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Smithdown Road Junction


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Hi Simon,


 Yes there is a sensor, part of the Heathcote electronics range, its called a Mass sequencer, fairly simple to install and nice to watch the signal control itself.

I shall be using more of these in future, cuts down on wiring!





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Hello all,


 Another day tinkering with the layout, a few hours were spent playing around the camera and here's a short video.



I also spent quite a while filming the same train running all over the layout, I did this in picture form early on in the thread but i'm thinking a video would be better? If anyone would like to see just say and i'l crack on and finish it. 





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I concur with the above, this is a fantastic layout and beautifully filmed too.


Do whatever you think is best Graham, I'm sure it would be great.


To my shame my N Gauge dabblings have stalled a little but seeing Smithdown Rd looking and running this good may give me the kick up the wotsit I need.


Great stuff.

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I've said before..but I love looking over this thread. This is probably one of the most clever uses of space for a layout I've seen. You can tell a lot of planning and work went into this. I would never be able to come up with such a creative track plan off the top of my head lol !




Hi Marcus, 


 Thanks for the comment, I think the trackplan was more luck than planning, when i started building it the bottom was planned out but the top level was all just idea's, i prefer to work like that as i would rather build what looks right than what will fit.




I concur with the above, this is a fantastic layout and beautifully filmed too.


Do whatever you think is best Graham, I'm sure it would be great.


To my shame my N Gauge dabblings have stalled a little but seeing Smithdown Rd looking and running this good may give me the kick up the wotsit I need.


Great stuff.


Hi Matt, 


 Thanks for the comment, The video i was thinking of doing is what i did in pictures on page 2 or 3? basically one train travelling over every inch of the layout, I'l see how i get on, the majority is filmed but i think it may be a bit long.





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  • 1 month later...

Welcome to Smithdown Road Junction, A busy section of the WCML roughly around the Wembley area. The layout is built using code 80 track on a plywood baseboard, It has two levels and can run three trains simultaneously, has an 8 road fiddle yard and reverse loops so trains can run pretty much anywhere on the layout without stopping. This is the second incarnation of the layout, The first being slightly smaller and differing in trackplan. It has been on RM web for a few years in blog form but i would now prefer it in Layout topics. I will keep the blog but use it for workbench updates like kits etc.


Thanks for reading











Like the layout and would like to book for an exhibition - can you send details to erithmrs@gmail.com please



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  • 3 months later...

Hello all, 


 The layout hasn't seen the light of day since January but its next outing will be the 26th of july at the Pevensey model railway exhibition, after that it will be appearing at the Worthing show on the 27th and 28th of September. 






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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all,


 I've set the layout up this week to make a couple of small changes, mainly making the top level freight line usable by both DC or DCC.

I'm in the process of building a new layout using DCC and recently purchased a sound fitted 66 which i'm very pleased with, rather than limiting it to a small shunting layout i thought it would be good if it could stretch its legs on Smithdown Road and so i'm adapting the wiring a little. 


I've also had two wagons fitted with flashing tail lamps, again these work on DCC with there own decoders, very pleased with these to.


I made a short video this evening but the tail lamp is quite hard to see on camera.






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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Graham,

Model Rail dropped through the letter box yesterday, the article and photos are fantastic.

I liked the comment about your wiring looking like the underground map, my parents said the same thing when I brought Stuarts Lane home last year!



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Hi Graham,


I've been reading your thread with interest and likewise think the write up in model rail is great.


One thing I'm hoping you can shed some light on is the gradients of your inclines and helix. My own layout will, once completed, have inclines and declines due to the limited available space.


They'll need to be around 1 in 40 so I'm hoping this won't cause any issues - the train lengths seem quite similar to yours.





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One thing I'm hoping you can shed some light on is the gradients of your inclines and helix. My own layout will, once completed, have inclines and declines due to the limited available space.


They'll need to be around 1 in 40 so I'm hoping this won't cause any issues - the train lengths seem quite similar to yours.




Hi John,


 I'l have to check the gradient on the helix as i really can't remember, The layout is Going to the Worthing show this weekend so i'l have a measure up and let you know. 


On the right hand side the incline is very steep, i think 1 in 28 is being generous, its also on a fairly tight curve but nearly all the loco's manage ok, A farish 60 will haul 13 JGA wagons up with relative ease.





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Unable to get to Worthing this w/end G, would have like to seen it, ............have been volunteered,to help move,youngest son to Hawkinge aerodrome (ex).


Have a great weekend.................


Hi David,


 Shame you can't make the Worthing show, not to worry though its at the Canterbury show in January 2015.



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