it was raining. I have the location down as Surbiton.



Also at Surbiton was this BR 4MT 73082.



Shortly afterwards we were passed by Merchant Navy 35027 "Port Line".



Behind that was this BB class 34085 "501 Squadron"



On the return Deisel Type 3 D6544 stands at Surbiton.



Back at Waterloo merchant Navy 35016 "Elders Fyffes" stands at the platform ready to depart.


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S15 30847 was standing with its train as we passed. As usual on my photographic outings it was raining. I have the location down as Surbiton.



Also at Surbiton was this BR 4MT 73082.



I think these two *might* be Wimbledon? (with a proviso that these were taken 8years before I was born...)



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  • RMweb Premium

I think these two *might* be Wimbledon? (with a proviso that these were taken 8years before I was born...)




You could be right. It was a long time ago. I just seem to recall it as Surbiton, At least that is what is on the few notes that I have.

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Nothing too exciting this time. Perhaps the weather was darker than usual. The date is September 1965


BR 2-6-4T 80011 trundles through Weybridge with a freight. What load is that? The visible wagons are all "XP". The first of these has a tarpaulin bar.





Back at Waterloo two BR tank engines. 4MT 2-6-4T 80133 and 2MT 2-6-2T 82027.



On the next visit the weather was much worse but the results were much better. You will have to wait until the next posting - tomorrow with luck.

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You could be right. It was a long time ago. I just seem to recall it as Surbiton, At least that is what is on the few notes that I have.


Hi Arthur. More lovely pics and of many loco's I saw so many time down in East Devon. My last visit in steam days to Waterloo and Clapham Junc was August 64. Just as an aside, 35016 was known in Exeter as Old Bananas!

Sincerely, Phil R.

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Quite agree. All those buildings with billboards were on the reverse curves in that area.

Your right, the spot is between Nine Elms and Vauxhall. The 2-6-2T is on the Down Windsor Slow probably with empties for Clapham Yard. The photo was taken from the Down Main.


Arthur, I drive this line and I am always impressed with old photos of the Weymouth-Waterloo line. Most old photos I see tend to be repeated between books and taken from the usual spots, so your photos are a refeshing change. Keep em coming.

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As I said in my previous posting the weather for this next trip was the worst of all. It started wwith sleet and got steadily worse with quite a heavy snow fall and this was April 1966. However it did enable my the get some good atmospheric shots.


As we left Waterloo this BR 5MT 75085 was reversing out of the platform.



We met this West Country 34025 "Whimple". Evcn in this kind of weather you can get some interesting shots.



By the side of the track was this Electrro Deisel No E6015. I saw a few of these on the trips that I made. I know very little about them. No doubt some one will tell me exactly where it is.



With the snow still falling Battle of Britain No. 34057 "Biggin Hill" passes on the adjacent line.post-6751-12603907792446_thumb.jpg


Back at Waterloo we have a nice snowy shot with BR 4MT No. 73088 and Merchant Navy No. 35010 "Blue Star" waiting to depart. Steam and smoke show up to advantage when the weather is cold.



Another view of 73088.



And the last on this trip another view of 35010 with the snow still falling.



That is it for this journey. There is just one more to come, this time the weather was rather better.

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As I said in my previous posting the weather for this next trip was the worst of all. It started wwith sleet and got steadily worse with quite a heavy snow fall and this was April 1966. However it did enable my the get some good atmospheric shots.


That is it for this journey. There is just one more to come, this time the weather was rather better.

Having greatly enjoyed your masterful shots from the NE, it comes as no surprise that your LSWR photos are excellent. Much of my early numbersnatching was done on that main line, and in Autumn 1966 I was on a 9-week course right by Waterloo throat. Thanks for posting - and do keep them coming if you find any more! By the way, the occasional error in location identification doesn't matter toffees in comparison with the impact of such fine pictures, which stand scrutiny in their own right!


The Electro-diesels appeared in the early 60s. They have 1600 hp on the juice, and 600 on diesel, which is enough to let them do useful work over limited distances off the juice. When I spent a week on the footplate on the South Eastern in 1974, I found the EDLs to be more comfortable than either the straight electrics of Class 71, or the BRCW Type 3s of Class 33.

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