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On Cairns Road Workbench - a Colas Class 37 and some 20s

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Hi All,

I've decided to post some pictures of my locos as a thread here, as I personally prefer the thread approach to the blog approach. I will attempt to give some info on how i've gone about it to stick with the topic guidelines. First up is a repaint of a Bachmann 66 into debranded Advenza Freight livery. John at Precision Labels asked me to have a go with some transfers he'd done which attempt to replicate where the Advenza branding had been removed on 66843 without washing it. So i painted and weathered the loco, then varnished it with standard gloss varnish, applied the transfers onto wet Johnsons Klear mixed with water on the bodysides, allowed them to dry and used Micro Sol to get them to grip to the 66 bodysides, left it to dry, varnished it again with Gloss, and then matt varnish to finish it. Here is the completed loco:


Here is a view of the transfers up close:


And here are a couple of side profile shots:


I also wiped the weathering off the cabside where the new First logo is - just like the real thing.


Let me know what you think.



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Hi Andi,


Certainly looks good to me. You've achieved an excellent finish on this 66-though I do think it's the least interesting of liveries applied to one of these engines.


Keep them coming!




Cornish 37's-now there's a thought!wink.gif

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Hi Andi,


Very nice. The technique and finish are excellent, and what you have achieved is create a very specific snapshot in time. Is this method going to be applied to other logos - for example Northern Rail debranded Arriva where the dirt stuck to the left over adhesive of the original transfers. And what about the dreadful practise of patch painting that many Arriva class 150s had in the early 2000's? I think it is great - but as a modeller you'd have to be sure of your timescale to operate such a loco.


Is the loco a commission?




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Thanks for all the kind comments!




It isn't a commission as such, I was asked to do it by Precision Labels. I have no particular use for it myself but I quite like it. I'm all for patch painted locos / units, and can remember well the Arriva logos on the Regional Railways 150/2s! I have previous in this area, I did 37401 in horribly patch painted Royal Scotsman maroon with several different shades of maroon patched on to it!





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,


Yes since married life took over workbench progress has slowed!!


I wasn't sure of the new format of the site, until i decided to set up this thread which replicates what i used to like about the old site. It seems that many of my favourite authors on here don't post as much either! Anyway I'm sure this thread will be up and running again in the new year. As a preview on my workbench at the moment is a Bachmann 47/57 combo which will appear as 47739. Why I didn't just buy the Vitrains one is beyond me! Next up is another model of 56312, this time using all the nice new detailing bits from Shawplan! After that, I am doing a trio of Northern Rail DMUs. I might get round to finishing 92017 Bart the Engine as well - the shell is painted, just need to finish the underframe - a hybrid of Lima 92 and Bachmann 66 with Olivias 92 sound!





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Yes since married life took over workbench progress has slowed!!


After that, I am doing a trio of Northern Rail DMUs.


Hi Andi,


Married life does that to you - Kids then slow it even more!


Looking forward to seeing the NR DMUs.


Good luck for 2010,



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Agree with Andi of Cairnsroadworks, I miss the quality of posting on the old site's 'workbench' some of my favorites Grimleygrid & Pugsley + others I can't remember at the moment don't seem to post as often now or maybe it's me, I don't understand this 'blog' malarky.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Andi,


Glad to see you havn't given up posting on here as I always look forward to seeing your latest models. I know this has been seen before but as you mentioned 37 401 I thought I would add a photo of your excellent rendition of 401 in its battered condition. Once I get Rannoch finished this will be a regular feature on the layout. Must admit I quite like it in its current condition as well every month there is new images of it looking work stained in Rail Express which does tempt me but this version was certainly more interesting a the time!




I will also keep an eye out for the Northern units given my current mini project of Morecambe. Any progress pics of my DRS 37's?


Keep up the good work,




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Sorry for the lack of replies lately, and thanks to all for the comments. Everytime I have tried to come on here it has been down so frustration took over!


Anyway here is the latest loco to appear from the paintshop..... predictable i know! Managed to finish in record time last night!






Let me know what you think.





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Sorry for the lack of replies lately, and thanks to all for the comments. Everytime I have tried to come on here it has been down so frustration took over!


Anyway here is the latest loco to appear from the paintshop..... predictable i know! Managed to finish in record time last night!






Let me know what you think.






Looking good Andi,


Should be starting mine next week with a view to having it finished for Glasgow!


What red did you use? I have quite a bit of the DB stuff left, as well as the original DB stuff I used on my early 59 & 66, the real thing seems to be brighter, I'm thinking of using DB red with a white undercoat similar to how I did the 59 & 66.


I've hardly had a chance to do anything recently with getting the Glasgow showguide details sorted out as well as having an 8 month old around the house nowbiggrin.gif





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Definitely DB Red in my opinion. I don't really understand why people think its anything else?? Its a DB Schenker liveried loco with a canada maple leaf on it! Sorry, rant over!


Forgot to thank John at Precision Labels for his excellent speedy service with the decals as usual.


Craig - I used white undercoat, it seems to work the best. I tried grey originally on my DB 59 but white looks much better i think. Looking forward to seeing your model!


Mark - you can definitely justify one! You know it makes sense!





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Oh, and Mark D - I forgot to reply to you earlier, many apologies! Thanks for resurrecting 37401 for me - I think i need to do that again with the latest Bachmann 37/4 - was always a favourite of mine that one. As for the DRS 37s - they are all painted up and await transfers and the magic lighting ingredient!





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Definitely DB Red in my opinion. I don't really understand why people think its anything else?? Its a DB Schenker liveried loco with a canada maple leaf on it! Sorry, rant over!


Forgot to thank John at Precision Labels for his excellent speedy service with the decals as usual.


Craig - I used white undercoat, it seems to work the best. I tried grey originally on my DB 59 but white looks much better i think. Looking forward to seeing your model!


Mark - you can definitely justify one! You know it makes sense!






Cheers mate,


Decals orderedbiggrin.gif





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Andi,


I'd better gone on with my Morecambe project so they have a decent setting for them to run in! Still contemplating saving up to put a couple of Howes 37 chips in them as well but just bought a car for travelling to my new work so might have to put that on my wants list! 20 307 has had a run on my layout - well the 2 boards that are now built and wired up! The DB 67 looks very good and spot on to the photos I have seen of it in REX!




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Forgot to say next up will be 37409 in DRS, 47714 in Anglia and some Northern units!






Nice work.

Here's my NR 150276, in the soon to be disappearing straight stripe livery.post-408-126582512699_thumb.jpg




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